posted on Jan, 28 2018 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to:
No I was not dreaming. I was standing outside. The helicopters were not flying in circles. Maybe I didn't describe it very well. The helicopters
surrounded the cloud almost in the shape of a circle if you drew a circle around the cloud. All helicopters and the cloud were flying straight north
towards the direction of a military base area. I posted this a couple of times over the years so this is nothing new to me. You can make it sound
like I imagined something but I did not in this case. I do not remember a lot of noise from the helicopters. Helicopters aren't always real noisy.
However I am trying to remember noise levels from about 30 years ago.
I remember another time a pilot flying an Apache attack helicopter must have had my car on some kind of target lock as I was driving towards a small
town. Usually helicopters disappear flying away somewhere. After several minutes I kept seeing one helicopter. To make a point of it, when I
stopped at a red light in town, he descended over the intersection and I could see the pilot. I didn't think I met him but you never know because I
was visiting bars near the base. I don't remember any noise from the attack helicopter but I was inside a car with music on. In the case of the UFO,
I do remember hearing all the rain sounds quickly approaching. That was when I looked up and got surprised by what I saw. Most people don't bother
looking up unless they hear something unusual.
I did meet someone at work that claimed he saw a hovering metallic looking craft directly above him one afternoon. This guy was a bit weird but
seemed very intelligent and a bit of a practical joker. I asked him what he knew about alien space craft and he told me they were built in space and
had superconducting shells. He seemed to have an answer for several things but whether or not he made any sense is another story. He also claimed he
coinvented the first VR helmet. Plus some other odd things like he wanted to be military police at one time but they told him he was too short. They
made him take a vocational test and said he had guys telling him he could take almost any position he wanted but not an MP because he was too short.
A joker? Maybe. I'm not joking though. I think he was smart and was laying low maybe because he had hacked into several sites and did not have
steady income. He had his own business fixing equipment. An inventor as well. I think he could have been rich if he just worked with someone.
I'm sure some people here think the same way I think about his story of something hovering above his head one afternoon.
There are UFO reports from myrtle beach area as well. I'm not sure if that is related or not.
edit on 28/1/18 by orionthehunter because: (no reason given)