posted on May, 11 2018 @ 12:31 AM
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A time travelling inter planetary lawyer so my descendant's could sue there but's (babylon 5).
A woopy cushion filled with deadly helium so it farts and squeaks at the same time terrifying them into thinking the great beast of grax had invaded
there saucer and was intent on eating them and then singling soprano.
A drunken dentist with his anesthetist in order to make them feel exactly the same as there own victim's (minus the waiting room experience but then
again that may make them think about what they are doing to folk's.
An investigative journalist - who happens to also be a retired world champion MMA champion and former special forces in order to capture there
costumed arse's and reveal them for who they really are - working for our own government's or even a breakaway illegal government acting outside the
norm's of both national and international law but in possession of advanced technology and a nearly bottomless wealth provided by the same elite whom
run the hidden NWO.
A Toilet roll to confuse there sorry palid skinned arse's.
Some vitamin D tablets as a good will gesture because they surely should get out more and if time travellers they long ago tweaked there own dna to
replace bone with a cartilaginous material based on Biotin instead due to there lack of sunlight exposure (since they then live in subterranean
city's) - and lost all there teeth since there food is reprocessed and recycled waste.
A book of ethic's and the entire Syllabus of an ethical study course to give them a boost in the right way but since they are cannibal's who eat
there own dead they may find that offensive.
A tailor since they are all apparently naked (A social devolution) since they spend there entire existence in a controlled environment and forgot
about wearing clothing a long time ago, since they reproduce from cloning it is also not offensive to them any more but someone should cloth the poor
soulless blighters since there cultural evolution now has no were to go but down unless they learn to be cultured entity's again with art - which they
also abandoned a very long time ago, music - went there with there vocal chord's and cuisine - like I say they eat a vile tasting paste that smell's
of sulfur would make us violently ill and is made from the reprocessed remain's and waste of there people.
A copy of the Hitch Hikers guide to the galaxy, from my reality not this one and a pristine fresh towel.
edit on 11-5-2018 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)