posted on Aug, 20 2018 @ 02:28 PM
originally posted by: mightmight
a reply to: anzha
The Israelis were looking at a pods for their homegrown tech at some point. Thats special case though.
EOTS will recieve a comprehensive upgrade with Block 4 which will be superior to any available pod solution.
Israelis are looking at pods for the same reasons anyone else is. It will always, always be cheaper, easier, and (most importantly in the case of the
Israelis who are likely to use/need it) faster to upgrade sensor and EW capabilities with a pod than with internal hardware replacements or additions
that have to make their way through the Puzzle Palace and another program office.
The Advanced EOTS is supposed to be a block 4 improvement. I've heard 4.1 and 4.2. It has flown, but is anywhere from two to six years out. It has to
use the same interface, mounting, and cooling currently installed. And it is supposed to fit in the same space without adding weight. A ROVER addition
is supposed to be an independent block 4 improvement. I don't know what that schedule is. I do know that USMC aviation has a sideways toothpick up its
@ss about not having ROVER from the get go. All that can be put in a pod tomorrow (or .. several months ago in Yuma).
More importantly, any upgrade/addition to capabilities will need to fit in the same footprint, be completely integrated with software, etc, etc. It's
time and money. The pod is always quicker, cheaper, and easier. It will always have interest.
I don't have any direct involvement in the EOTS program, but I've seen what I've seen and heard what I've heard. The F-22 story I have not actually
seen, but have heard and makes some sense given its current deployment and need for "interoperability" with other assets in theater. Particularly on
the ground.
And anzha, I'm not at all offended if you're skeptical. I'm just a guy with an internet connection among many.
As they say, trust none of what you hear and only half of what you see