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Pro_Life Violence

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posted on Mar, 23 2005 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by James the Lesser
Did you not read my post? My MOM has gotten an abortion. She had one when she was in college cause she couldn't handle a kid then. Later she had my sister and then me. So, instead of killing people for getting abortions or sterilizing them, realize that they wait until they can care for a kid. Like my mom, she wasn't able to handle a kid when she was 22, but when she was 31 she was able to and had 2 even.
That is what would happen if our parents thought that fetuses aren't life. They would still have kids. [/q]

Pro-Choice means you have a choice, unlike the other side which is "You make a choice in our favor or WE KILL YOU!!!!!"[/q]

what side would that be??? said they will kill who ????

I love christians, the same people who want to kill the gays, enslave the blacks, kill the jews, enslave the women, you know, like it was back in the good ol days when the Church controlled Europe, but save the fetuses!!!!

well, once im not a Christian, i really cant take that too personnaly...but there is a big DIFFERENCE between a CHRISTIAN (follower of christ) and a Protestan Church Puppet.
Jesus himself was Jewish, the Jewish people was enslaved by the Egyptians over 400 years, so as you can see a follower of Jesus can NOT be Pro-slavery no metter what race we are talking about...So when you say Christinas make sure you are talking about the "Bible Thumping Once Saved always Saved Protestants"......

either way ...back to the topic, ABORTION as BIRTH CONTROL is wrong!

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 03:32 PM
How is this topic about as BC? This is about Pro-Life Violence, which I have PROVIDED PROOF OF! The side that says make our choice or we kill you. The ones who turned a childrens hospital into a crater....... The ones who beat two women to death outside a clinic....... The ones who snipered doctors/nurses for years........ I know it a ton of posts to read, but read them, look at the links/proof provided.

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 06:03 PM
You provided proof of pro life violence...

in contrast to pro baby murdering ....peace?

Its no wonder....

posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by saint4God
I am greatful to hear your friend pulled through. At the risk of sounding presumptuous, I'm sure she would testify that she made the right decision and cannot see why anyone would disagree.

Actually she regrets getting pregnant in the first place.. she has said "I've ruined my life." her bf is abusive [emotionally and has the tell tale signs of being physically], disrespectful, possesive, he's done his best to isolate her from her family and friends [hence her family wanting her to abort] and has tried to feel me up when her back his turned [I put him in his place] and has ensured that they both remain in poverty for the rest of their lives as he has already spent the a$sistance meant for the child on himself.

Congratulations! Wonderful news. It's so good to hear good news since there's so little of it being told.

Thankyou.. I am hoping it will turn out to be a positive thing but if she had've decided to abort I would have given her the same amount support. I would have preffered to see her get pregnant when she could confidently provide for a child without risk of living on the streets.. however only she could know what choice she'd be most comfortable with and I wanted her to be certain.

posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 01:57 PM
What baby killing jake? a 3 week old fetus is not a baby, unless sperm is a baby. So, no baby killing, sorry Jake, that is just fire the Pro-Life people use as an excuse to kill real people. ALso, if it is murder to about a fetus, then what about beating 2 preg women in front of a clinic? Sure they were both there for sonograms, but hey, the hospital has a abortion wing so it ok to beat them to death. Or the childrens hospital now a crater, amazing picture if one ever decided to look at such things. So, 3 week old fetus or a couple dozen live breathing kids, along with parents, doctors, nurses, attendants......... whats worse?

posted on Mar, 26 2005 @ 03:21 AM
Man, fock you, Jakko. You obviously can't read; I said IF that was how the story went. But you see what you wanna see, so go sniff some nuts. I'm done talking to you.

Anyway, James does have a point here. He has provided evidence to back the original point of this thread, but no one wants to talk about it. Whatever, who cares. It's your precious Christian conservatives who want to have more abortions anyway, be stupid and listen to their lies. And as for a liberal media, don't make me laugh. You people get too caught up in this fake left-right thing. But again, be stupid...

posted on Mar, 26 2005 @ 11:40 PM
Yes, back to the original topic, I have provided clear proof of pro-fetus, not pro-life. And the majority of pro-lifers on here have proven they are pro-fetus, not pro life. If one was pro-!LIFE! they would be for alllllllllll life, not just fetuses. But polls/statistics/real life shows, they all fine and happy executing pregnant women who are going in for sonograms, or for turning a hospital into a crater.....

If someone goes up to a nursery with 100 kids and kills them all, no problem, but get them when they just little masses of cells not even able to live outside of the womb and they gonna get you! Fire bomb Fallujah, no problem, abort a 3 week mass of cells, they gonna get you. Nuke a country, no problem, but abort something that isn't even alive, they gonna get you.

[edit on 26-3-2005 by James the Lesser]

posted on Mar, 27 2005 @ 01:13 AM
For one, show me the polls. Another thing, you can say the same thing backwards. Why do people who seem to always care so much for life and say, stop the wars, stop killing innocent murderers, why do they seem to care less when it comes to the life of an unborn child? In their most innocent form, have not even breathed our filthy air yet to do any harm. See, so, that's a silly thing to bring up. For one, I back the war because I was in the USMC. Do I think that it was neccessary? I don't know for sure, but I'm not going to root for the other side. That's probably how a lot of others feel about the war. What really bothers me though is the people like Kerry who voted for the war, then voted against the money for the troops, then tries to persuade voters he was always against the war. Anyways, going off topic here a bit, but not really, since you brought this up as part of your evidence.

Last note, you call the fetus a clump of cells or something like that, but guess what, it's what we all are. And that clump of cells has its own heartbeat after one month. And that would be the first sign of missing a period for a woman before she gets her test and finds out she is pregnant. So, by the time the woman gets the abortion, that clump of cells has many working body parts that makes it alive.

posted on Mar, 27 2005 @ 06:58 AM

Originally posted by steggyD
And that clump of cells has its own heartbeat after one month. And that would be the first sign of missing a period for a woman before she gets her test and finds out she is pregnant.

And I always thought women concieved usually when they were ovulating [just before their period..]. Could you provide a source on this or are you just making it up as you go along?

posted on Mar, 27 2005 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by riley

Originally posted by steggyD
And that clump of cells has its own heartbeat after one month. And that would be the first sign of missing a period for a woman before she gets her test and finds out she is pregnant.

And I always thought women concieved usually when they were ovulating [just before their period..]. Could you provide a source on this or are you just making it up as you go along?

My wording is all messed up, that's all. Basically, many women don't find out until what? 2 or 3 months pregnant. I don't know of a source, I'm just stating from known people. I guess I could find a poll? But what are they worth? One missed period may be overlooked by a woman, but once the second one is, it's time to worry... so to speak.

posted on Mar, 27 2005 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by steggyD
My wording is all messed up, that's all. Basically, many women don't find out until what? 2 or 3 months pregnant. I don't know of a source, I'm just stating from known people. I guess I could find a poll? But what are they worth? One missed period may be overlooked by a woman, but once the second one is, it's time to worry... so to speak.

Hmm.. why would a woman wait two, three months to get a preg test when she'd expect it on a specific day every month? It's a pretty limp argument argument Steggy. Fetuses are not over a month old when she's due for a period.. it would be a couple of weeks tops.. which would still make them at the very beginning of gestation. There may be women that have irregular periods but they would be in the minority.

posted on Mar, 27 2005 @ 07:06 PM
2-3 months????? I understand most women take a preg test if they are like a day late, why a woman would wait 2-3 months doesn't make sense.

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 08:00 AM

Originally posted by riley
Actually she regrets getting pregnant in the first place.. she has said "I've ruined my life."

Despite her boyfriend, I hope she sees that the decision was the right one by looking into the her child's eyes. A lot of us have ambitions for a high-paying career, big house, fancy car, but at the end of the day none of that matters. Life matters.

Originally posted by riley
Thankyou.. I am hoping it will turn out to be a positive thing but if she had've decided to abort I would have given her the same amount support. I would have preffered to see her get pregnant when she could confidently provide for a child without risk of living on the streets.. however only she could know what choice she'd be most comfortable with and I wanted her to be certain.

Absolutely this is the right thing to do. I know people (Christian and Non) who turn their backs on friends and family for making a decision they don't agree with. What good has that ever done? The last thing a person needs when faced with a trial is to be left alone. One of Jesus' main themes was a kind of 'I know what you've done, but I love you anyway' feeling towards everyone he met. Now that is love. Thanks for setting a positive example.

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by saint4God

Originally posted by riley
Actually she regrets getting pregnant in the first place.. she has said "I've ruined my life."

Despite her boyfriend, I hope she sees that the decision was the right one by looking into the her child's eyes. A lot of us have ambitions for a high-paying career, big house, fancy car, but at the end of the day none of that matters. Life matters.

At the end of the day being able to provide shelter and food in her baby's [and her own] mouth is a priority and atm things are not looking too good.. this has nothing to do with greed or ambition.. it's just plain simple survival.

Absolutely this is the right thing to do. I know people (Christian and Non) who turn their backs on friends and family for making a decision they don't agree with. What good has that ever done? The last thing a person needs when faced with a trial is to be left alone. One of Jesus' main themes was a kind of 'I know what you've done, but I love you anyway' feeling towards everyone he met. Now that is love. Thanks for setting a positive example.

I try not to be judgemental as I do not walk in their shoes and do not have to face the consequences. It pisses me of that there are many people around who impose choices [not just abortion] on others and then walk away when a mess starts to unravell. Like pulling a pin on a grenade.

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by riley
I try not to be judgemental as I do not walk in their shoes and do not have to face the consequences. It pisses me of that there are many people around who impose choices [not just abortion] on others and then walk away when a mess starts to unravell. Like pulling a pin on a grenade.

Totally agreed.

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 03:21 PM
Glad you guys were able to find this.... I went through Religon forum for about 20min before reading my U2U telling me this was here, lol.

Anyways, don't be judgmental, something most christians need to learn. After all, it was their man telling them it wasn't there job, but gods, yet they don't seem to think it applies to them......... Also, Jerry Falwell dude, big christian guy, and yet who does he judge? Women and pagans, they why 9/11 happened, according to him, his exact words? "This is the fault of pagans and feminists." Yes, not bad airport security, not Bush&Co not paying attention to papers/documents telling them OBL was going to attack with airplanes, but pagans and women. If those darn women had stayed in the kitchen 9/11 wouldn't have happened.....

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by James the Lesser
Also, Jerry Falwell dude, big christian guy, and yet who does he judge? Women and pagans, they why 9/11 happened, according to him, his exact words? "This is the fault of pagans and feminists." Yes, not bad airport security, not Bush&Co not paying attention to papers/documents telling them OBL was going to attack with airplanes, but pagans and women. If those darn women had stayed in the kitchen 9/11 wouldn't have happened.....

Hmm....Jerry Falwell....what verse was he in? I can't seem to find him in my Bible. This Jesus guy seems to have some interesting things to say though. Love God, your neighbor, and your enemy. Is there anyone this guy doesn't love? Interesting...

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 08:37 PM
Jerry Falwell had it right! If these damn witches satan worshipping whores went back to where they belonged god wouldn't have attacked us. Women acting like men, no wonder they want to be allowed to marry each other, they act like men and want to be men, but to bad, they aren't! They are women, they should know the place of the household. Reason God made Man first is because we are better, if women were better then God would have made them first. Also, God is a Man, proving we are better then some whore who thinks they should have the same power as us. This nation has gone downhill ever since we let them vote and let witchcraft be legal.

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by Jestaman
Jerry Falwell had it right! If these damn witches satan worshipping whores went back to where they belonged god wouldn't have attacked us. Women acting like men, no wonder they want to be allowed to marry each other, they act like men and want to be men, but to bad, they aren't! They are women, they should know the place of the household. Reason God made Man first is because we are better, if women were better then God would have made them first. Also, God is a Man, proving we are better then some whore who thinks they should have the same power as us. This nation has gone downhill ever since we let them vote and let witchcraft be legal.

This is a joke, right? Oh! A parody! I get it now! Hehe...for a moment, I thought somebody ACTUALLY was thinking this. Boy am I gullible.

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 08:44 PM
Jerry Falwell shoots of his mouth before thinking, that's why he is a favorite for news shows. Only God knows if anyone is really saved but he isn't the best example to base christianity on. Often when he does make a statement that is true and gets alot of flack for it he then backs down from the statement.

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