Wister, YES, join the story!!!!!
Hiya Timely! Haha, at first I wrote Rimely. Wonder what a rimely is?
If there is a party I want in! I need a drink.
I was so happy that my pain had improved, but now...
Spent so much time making filter thingies for my tanks, sewing and adding that carbon stuff. The turtle filter has all kinds of parts and is quite a
project to clean properly. The little tank with my beta is a piece of cake. Had to walk back and forth with jugs of water to add to the turtle tank.
All that standing and walking back and forth with heavy jugs didn't do me any good. Neither did my movie day on Tuesday when we couldn't find one
single available handicapped parking spot. Long trek through the parking lot, part of the mall and down long halls to our movie room. Of course it was
way at the end of the hall.
Going out for the rest of my groceries tomorrow and then have to get up early Saturday.
Because I can't predict when I will have a good or bad day, I'm worried about my two days at Diane's this weekend. The last time I was in extreme pain
and couldn't do much of anything. Good thing she and her Husband love my company so much and I love theirs. And...showers are predicted!
like at least the second time we had rain when I went for an overnight stay and one time it was cold. So no beach yet again. My piece of heaven will
have to wait.
My Sister was supposed to get back to me about my appointment for my xrays a couple of weeks ago, but never did so she springs it on me that she will
see me Wednesday. She always asks if a certain day is ok with me. It hit me then that she must have made the appointment and never got back to me
about it. She forgot.
It gets to me that I have to rely on people and that I have to limit doing things that are so simple for most people.
I do not want to be put on the really strong pain meds that are so addictive. I was given a double increase in the one I'm on now. With certain
operations, they can make things better, stay the same or make you worse. No guarantees. Worse would put me in a wheelchiar. So unless my condition
worsens where I am guarenteed to be in one, I'll wait it out.
And...how the hell will I ever be able to afford the cataract surgery in a couple of years? My medical only covers surgery in a regular hospital.
Yeah, I just took an anxiety pill. Sigh...
I apoligize for ranting.