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Pro_Life Violence

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posted on Aug, 11 2005 @ 12:30 PM
I think page 3 of this has all that. Or was it page 13? IDK, been so long ago posting the aftermath pictures of Pro-Fetus people blowing up the emergency room leaving nothing but a crater where dozens of people use to be because the hospital across town did abortions and christians/republicans are to stupid to read a map.

Or the republican in trouble for paying people to shoot doctors because they perforemd abortions at some point in their career.

Or women being beaten to death outside of a doctors office because they were going in for a check up on their baby but again christians/republicans to stupid to read a sign that said Gynocologist(sp?) not Abortion Clinic.

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 05:50 PM

Or the republican in trouble for paying people to shoot doctors because they perforemd abortions at some point in their career.

Or the liberal president (Clinton) that vetoed the partial birth abortion ban 7 times. Or the millions of people that wish to have all of the fun of sex with none of the responsibility.

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 11:48 PM
Hey sex is fun and natural and instinct drives us to have it. But unlike most animals we can choose when to have a kid or not. Very few animals have sex for pleasure, like dolphins, but as far as I know only humans can choose when to have a kid or not.

Also he vetoed a bill, you kill people, he makes it so the parasite can be removed, you kill living breathing people. He realized that banning one type of abortion leads to banning more abortions until you ban it completely, you kill living breathing people with no remorse. "Who cares if the DNA says he is innocent, he's black and the 12 redneck/republican/KKK members voted him guilty fry the bastard!" "Oh who cares if he has the mentality of a 3 year old fry the bastard!" "Who cares if he is only 7 years old fry the bastard!"

So sad the south wanted the Supreme Court executed because they made it illegal to execute living breathing minors and mentally handicapped people. How will we stop little Timmy from stealing a candy bar if he knows he won't be killed for it? How do we stop the retards from rising up and outsmarting us? If we can't mow them down in a rain of bullets how will we protect ourselves?(That last part was sarcasm)

Also Clinton had 30 year low count of abortion, Bush has highest.

So put that in your pipe and smoke it! Mwahahahahahahahahahaha

[edit on 13-8-2005 by James the Lesser]

posted on Aug, 13 2005 @ 09:05 AM
So James, you are what 19,19 1/2 years old? Just barely out of high school if at all? Whose opinion are you sharing on here? You seem to be very opinionated for someone who has not yet lived enough to have the opinions you have. Is mommy or daddy feeding your head with nonsense?

I'll give you the rundown on myself for a moment. Not to impress at all, cause I'm sure my life is in no way impressive.

To start, I was a geology major in college. Then I served our country in Desert Storm. After my stint in the Air Force I went back to college under Theology. In my travels to and fro on this great earth I have witnessed quite a lot. I have gotten upset right along side of you when radical pro lifers get ignorant and blow up stuff and kill people. I guess that they think they are taking an eye for an eye. They are wrong, very wrong. On the flip side so are abortionists. You seem to get upset with the people who fought for you and granted you the ridiculous freedoms you have when it comes to killing babies and having same sex relationships. I think our fundamental difference is that I think abortion is murder and that babies are babies no matter when, and you think they are parasites and can be extinguished when ever. Each are on the far opposite sides of the fence.

posted on Aug, 13 2005 @ 11:20 AM
Hah, been out of high school for awhile! Also, I kind up shot down any of your arguements about Slick Willy with proof he had 30 year low of abortions, more happened during Republican years then dem years.

Also Clinton believed in teaching safe sex, republicans believe in killing kids. Hell they were saying AIDS was spread through holding hands and you could get pregnant from sitting on a damn toilet seat. You guys might want to learn about reality, as little time as you spend in it, it is the real world.

posted on Aug, 13 2005 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by deesw
So James, you are what 19,19 1/2 years old? Just barely out of high school if at all? Whose opinion are you sharing on here? You seem to be very opinionated for someone who has not yet lived enough to have the opinions you have. Is mommy or daddy feeding your head with nonsense?'ve got a lot of really great things to say and can agree with a very high percentage of them. They seemed level headed and rational, which is why this response surprises me. It seemed 'unlike you' from what I've heard so far. Wisdom is wisdom and foolishness is foolishness regardless of age. I know an 8-year old who has more than I do sometimes, and people twice my age I wonder how they got there. Just an observation from a friend.

Pray, train, study,
God bless.

[edit on 13-8-2005 by saint4God]

posted on Aug, 13 2005 @ 02:57 PM
Please don't get me wrong, I know it seemed attacking, but was not intended to be. Just trying to figure out how someone that is only 19 can be that knowledgeable on such topics. Perhaps he studies abortion clinics in college, I don't know.

posted on Aug, 13 2005 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by deesw
Please don't get me wrong, I know it seemed attacking, but was not intended to be. Just trying to figure out how someone that is only 19 can be that knowledgeable on such topics. Perhaps he studies abortion clinics in college, I don't know.

It did sound like an attack, but I can give a point in James' corner to being knowledgable about violence from those who claim to be saving lives even if it is a very small percentage of the population who are engaged in this activity.

posted on Aug, 13 2005 @ 06:32 PM
See, the problem is though, that one side sees the other as all encompassing terrorists who hate people who commit abortions. The other side sees the first as all malicious animals that murder children strictly in the name of convenience. There are very many subtle levels on each side.

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 05:23 AM
Mommy and dading ain't feeding me jack! Well dad buys food unless I do, but I usually end up doing the cooking! And cleaning, I'm such a b*tch.(I do chores and cook and stuff instead of paying rent)

So sad you lose every fight because you are wrong so you attack my age. Where's Rant with his CryBaby Award he gave you in Origins Forum?

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 09:37 AM
Really? You do chores, how cute.
I haven't seen one single arguement that I've lost. I've seen a lot of them that there are more liberal minded people conversing on and the conversation tilts that way, but I've lost nothing.

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 09:46 AM
I have yet to understand the "pro-life" mentality of some of the extreme folks in that movement. I have no issue with folks that feel that if they can get women to not abort that may be better. But to force people by intimidation, threats, bombs and killing defeats their purpose and makes there movement a mockery. If you want to convince people for "pro-life", try acting like you care about life to begin with. I am sure there are plenty in that movement that are peaceful and just want to see every child born and I can't fault people for that view. But you have no right to make the choice for me and especially to bully me into it. Educate me, fine, get me to support and help, fine, but threaten to kill me if I don't listen.......I don't think so.

If you want to convince people of your opinion, it helps if you practice what you preach.

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 10:13 AM
Believe me, I do not under any circumstance condone what any of these extremists have done, but I can see a bit of their thinking, see it, not agree with it. Given that pro-lifers of which I am one believe that abortion is murder, then they go to these places where thousands of murders are performed a year. It's apparent that they can't stop them politicaly, so they go extreme and murder the murderers, with no concern for what devastating effects it has had on their own souls. God tells us that murder is a sin and then turns around and tells us to take an eye for an eye for justice. Problem is these people have no disscernment. Although,,,,, a big although,,,,if abortion is murder, then what punnishment should be placed on those who commit it?

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 02:54 PM
Well this is why they are normally called Pro-Fetus, not pro-life since they are anything but pro-life. Hell, they want to force people to have kids they can't take care of then demonize the same person they forced to have a kid because they go on welfare because they can't take care of the kid.

Pro-Fetus people are also pro-kill everything. They were the ones who wanted the Supreme Court executed for making it illegal to execute minors and mentally handicapped. They are also the same ones who support using ILLEGAL weapons in Iraq to fire bomb a city and kill 100,000+ people.

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 07:28 AM
Well James, if a minor murders someone in cold blood, then he should be executed, and the whole Iraq thing, that's a whole different ball game. It's war, and they say war is hell. The sissies over in that country won't come out and fight in the open like men. They sneak around in the dark and in the bushes. I have quite a few friends still over there fighting and I hear some jacked up stories. Stories of how the TERRORISTS over there use children as shields and weapons. They hide in homes of people deemed to be innocent. If they hide terrorists willingly, then they are terrorists too.
So I agree with them as far as theology goes.

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 05:25 PM
Yes war is hell, for the troops.... But they have killed more civillians in one firebombing attack then well, just about anything but Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 100,000+ dead using illegal weapons in a country we invaded for imaginary illegal weapons.

Also, killing an 8 year old for stealing a candy bar is wrong, aborting something that is little more then a parasite isn't. And don't post pictures of babies before they are born, someone tried that without saying what was going on but the picture had a link that explained the baby had the imbelical cord wrapped around it's neck at 8 months(When it is no longer a mere parasite but can actually live outside the womans body) and they were fixing it.

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 05:33 PM

Also, killing an 8 year old for stealing a candy bar is wrong

Who said anything about killing an 8 year old over a candy bar BRAINIAC?
I said a minor that kills someone in cold blood should die.

How do you figure that over 100,000 innocent people have died in Iraq? If you think insurgents are innocent, then we are in total disagreement on that point as well.

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 06:50 PM
You know, threads like this really amuse me. Nothing new has been presented in, oh, the last 30 pages or so, and the namecalling and personal attacks continue. The ONLY reason this thread has lasted this long is because of the back and forth of "I'm right." "No, I'm right." "No, I'm right." "You're stupid." "You're a bleeding heart liberal." "You're a neo-conservative." This thread really doesn't seem to have accomplished anything besides causing tempers to flare. It really should have been closed a long time ago. Both sides have made their point, and neither side is going to win, because no matter what side you're on, you're arguing an opinion. There is no hard fact to support either side. Arguing religious or moral points is, honestly, only effective for one thing: starting wars.

So, I propose this, everyone agrees to disagree. Nobody is right, nobody is wrong. Let's just close this thread, and be done with it. Arguing like children only brings down the quality of posts on these boards, so let's just shake hands, and end it. A valiant effort to everyone. It's over.

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 01:16 AM

Cry baby Award for Deesw, Rant sorry for using it since you haven't given me permission but well, Deesw is down to attacking my age since my links, news article, pictures, and stats have proven him wrong.

Also, it is more then "I'm right." "No I am!" It is in fact "I'm right, here's proof." and "You only 19 I are older so I are more smarter then youis!"

He has nothing but ignorance and republicanism, I have facts, stats, and reality on my side.

[edit on 16-8-2005 by James the Lesser]

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 06:55 AM

Also, it is more then "I'm right." "No I am!" It is in fact "I'm right, here's proof." and "You only 19 I are older so I are more smarter then youis

What proof have you presented about anything little one? This isn't a topic that requires proof. There are pro-lifers that are violent and they are wrong for it. Abortionists do the same and they are wrong for it. I don't think anyone on this thread has said one time at all that the murdering and bombing that these people have done is right and just including myself.

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