a reply to:
I like your posts in this thread - on the whole anyway and you sound like you have a good grasp of the subject.
Like most people, I'm an enthusiastic (although skeptical) amateur, with no real knowledge of the topic, other than what I've read and researched over
a long period of time.
My "in a nutshell" opinion tends towards the hypothesis that most UFO's (not all) are likely man made - and I think there's evidence out there that
more elaborate theories have been popularised to put people off what's really happening (and obviously the underlying technology).
IMO - I do think "die glocke" has been misunderstood over time.
It's also grown into a modern myth and I think the reality of that experiment is different to what many people think. The main clues to me are the
founder and lead scientist on the project (Prof Walther Gerlach - and his background in torsion physics and electromagnetism) and the likely uses of
this device, in the context of what the Nazi's were doing at the time (admittedly lots of highly advanced experiments - including a nuclear weapons
program - but I think anti-gravity is likely pushing things too far).
If you read literature on this project, to me it seems similar to an early version of a Tokamak.
In plain english - it's a form of particle accelerator.
I think this synopsis is a good theory of its true purpose:
The key extract is the first paragraph:
"Put most simply the Nazi Bell was in fact a heavy particle accelerator used as an artificial neutron source to breed Protactinium 233 from Thorium
232. Protactinium would naturally degrade after 27 days into pure bomb grade Uranium 233
Uranium 233 derived from spent reactor waste is often contaminated by Uranium 232 when Thorium 230 gets bombarded by a second neutron, but in a
particle accelerator this process does not have time to occur and thus U232 contamination is as low as one part per million and thus as safe to handle
as weapons grade Plutonium.
According to speech notes recently uncovered in KGB archives, Heisenberg advocated harvesting Protactinium for a nuclear weapon at the Harneck Haus
conference in July 1942. Later whilst interned at Farm Hall Cambridgeshire after the War, Heisenberg also identified harvesting Protactinium as one of
three methods of obtaining fissile material for a nuclear bomb.
The other two of course, being to either enrich U235, or to reprocess Plutonium from spent fuel in a thermal nuclear reactor... Our history books
tell us all about these other two methods in Nazi Germany but are strangely silent on the Protactinium harvesting project. Why is that?
The wartime Chairman of AEG, Herman Bucher revealed to OSS informant Erwin Respondek that his company was funding development of a Heavy Particle
Accelerator for the Atomic Bomb Project at Bisingen.
The process harnessed the fluorescent quality of Mercury to cause collisions between electrons and photons, which in result released thermal neutrons.
The device was surrounded by a concave beryllium mirror to reflect neutrons back into a mass of Thorium oxide placed at the core. The machine
generated this X-ray plasma in orbit around an axle which spun two carefully frequency phased contra-rotating drums.
Respondek also revealed to the OSS that Heisenberg worked closely with Swiss engineer Dr Walter Dallenbach at a secret facility known as
"Forschungsstelle D" at Bisingen to develop the Nazi bell. A report by the OSS in November 1944, cited information from an engineer named Nagglestein
who related Otto Hahn's laboratory at Tailfingen in a town close to Bisingen was using Thorium to obtain Uranium for an Atomic Bomb."
That use would make logical sense given the Nazi's plans for nuclear weapons and their understanding of quantum physics.
Perhaps anti-gravity effects were discovered unintentionally as a result of the experiments with this device - but my gut feeling is that wasn't its
primary purpose - although obviously I could be completely wrong. Gerlach did have interesting theories around the distortion of space-time via the
use of torsion fields/physics.
Other than that though - I like the discussion in this thread
My gut feeling is the anti-gravity experiments involving counter rotating magnetic fields are a plausible solution - regardless of my previous
comments re: die glocke.
There's simply too many instances of these sorts of experiments to overlook.
I also think Thomas Townsend Brown's ideas regarding electro propulsion are another area that neatly ties into the overall picture. I've read and
researched a fair bit on him and I think the reason his ideas were rejected by the US government, is because they were already working on the same
sorts of things. He was trying to sell them something that they already had (and were developing).
In terms of power source for a device like this - my thoughts would be speculation. But a crude solution would be a minaturised nuclear reactor. I
suspect there are other solutions though.
A vehicle of this type may involve a number technologies, being used in combination to produce the end result.
I am curious if you have any view on an overall vehicle design ?
i.e. do you think someone has documented or detailed the whole picture of how one of these craft may work?
You've mentioned the Mark McCandlish "ARV" drawings - so I would assume that's your favorite theory on what a version of this sort of tech may look
like ?
I have numerous documents on various theories and a lot of books on the subject, but I'm not sure if I could pick any one theory as being the most
likely (complete) solution. Some of the early 1950's era books - do have some interesting proposals though.
...I am very open to any alternative ideas and theories
In saying that - I don't think it necessary to start theorising on inter-dimensional aliens, given the fact, that existing earth based technologies
seem to come very close to delivering a working hypothesis.
...it's an interesting area of discussion though
edit on 22-6-2018 by muzj03 because: spelling