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Fox & Friends Poll Designed to Discredit Medicare for All Explodes in Their Face

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posted on Aug, 2 2018 @ 03:10 AM
a reply to: FyreByrd

Some people here might be surprised but I think we need a system like Britain. Don’t think that I will be voting dems anytime soon though, I’m not a one issue voter.

posted on Aug, 2 2018 @ 03:11 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: FyreByrd

How much does America spend on "healthcare" now? $33 Trillion over 10 years might be a bargain?

Edit: I see in 2015, it was $3.2 Trillion.

It would cost less to cover everyone than it currently costs to not cover everyone. If we took the for profit out of the industry I'm sure we could save even more. I am for 2 tiers public and private the same type of system that we have in education. If you want better care you can pay out of pocket.

The only problem I see is this. If we fail to regulate pricing we will end up in the same craphole as we are in with College tuition. Everyone likes to take as much money as they can when the loans are government or the system is paid for by taxes.

edit on 2-8-2018 by Isurrender73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2018 @ 04:15 AM
How in the world do people think they will be able to get the corporate profit out of health care?

Honest question, Even trump said he used to buy congressmen when needed, do yall honestly think you can get congress to pass a law that would remove the profit aspect with those corporations throwing big money at them to keep the profit aspect in it.

This is not a republican or democrat argument, its a corruption in Dc argument.

posted on Aug, 2 2018 @ 05:39 AM

originally posted by: FyreByrd

originally posted by: watchitburn
How are Govt backed student loans going? They sure made college more affordable didn't they.

Wasn't Obama care supposed to to do the same thing?

You really think medical costs will be reduced with the Govt footing the entire bill?

How gullible can you be?


No sh*t Sherlock.

But they serve as a good example of what happens when there is too much interference by the Govt in an industry.

Costs never go down, they always go up.

posted on Aug, 2 2018 @ 06:26 AM

originally posted by: Abysha

originally posted by: burdman30ott6
a reply to: FyreByrd
Honestly, I don't give a rat's ass how many Americans support it... I'm not paying for your damn healthcare. I'll cover my own responsibilities, as I always have, please feel free to do the same.

I won't do the same because I do care about yours. And if you ended up unemployed and lost all of your assets through some incredibly bad luck, I'd be happy knowing you can still go to the doctor to remove that stone where your heart should be.

Burd would likely find another job.

Care about reading EXISTING laws?

Medicare for all already exists.

And it doesn't cost 32 Trillion.

posted on Aug, 2 2018 @ 06:48 AM
All things being equal (money), let's think about it for a sec....

Health vs Military


posted on Aug, 2 2018 @ 06:58 AM

originally posted by: scraedtosleep
a reply to: FyreByrd

People would rather have a healthy society instead of more money.

So, I am guessing you, personally, are willing to give any money you have above what provides for the basics, to help others be healthy? Are you doing that now?

posted on Aug, 2 2018 @ 07:00 AM

originally posted by: TXRabbit
All things being equal (money), let's think about it for a sec....

Health vs Military


I have to admit, I'd rather my excessive taxation go to healthcare over the ridiculous amount of money spent on the military .

posted on Aug, 2 2018 @ 08:01 AM

originally posted by: drewlander

originally posted by: CharlesT

But what the Associated Press headline fails to announce is a much more sanguine update: The report, by Senior Research Strategist Charles Blahous, found that under Sanders’s plan, overall health costs would go down, and wages would go up.

The study, which came out of the Koch-funded research center, was initially provided to the AP with a cost estimate that exceeded previous ones by an incredible $3 trillion — a massive error that was found and corrected by Sanders’s staff when approached by AP for comment.

Blahous’s paper, titled “The Costs of a National Single-Payer Healthcare System,” estimates total national health expenditures. Even though his cost-saving estimates are more conservative than others, he acknowledges that Sanders’s “Medicare for All” plan would yield a $482 billion reduction in health care spending, and over $1.5 trillion in administrative savings, for a total of $2 trillion less in overall health care expenditures between 2022 and 2031, compared to current spending.

Open the link and read the article if you dare to be open minded.

Seriously? 3.3 trillion in spending in 2016 on the HHS website. You are trying to convince me that of 3.3 trillion, that 1.5 trillion is administrative expenses, or this is a joke? Explain how slashing 1.5 trillion is an increase in wages and not a decrease in employment? Sanders is going senile or these people think we are stupid.

Dude, seriously?

The 3.3 trillion is for ONE YEAR.

The 1.5 trillion is across TEN YEARS.

It is 1.5 trillion out of more than 33 trillion.

edit on 2/8/2018 by rnaa because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2018 @ 08:02 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: FyreByrd

President Trump should join Democrats on the "Medicare for All" bandwagon. That would be VERY SMART!

Bill Clinton on the topic of health care here I did a double take. Truth be told

edit on 2-8-2018 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2018 @ 08:04 AM

originally posted by: FyreByrd

originally posted by: Throes

originally posted by: Nyiah

originally posted by: burdman30ott6

originally posted by: CharlesT

Being rather selfish and self serving, are you?

I work for my own money and support my own family... I'm not exchanging my precious time, blood, sweat, and tears to support people I owe no responsibility to.

You already do. Where do you think your health insurance payments disappear to, a void? No, they get pooled, then pulled and used to pay another policy holder's claims.

Seriously dude. You're already playing a socialist game here, you just don't realize it.

It’s not a socialist game. My employer goes through a process to select the best private insurance company for our pool. There is no selection process when it comes to socialized health care. We need to end the cronyism and create a true free market health care system. We need to do the opposite of socialized medicine. We haven’t had a free market health system in over a half of a century.

LOL - your employer selects the 'cheapest' option that meets minumum requirement and then you pay the most of the cost however your employer can swing.

Our employer is very open and honest when providing our options in their search for health care providers. That might be a rarity but it’s an example of working for a good employer. They pay for 93% of the coverage costs. They set us up with HSA,s and fund them $1,500, we just need to add the rest to meet the deductible.

posted on Aug, 2 2018 @ 08:13 AM

originally posted by: FyreByrd

originally posted by: Throes
Canada wait times:

Can’t wait for this!

The Fraser Institute bias Fraser Institute. The Fraser Institute is a Canadian public policy think tank and registered charity. It has been described as politically conservative and libertarian. Fraser Institute - Wikipedia

How about forbes? That a better source? Nothing like refuting content based on source. I’ll add 5 sources so you can’t run away from facts. aiting-list

We need a system with free market principles. I do not trust our government to efficiently provide health care for all of us.
edit on 2-8-2018 by Throes because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-8-2018 by Throes because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2018 @ 08:20 AM
a reply to: atsgrounded

But we don't currently have a "free market" - - that is the issue with the current system. We have government protected monopolies that causes the out of control pricing that we see. Competition is practically prohibited. When is the last time anybody in the medical industry had to publish their prices - - is that permitted in any other industry? When you can buy a round trip ticket to Japan and get the same quality of MRI there for less than what it costs to drive down the street and get one you know there is a problem. It's not that the "free market" system is failing. The "free market" system isn't allowed to operate. There is 100+ year old law that is ignored by congress that has allowed the medical industry to plunder the wallets of the american people. Just a couple examples...



That Anti-Venom is $100 in Mexico - - the patient in the US gets charged nearly 40K for it!! - - yet if I wanted to buy it in Mexico, bring it to the US and sell for $200/vial my butt ends up in jail. Protected monopolies.

There is no free market when it comes to healthcare in this country and THAT is the problem with our out of control costs. Allow competition and things would change drastically - - but free market and capitalism are such taboo words these days that 1/2 the nation will spiral out of control at the mere mentioning of such a system. So our current system will implode - - that's inevitable - - what we replace it with is the question.

posted on Aug, 2 2018 @ 09:43 AM
I'm not big on these polls, as they are often shared and circulated by people on the opposite side of the aisle who simply want to vote to screw up the final results.

Let's put this into perspective (as I've already done the math).

32.6 Trillion divided by the number of working Americans (roughly 153 million, comes out to 213k. Divide that again by the 10-year overall cost average, and we come to the cost for each individual working American, at just over $21,000. Per year.

I don't know about you, but I know that the majority of health insurance plans cost a hell of a lot less than $21,000 per year.

So what do we do? raise taxes by 20k? raise the minimum wage to compensate for the extra tax? watch prices of everything skyrocket to compensate for the extra pay wages? Throw in some more federal subsidies to "lower" (which will never happen, and always results in more rises in the end) costs? Which will lead to more taxes?

Venezuela, here we come.

posted on Aug, 2 2018 @ 10:01 AM
'Medicare for all'
"A majority say yes to healthcare for all! The benefits: Guaranteed medical care, dental, vision and hearing, for all Americans, free at the point-of-care. The savings: $2 trillion over 10 years."

Just the fact that they estimate cost over 10 years should be enough to make you suspicious. Has there ever been a 10 year period in which medical expenses did not go up? Sometimes by a lot?

Guaranteed medical care, dental, vision and hearing, for all Americans, free at the point-of-care? Medicare doesn't pay for all of this. What it does pay for, it only covers 80%. When everyone gets this, costs will rise to make up the difference. They will still get the full amount and then you will get a bill saying you owe the other 20% on top of that.

The promise in the article is not an honest presentation. I'm not sure I believe that $32.6 trillion figure either. As some here have pointed out, you will still have out of pocket expenses for prescriptions, etc. Many doctors do not accept Medicare so you will receive a lower tier of service.

Something does need done about the current state of affairs but until I can see a realistic assessment of cost and benefits, I'm not sure this is it. This is a sales pitch much like the one we saw for Obamacare. Let's get rid of fraud and abuse and get drug prices down. Most of health care costs are unrealistic today. If the govt takes over even more, it will only get worse.

posted on Aug, 2 2018 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: dothedew

Some current prices for ya.

$1,100 a month X 12 =13,000 + $5,000 deductible family limit= 18,000 for a family of 4. This does not take into account the copays-out of networks-pharma.

There is no easy answer. Too much money in this to make changes that are good for "consumers" and bad for the corps.
edit on 2-8-2018 by atsgrounded because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2018 @ 11:02 AM
I personally would like to see universal healthcare.The good thing is,IMO,that this is finally getting the light of day.So now we can kicks the tires and look under the hood to see if this is actually workable or not.My 2 cents.

posted on Aug, 2 2018 @ 11:14 AM
With, is it 5 (?), huge corps owning the free press. Do we think that there are going to be many stories in favor of universal care? After all the huge corps that own the press also in many many cases own medical concerns as well.

Is is why the Repubs and Dems have boned us all and I think it is and was through lobbying. We are now in the final quivering stages of this perverted system that started earnestly (for the US) in 1913.

originally posted by: buckwhizzle
I personally would like to see universal healthcare.The good thing is,IMO,that this is finally getting the light of day.So now we can kicks the tires and look under the hood to see if this is actually workable or not.My 2 cents.

edit on 2-8-2018 by atsgrounded because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2018 @ 11:38 AM

originally posted by: atsgrounded
a reply to: dothedew

Some current prices for ya.

$1,100 a month X 12 =13,000 + $5,000 deductible family limit= 18,000 for a family of 4. This does not take into account the copays-out of networks-pharma.

There is no easy answer. Too much money in this to make changes that are good for "consumers" and bad for the corps.

At most for my family of four I’ll pay $4,500 out of pocket with my current HDHP and employer HSA funding incentive.

posted on Aug, 2 2018 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: pointessa

Yes I am and yes I do.

For example I have given up my food money to help pay the rent of my poor friends many times.

I have let homeless people live in my spare room for free and feed them while they were here.

Have you ever done anything for anyone without getting something in return?

You know what I don't even care if you have or not. I will still gladly pay more taxes so that you can have better healthcare.

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