originally posted by: Night Star
a reply to: Nyiah
Hi Sweetie! I love that you have animals! You are being a good animal Mom as well as a regular one.
The way I see it is we can take off all our clothes to cool down further if we need to, but animals can't -- those fur coats (and feathers) are there
24/7/365, so summer's gotta be just as bad to them as it is to us, if not worse. It's only fair to try to keep them as comfortable as possible in the
hot stretches, they can't do anything else!
I would die without an air conditioner. I would be living in my bathtub with cold water if I didn't.
Oh, you and me alike with the A/C there. I loathe not having it. We were going to get a portable room A/C unit for summer, visually akin to those
tower heaters for winter, but this little heatwave cropped up before we could get one. I still have my eye on 'em, and I'm going to be the monkey on
hubby's back about it so he doesn't forget/worm out of getting one. I keep reminding him he works in an air conditioned office, all we have at home is
fans. A whole-house A/C system up here seems like a waste of money overall because the climate is so mild for most of the summer, but on those few
blistering hot days, it seems like a heavenly idea. Or a simple portable unit does.
We had a really hot day Friday and then at night and following days have been cool to chilly. Weird weather.
If you don't want the chilly weather, I'll take it! lol
Where are you from?
Originally? Florida. We're in Michigan now, we moved here a few years ago. You'd think being from Hotter-Than-Hades -- I mean, Florida, would make me
immune to northern heat, but that's not the case. I may have grown up wondering if it was a humidity sheen on me or a sweat sheen, but I never, ever
acclimated to the climate down there, I despised it my whole life.
High humidity, high heat, there's really nothing about it to love, it's too hot most of the year to bother trying to enjoy the outdoors
The only
time of the year we took the kids to the beach was in April or early May, when the water was warming into the mid-70's & it wasn't too boiling hot on
the sand yet. Write the rest of the year off, it's just too hot, especially summer peak in July/August. Nothing like roasting to death on a scorching
hot beach, and trying to cool off in water in the 90's, YUCK. Bathwater temps
January/February is the coolest time of the year down there, a week or 2 of the 60's scattered in & then mostly low/mid 70's before it hops right back
up to 80's. That's about the only time of year I recommend a vacation there, it's the best time of year climatically to enjoy the beaches & outdoors
(because everyone from more northern states is going to think it's comfortably spring/summer-like) without risking getting heat-sick.
edit on
5/28/2018 by Nyiah because: (no reason given)