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Originally posted by James the Lesser
You do matter, but why don't all these millionaire/billionaire republicans do something? Democrats are usually new money, like Bill Gates, while Republicans are old money. The kind that have mold growing on their money.
Originally posted by James the Lesser
When was the last time a billionaire republican donated a quarter of a billion dollars to something? Bill Gates did that last month. Of course Bill Gates has donated billions over the years, not millions, BILLIONS, to different causes. But sadly republicans think along the line of Rush Limbaugh.
Originally posted by James the Lesser
"To be a Liberal you have to think that AIDS can be cured with money. Why should we care in the first place since only Africans and faggots have it. Why should someone like me waste my time worrying about those low lifes?"
Originally posted by James the Lesser
Of course, he also called all blacks drug monkeys, and is in court for doing drugs..... SO not a good example. Ok, republicans on Gay's getting Married.
Originally posted by James the Lesser
"What's next, people marrying their dogs? People getting hitched to their pets?"
Wait, another bad example since they come out on National Radio about how they "love" mules so much they rape them.
Well, they are pro-life! Well, except they wanted to kill the Supreme Court for making it illegal to kill mentally handicapped people and children. I kid you not, the republicans, mainly from Texas, wanted the Supreme Court executed on tv because they made it illegal to kill someone under the age of 18 or mentally handicapped. This was after a 100,000+ civillians were fire bombed by them with illegal weapons in Iraq, but they don't count I guess cause they are brown.
Originally posted by James the Lesser
Anyways, I know how to deal with teens, I am one!(For one more year anyways, next July will be twenty)
Originally posted by James the Lesser
Why I said wait till I get older. Again congratulations on your adoption, and glad to see someone isn't a hypocrit. That gets me the worse, hypocrits, why I love liberals. They are for just about anything so them doing it isn't as bad as a republican doing it. A dem can have sex with the same sex, a different race not white, animals, do drugs, so forth because they either agree with it or aren't mind dictators like republicans are and don't care. But a republican? You can't go on about killing gays and blacks then end up having sex with one.
Originally posted by James the Lesser
Pretty much, why I like John McCain so much, he is pro-fetus and has actually done something to help the cause in a peaceful loving way. He has adopted several kids,
Originally posted by James the Lesser
which the republicans used against him during the 2000 primaries when they actually called millions of people asking...
"If you knew John McCain had several illeginament(spelled wrong I know) children with blacks and indians, would you be more or less likely to vote for him?" Since John McCain has adopted kids who had darker skin they used that against him so they could get the puppet Bush in the election.
Originally posted by James the Lesser
And like I said, love liberals cause it is hard for them to be hypocritical.
Originally posted by James the Lesser
A president getting head from a secretary? Your point?
Originally posted by James the Lesser
Now if he had said he wanted to ban all say, gummy bears, then he would be a hypocrit.
Originally posted by James the Lesser
Bill Clinton's favorite candy when growing up were Gmmy Bears. Sorry about that.
Originally posted by James the Lesser
But democrats don't get hung up on no eating meat on friday(christians)
Originally posted by James the Lesser working on the sabbath(think all three) things like that.
Originally posted by James the Lesser
They don't care what you eat or when you eat it, they don't care what you do in the privacy of your own bedroom as long as it isn't against the Humanism code of no rape.
Originally posted by James the Lesser
Sex sells? Your point?(j/k)
Originally posted by James the Lesser
Why are Americans so upset over boobs? In Europe boobs are not a end of the world thing if seen on tv. Janet Jackson? No big deal in most of Europe.
Originally posted by James the Lesser
Of course I guess they don't have the conservatives mind police we do...
Originally posted by James the Lesser
Eating meat on friday is a sin according to the bible. Yes it's the old testament but Jesus speciffically said(in the bible anyways) that he was there to enforce the OT, not make it obsolete.
Originally posted by James the Lesser
And many people work on sunday, unless you think the safety of the nation takes a break on sunday. Cops, fire fighters, doctors, security guards, troops, FBI, CIA, all work on sunday. Meijer, Kroger, and other 24/7 stores are open on Sunday, do they just hope someone will pay or do they have people working? All those people, many of them heroes like the Cops and firefighters, are to be killed for working on the sabbath.
Originally posted by James the Lesser
Wow, I like like christian law.
"We don't have to follow a law unless we say so."
So I can steal all I want because I say so.
I don't have to follow that law because I said so.
Originally posted by James the Lesser
What? The Bible says kill people who work on the sabbath, kids who speak out against their parents, eat meat on a friday, so forth. How come you don't follow those rules, clearly in the bible, but you jump up and scream "Bible says Gays are evil!!"????
If you follow one, follow all, not pick and choose. In fact the same chapter that christians/republicans use to make gay a sin also has the stoning to death of children for saying no to a parent.
No, not evil bible dot com, it's in the damn bible! People are so blind to what is in the bible. Read it, if you don't know where to find god raping people and committing genocide look at to find out the passages and look it up!!!!
Originally posted by James the Lesser
Holy Jewish Hell on Christmas even,
Anyways yes it is about how you like to kill anyone as long as they are born. You say Abortion is wrong, but you have no problem with people blowing up a school. You have no problem with people who spent years in school to help people being shot to death because a co-worker did an abortion 20 years ago.