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Mandela Effect - Stouffers Stove Top Stuffing DOES NOT EXIST ANYMORE

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posted on Jul, 27 2018 @ 02:33 PM

originally posted by: Pearj

originally posted by: scraedtosleep
a reply to: Pearj

I found this.

Yeah - that's a good find (that's where I got the screenshot in the OP) - there's tons of stuff like that..

It says "Stouffers Stove Top Stuffing" and even shows calorie info - but shows a Kraft box. Downright creepy.

Do you have any other examples i can look at?

I do not get the same results from google as you display in the op.

edit on 27-7-2018 by howtonhawky because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2018 @ 03:34 PM

originally posted by: Pearj

There is an immense amount of 'residue' - tons upon tons of people referencing Stouffer's Stove Top Stuffing in recipes etc - but no images.

As usual, you can find many articles with an image of Kraft stuffing but with the text of "Stoffer's"...

(they give calorie info for Stouffer's stuffing, but show Kraft)
For some reason with the Mandela Effect you get constant examples where the title in the HTML is what we remember - but the photo, byline and text is changed. It doesn't have to do with the code of the page though - because it's prevalent in Newspapers too - where the paper is archived as an image - so the image in a newspaper will be a sale ad titled "Stouffers Stuffing" - with a Kraft box.. though they're combined.

So where did all these people get Stouffers Stove Top Stuffing from? They didn't just make it up out of thin air.

Not out of thin air, but due to alliteration.

If enough people are confused by the alliteration of "STOUFfers" and "STOVe Top", then a lot of people might do a search for Stouffers Stove Top Stuffing. And if enough people do a Google search for it, then Google will create results pages for all of those erroneous searches.

That's simply the way Google works. It doesn't mean that the product ever existed; it only means that enough people think it existed and have done a Google search for it, and they only think it existed due to the name alliteration I mentioned before.

Stouffers has always been a frozen foods comany. They would have no reason to make stove top stuffing; it doesn't fit their business model.

Kraft now owns Stove Top, but they didn't always. General Foods used to own it, but they didn't market it a "General Foods Stove TopStuffing". They called it only "Stove Top Stuffing". Kraft and General Foods merged in the 1990s.

edit on 27/7/2018 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2018 @ 08:45 PM
a reply to: Pearj

From company history it seems they had 3 divisions a restaurant division, hotel and FROZEN foods. Cant find any reference to Stouffer's Stove Top Stuffing. Not saying you are wrong just weird there is nothing on it.

As far as stuffing/dressing becoming a regular staple of the Thanksgiving Day meal, there are written records as far back as 1836. When the stuffing began leaving the actual insides of the animal being cooked is another question. Today, though, many people serve their stuffing/dressing as a side dish prepared directly in a casserole dish.

Some would say this process really took off in the 1970’s with the introduction and mass production of Stovetop Stuffing. Suddenly, the only thing your stuffing actually got stuffed into was the box you purchased it in off the shelves.

posted on Jul, 28 2018 @ 01:26 AM

originally posted by: Box of Rain

originally posted by: Pearj
Consider process and purpose of the terms "memorize" and "exposure".

Now think about your Social Security Number. Do you know it by heart?

You haven't looked at the card in a long time - but you've written the numbers several times (exposure), and now that long string of numbers is stuck in your head forever.

But wait.. memory is fallible - so shouldn't you look at your SS Card every time you need the number? Nope, you're confident you know it.


I guarantee you've watched The Flintstones more times than you've looked at your Social Security Card. The Flintstones intro is the same every time - So shouldn't you know "Wilma! I'm home!!" by heart?

Remembering a string of numbers by rote is different than remembering an event from the past.

When we remember a past event or thing, the brain automatically associates other tings, other past memories, to that past event. That's not usually how we remember a string of numbers...although some people do use it as a memory tool; that is, some people intentionally associate a name or number to something else to help them visualize that memory. But that's not really how most people would try to memorize their SS number.

Note 2: Fred doesn't say "Wilma! I'm home!" in the intro anymore.

The only words spoken by a character in the intro is "yabba dabba doo" (after Fred hears the end-of-workday whistle) and that's how it's always been. The "yabba dabba doo" is said before the singers of the opening theme starts singing. There are no words spoken by the characters overtop of the singing.

That's the intro. In the closing, Fred speaks again, but it isn't "Wilma, I'm home". The closing is that they all return from the drive-in movies, they walk in the house, then Fred puts out the cat and the empty milk bottle for the milkman. The cat jumps through the window, then puts Fred out instead. Fred starts pounding on the door to get back in, and which point be yells "Wilma!!" as he's pounding. That, too comes after the end of the singing.

Why would he say "Wilma, I'm Home!" in that situation? That would make no sense at all in that context. Of course he's home.

Fred HAS said "Wilma, I'm home" on several occasions during the show, but not during the ending. You are getting those other instances confused with the ending. Maybe the ending to the Jetsons is also adding to the confusion, where George get stuck on the doggie treadmill, and yells for Jane to help. He yells "Jane! Stop this crazy thing! Jaaaane!"

Good question, and wish the OP would address it.
OP: at what point in the outro did Fred supposedly say: "Wilma, I'm Home!" ?
Was the outro visually the same?

posted on Jul, 28 2018 @ 09:02 AM
a reply to: Ruiner1978

Blah - you keep calling it a "lyric book".

It's called a "Songbook" or "Song Book" in the industry.

"Your reply was that you don't remember a song book when you saw Ministry previously. It was almost as if you were desperately trying to give birth to a new ME"

..this is what was actually said:

originally posted by: Ruiner1978

Check out Al Jourgensen on Ministry's latest tour.
He now uses a lyrics book that he keeps referencing throughout the performance.
Cos, y'know, he can't remember his own lyrics.

originally posted by: Pearj
a reply to: Ruiner1978

Got to see Ministry last year in Denver, we were right up close - I don't remember a song book. I have it on video - so I'm going to look at that and see if there's one now!

I'm still looking through all your posts - I have a pretty big Ministry one for ya (huge). I've been holding on to it 'cause I didn't think there would be anyone on here that was into it..

Does that sound like I'm "desperately trying to create a new ME" to you?... Maybe you're being a little dramaful?

Note: We're both talking about the same tour.

Then I read your other posts - saw you were trolling, and stopped talking about it.

originally posted by: Pearj
a reply to: Ruiner1978

Apparently I got trolled pretty good by an "artist" in the other thread.. So I'm a little hesitant to put the time into finding that disk for the Ministry video, or a thread for the Ministry ME.

Primarily because you listed a few songs (videos), saying they've changed from what you remember - but they're live performances.

..but you kept trolling:

originally posted by: Ruiner1978
The Ministry ME?
Ah, you must be talking about the name change. Yeah, I noticed it too.

Like you and many others, I remember Al Jourgensen's band being called Ministry. But, take a look now. They're not called "Ministry" any more, they're called "Surgical Meth Machine".

..and you've continued trolling ever since.

I realize you're having fun with it.. but I'd appreciate it if you stopped.


posted on Jul, 28 2018 @ 09:29 AM

originally posted by: Nothin

Good question, and wish the OP would address it.
OP: at what point in the outro did Fred supposedly say: "Wilma, I'm Home!" ?
Was the outro visually the same?

I have addressed it - I've described exactly what I remember. Twice I think.

I'm not surprised you're not aware of it - it doesn't appear like anyone actually reads what I type.

Can you quote me where I've said "outro" please (regarding 'Wilma, I'm Home!')?

Maybe that's the difference between Effected and non-Effected? ..Attention to detail.

..'Cause this repeating ourselves crap happens in EVERY thread - constantly stumbling over simple details. If you can't remember what's on the previous page - how am I supposed to value you 'remembering this or that' - all you have is how reality is today. ..and you folks think I have a bad memory? lmao

edit on 28-7-2018 by Pearj because: he has to be very, very clear.

posted on Jul, 28 2018 @ 10:07 AM

originally posted by: howtonhawky

originally posted by: nightbringr
a reply to: Pearj

He never said 'Wilma, I'm home!'.

He gets turfed by their sabertooth and pounds on the door to get back in yelling 'Wilma!' in a very Brandoesque manner.

At least that's what I remember.

Lucy I'm home.

That's it!

He is getting 'I Love Lucy' mixed with Flintstones.

Always a logical explanation to this rubbish.

posted on Jul, 28 2018 @ 10:31 AM

originally posted by: Pearj
I have addressed it - I've described exactly what I remember. Twice I think.

I'm not surprised you're not aware of it - it doesn't appear like anyone actually reads what I type.

Can you quote me where I've said "outro" please (regarding 'Wilma, I'm Home!')?

In my post, I didn't say outro, I said intro. I was replying to this earlier post by you:

originally posted by: Pearj
I guarantee you've watched The Flintstones more times than you've looked at your Social Security Card. The Flintstones intro is the same every time - So shouldn't you know "Wilma! I'm home!!" by heart?...
Note 2: Fred doesn't say "Wilma! I'm home!" in the intro anymore.

So my question I asked in my reply to that post still stands:

When during the intro would Fred even have a chance to say "Wilma, I'm Home!"?

Except for Fred's "Yabba dabba doo" at the very beginning, the rest of intro is the song with the singers singing that song. There is nobody speaking over the singers (why would there be?), so at what point during the intro would Fred even be able to say it?

Granted, Fred HAS said "Wilma, I'm home" several times during the actual episodes, but he doesn't say it in the intro (nor the outro, for that matter).

edit on 2018/7/28 by Box of Rain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2018 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: Pearj

I wonder though if anything really has changed in terms of how the universe works. The MR may have always been a thing and maybe people have always been willfully blind to it. Maybe people's weird thinking just becomes more noticeable as we get older. On the other hand, as it seems, maybe it is new and people's thinking is changing. There is so much we just don't know yet.

posted on Jul, 28 2018 @ 04:24 PM

originally posted by: Pearj
a reply to: Ruiner1978

Blah - you keep calling it a "lyric book".

It's called a "Songbook" or "Song Book" in the industry.

What if I remember it as Lyrics Book?

posted on Jul, 28 2018 @ 04:27 PM

originally posted by: Pearj
a reply to: Ruiner1978

Blah - you keep calling it a "lyric book".

It's called a "Songbook" or "Song Book" in the industry.

"Your reply was that you don't remember a song book when you saw Ministry previously. It was almost as if you were desperately trying to give birth to a new ME"

..this is what was actually said:

originally posted by: Ruiner1978

Check out Al Jourgensen on Ministry's latest tour.
He now uses a lyrics book that he keeps referencing throughout the performance.
Cos, y'know, he can't remember his own lyrics.

originally posted by: Pearj
a reply to: Ruiner1978

Got to see Ministry last year in Denver, we were right up close - I don't remember a song book. I have it on video - so I'm going to look at that and see if there's one now!

I'm still looking through all your posts - I have a pretty big Ministry one for ya (huge). I've been holding on to it 'cause I didn't think there would be anyone on here that was into it..

Does that sound like I'm "desperately trying to create a new ME" to you?...

Yes, that's exactly what it sounds like to me.

posted on Jul, 28 2018 @ 05:28 PM
I personally don't remember anything differently about the Flintstones opening/closing. The only thing changed for me is the name "Flintstones." It was "Flinstones."

Here there are people discussing how the name has changed back and forth.

posted on Jul, 28 2018 @ 06:40 PM

originally posted by: LoneCloudHopper2
I personally don't remember anything differently about the Flintstones opening/closing. The only thing changed for me is the name "Flintstones." It was "Flinstones."

Here there are people discussing how the name has changed back and forth.


Its Flintstones......Its always been Flint.
The concept is that they are a stone age family...and early man made fire using flint...hense how its tied in. Also, Flintstones is the name of the family. Other last names were also rock based

They can discuss it if they want. There is zero logic behind anyone who says it was anything besides Flintstones and will go against the consistency of the entire naming convention of the show (fun fact: it was initially called Flagstones at pilot...but they went with a more normal stone name)

I think ppl are mixing up I Love Lucy with Fintstones with the "-wife name- I'm home"....which is weird considering the FS were meant to be more of a spoof of Honeymooners.

posted on Jul, 28 2018 @ 07:55 PM

originally posted by: LoneCloudHopper2
I personally don't remember anything differently about the Flintstones opening/closing. The only thing changed for me is the name "Flintstones." It was "Flinstones."

Here there are people discussing how the name has changed back and forth.

“Flint” is a rock-related word. “Flin” isn’t.

“Flint” makes sense as part of a Flintstones-style name. “Flin” makes no sense in that respect.

Maybe some people, when singing the song, sing the name as “Flinstones” because it’s a lazy way to say the word, but that doesn’t mean it’s right.

edit on 28/7/2018 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2018 @ 12:45 AM
Yeah, I know what flint is, guys. I remember the show spelling it differently.

posted on Jul, 30 2018 @ 06:59 AM
a reply to: LoneCloudHopper2

It's like talking to four year olds that can't understand anything you say, but magically know how to type.

posted on Jul, 30 2018 @ 07:19 AM

originally posted by: Pearj
a reply to: LoneCloudHopper2

It's like talking to four year olds that can't understand anything you say, but magically know how to type.

All my children knew the difference between The Flintstones and The Dinosaurs TV shows at four years old...

posted on Jul, 30 2018 @ 07:35 AM
Was wondering, of you Mandela Effect experts, does Mandeled stuffing taste different? Also, is it a good or bad thing? Is it maybe good, to have a box of Mandeled stuffing, that, for instance, may have slivered almonds added to it? That would be good. Well, maybe not to somebody with an almond allergy. This also makes you wonder about labeling. I think boxes that have been Mandeled should, at least, be labeled, maybe something like "Mandela Flavor!", or "All Unnatural Mandela!" Maybe you could pass that on to Nelson Mandela, if you see him around the stuffing plant?

posted on Jul, 30 2018 @ 07:40 AM

originally posted by: LoneCloudHopper2
Yeah, I know what flint is, guys. I remember the show spelling it differently.

I didn't say that you didn't know it is "Flintstones". I was simply giving a reason why you might have remembered it as "Flinstones"....

....which is that it is quite natural for some people to NOT pronounce the first "t" in "Flintstones when saying that name or singing the song,

Therefore, if you grew up speaking and singing that word as "Flinstone", then that might be a good reason for you to think that was the name, and maybe why you remember it that way.

edit on 30/7/2018 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2018 @ 07:52 AM
a reply to: Ruiner1978

originally posted by: Ruiner1978

All my children knew the difference between The Flintstones and The Dinosaurs TV shows at four years old...

Falcon's Crest knows who shot JR, plus the difference between amethysts and quartz.

Top that.

edit on 30-7-2018 by Pearj because: he added quoting magic.

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