posted on Aug, 18 2018 @ 09:08 PM
a reply to:
It probably means they are having major problems with the SU-57 on some level.
Note: they flew the SU-57 to syria and did a few strikes with it. Then they withdrew it very fast.
My bet is that found problems and without the Indian money, they are not going to fix them quickly. The other bet is that an F-22 came up and goosed
them while they didn't know the F-22 was there. That'd be devastating. But that's borderline, if not outright, tinfoil hat territory.
The Su-30 buy is actually really cheap: they're supposedly getting them for $27 to $28 million each.
For that price we ought to buy 26 and use them as aggressors. We can funnel the money through, say Indonesia.