posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 09:59 AM
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'Deliverance' in my mind as far as cringing while watching goes, is second only to the greenhouse scene in 'Scum', possibly the darkest Brit flick
ever made!
...oh we say 'banjo country' here (the moors etc). Many years ago, one of my roles was to visit old people approaching pension age to verify their
birth and marriage certificates so they could get their contributory state pension as a couple.
This one couple in darkest Bodmin moor were already being paid 'Income Support' as a couple so it should have been simple enough, see the
certificates, cup of tea and chat, then back to the office.
Oh no, it turned out they were brother and sister! Awkward moment I stammered "That's fine, we'll write to you in a couple of weeks regarding your
pensions" and scurried away.
I imagined some deformed 'Bubba' type offspring locked in an outhouse on their property and sped off not looking back once!