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The Flat Earth "conspiracy" and a glaring error by those who suppport it...

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posted on Jan, 7 2018 @ 07:36 PM
Although, the OP isn't supporting flat earth... but more of "how can people believe the earth is flat"

So perhaps this may remain in the conspiracy forum

Even though its a silly question with a simple answer

theres alot of stupid people in this world

posted on Jan, 7 2018 @ 07:57 PM
In 1975 I could ride a motorcyle without a helmet,let off explosives and firecrackers,drive home after a few beers unmolested,smoke in a bar,club or restaurant,collect firewood and have campfires on the beach with my dog,canoe on the lakes without the need for rescue boats from the boat hirer,own any weapon I wanted,sit on 75-80 if I wanted too or grow my own tobacco.

Now I can do none of these things or I need a permit so my response is who cares if we live on a sphere or under a dome a prison is a prison and soon there will be an entire generation without any knowledge of or basic freedoms,this is a red herring topic sorry probably to deliberately get peoples minds off course.

posted on Jan, 7 2018 @ 08:21 PM
a reply to: khnum
A great tragedy indeed, but it may pertain in some things, as most people can not grasp the concept that perceptions and reality are not two things, but they are one and the same there is no distinction between them, your perception of the world around you, is your world, if you had a different perception, then it would be different as accordance to that perception.

So ya, the earth can be both flat and round in the minds eye, and lets face it. Who here has walked the face of the moon and turned around to say that the earth is flat or not? Hopefully somebody will read this thread and give is first had personal evidence of such a feat.

Maybe its time to go back, to the moon that is.
Now a days even that is suspect.

The fact is, that yes it is possible to fool millions even billions of peoples to believe anything you want them to believe. But reality is subjective, and its parcel is objective, one leads into the other. And it is the undeniable truth that the majority of us all, will live, die, without ever going much farther then a few miles from were we were born. And a plane ride or even a video of a plane ride does not mean much, most especially if not does not understand fish eye optics and how cameras operate.

But ya. I agree with you, if or not the earth is round or flat, does not matter much compared to other things in our day to day lifes. Its just an exercise in mental acuity, or an exercise in futility, take your pick? Does anybody really know what this whole thing called life and reality is? But everybody has there theories. I for one enjoy most, but not all of these flat earth threads, really brings out certain things to the foreground.

posted on Jan, 7 2018 @ 08:34 PM
a reply to: galadofwarthethird

You are right its all information and we as co-creators get to download the relevant memes to construct our reality,I really like people like Joseph Campbell that point out cross cultural similarities.

Of course there are differences language culture etc

.Recently Ive been looking at Old technology Egyptian occultism,Celtic beliefs and Norse runes and magic,are these systems now inoperable because everyone now is playing plants vs zombies on their hand held?

As we discover epigenetics and that we can develop our own DNA the massive push to be a totally regulated soulless technological hybrid commences,We are at human 0.5 not 1.0 and as for man 2.0 Im not going there.

If I can die a .75 I'll be happy and yes this may soon involve incarcaration or death.

posted on Jan, 7 2018 @ 09:22 PM
a reply to: khnum
Oh within certain confines I suppose you can say its all downloadable and co created, only to a certain degree. But like gravity, which contrary to popular believe the smartest and wisest still does not exactly know what it is. It just wont budge no matter how much you imagine it will.

Some things are more firm and concrete then concrete, and no matter how much you push at it or try to imagine a way around it, would be hard to deny gravity, to this or any meat creature walking this rocky watery ball or flat tempo graph or whatever, and other more concrete things in our world they definitely not only wont budge, would not even notice you or any of us. But for some bizarre and unexplained reason, the shape of the world or the moon even or whats up there in them sky, that for some reason is not fully formed or concrete, and is still open to interpretation.

Ain't life funny? You could say the heavens are open to us. Just as long as you don't try to deny gravity by jumping off a cliff.

Some things just wont budge, so no I do not think we are co creators as much as we like to think, were merely given the play set, and the tools, but we did not make and fully construct this playhouse, not by a long shot. Were more like experimenting in this playhouse, moving things around, and decorating this and that. But if its more then that? Who knows.

Recently Ive been looking at Old technology Egyptian occultism,Celtic beliefs and Norse runes and magic,are these systems now inoperable because everyone now is playing plants vs zombies on their hand held?

Probably more like they had a different coding for there version of plants vs zombies. And to them it was just as real as a touch screen videogame is to us. More so in many ways.

As we discover epigenetics and that we can develop our own DNA the massive push to be a totally regulated soulless technological hybrid commences,We are at human 0.5 not 1.0 and as for man 2.0 Im not going there.

YA I think we may want to tackle the whole how not to crap all over and in our own backyard before going all there. Chances are we will be wiped out by a stray meteor before going 2.0. And if we do go 2.0? Oh boy then there will the real headaches begin. Such seems to be the way, the ebb and flow of things.

posted on Jan, 7 2018 @ 10:54 PM
a reply to: galadofwarthethird

We have the free will to construct our reality with our chosen beliefs but as you say there are immutable laws you have to
factor in like gravity there are those that say its all an illusion its all not real well step in front of a bus then.There are many follies like the desire to be free of desire is also a desire.With regards to this topic all you really see is the ground to the top of the trees and be the world flat a sphere or a shield does it really matter even by mainstream science we only perceive .005 per cent of the universe.If we saw in infra red xray or ultraviolet all simultaneously what would the world look like then?

posted on Jan, 7 2018 @ 11:43 PM
a reply to: khnum

Hey I am not saying its all not real, it could very well all be not real. But while your here, its very well dam real with real consequences. But step outside of it? Maybe not so real. To the point that it does not matter one iota. But thats another thing all together. Even gravity may be an illusion in the scope of things, but just not while your here stuck in this all, whatever this all is.

There are many follies like the desire to be free of desire is also a desire.

Yup! Funny stuff like that a plenty.

If we saw in infra red xray or ultraviolet all simultaneously what would the world look like then?

A bit more colorful of a picture that is all, the days would be overwhelming, and the nights would be something to see indeed mostly because previously there was nothing to see. Even if we saw in ifra red, that alone would likely make us all for the greater part more nocturnal then anything else.

But hey if we were to evolve to see in infra red, we would have to been a more nocturnal type of evolution, it kind of asking which came first chicken or egg, one is generally brought about by the other, they both evolved together.

However. They should make some glasses or face masks that lets you see in all those wavelengths, technically speaking should not be that hard, with some hardware and light structure interpretation software it could be done. Just some sunglasses you could wear that lets you see in more then one wavelength, and has some software that interprets all that data, into what would be understandable to human eye and perception of objects and the world at large, maybe something were you could switch between them, one setting ifra red, the other ultraviolet the other x ray.

The x-ray one may be a problem you know since technically, well, would not be to nice or healthy to shoot x rays at people and capturing random ones may be minute.

But ya to answer your question, what would the world look like then?

It would look like it will be designed to look, because while you may make yourself be able to see in all those light wavelengths at once, technically the human mind does not have the software to really interpret any of it but our regular stream. If you were to suddenly be able to see in all that you would likely just be bombarded by a bunch of static that would just piss and annoy you to no end, give you one hell of a migraine as your brain and mind tries to interpret all that into some sort of cohesive thing.

Because to first see something one must first understand and have a concept what there seeing, you know download the software for it or some such. After that they then can see it.

Another funny thing about all this, one must first create the world one wants to see, before one is able to see it. Is that not what this whole Flat Earth thread is all about, though going about it a bit different.

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 07:12 AM

originally posted by: 23432

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: 23432
No curvature = No ball .

Weakest link in the chain of evidence is to be found easy if you look at the Pythogorean Spherical Trigonomety .

no edge, no flat earth. So perhaps it's a rhombus.

Maybe an infinite plain ?

As oppose to infinite space ?

Regardless , it's not spinning nor it is a globe / ball .

It's sad that with all the giant leaps the FE crowd has made in debate, that the only way to counter the "edge" argument is to obfuscate and run away. Infinite plane? Sure, then land would be infinite and free.

You cannot travel to an edge and nobody has ever witnessed an edge, yet you seem to refuse to admit that in reality, the only way for there not to be an edge is if the Earth was round. (Or square, which would accomplish the same thing)

It's like you all have never flew on a plane before. Even at 35,000 feet, you can only see as far as the curve will let you see. If it was flat, you could see beyond it, with proper optics. You can't.

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 07:49 AM

originally posted by: Akragon
Although, the OP isn't supporting flat earth... but more of "how can people believe the earth is flat"

So perhaps this may remain in the conspiracy forum

Even though its a silly question with a simple answer

theres alot of stupid people in this world

Correct - I dont understand how people can still believe this as it has been thoroughly debunked over the generations. Further the flat earth society accepts the fact Mars is a sphere and not flat. The flat earth "theory" cannot exist where every other planet is a sphere.

They dismiss NASA images as being composites. Then we get go pro cameras and regular everyday people use balloons attached to their go pros and we see again the earth is a sphere. Instead of accepting that they dismiss it as the cameras are using lens that give a distorted image (fisheye lens).

so, yeah...

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 09:25 AM
a reply to: Xcathdra

Or go jump off the edge

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 10:44 AM
Still waiting for a user who is going to testify and state that they have observed/detected/measured the curve of Earth .

By definition , there are lots of Dogma Worshipping Scientism followers on this thread .

It's not that difficult to carry out a scientific experiment to validate the Curvature or Spin .

Do some Science for yourselves and go out to a beach to detect , observe and measure 8 inch height difference in a given square mile of Seawater .

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 10:51 AM
a reply to: 23432

Why should you be spoon fed? Do your own research for a change.

It's not difficult to research any number of proofs that FE is a load of cobblers but there's none so blind as them that won't see.

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 10:58 AM
What is amazing to me is the fact that people still believe in NASA's porkypies .

NASA allegedly went to Moon 6 times in 3 years almost 45 years ago and never been back since .

NASA openly admits that they lost the " tech " to go back too .

This is the same NASA who sent 3 buggies at the cost of 180 million to Moon but same NASA forget to send a photographic telescope .

Oh , the original telemetry data has gone missing too .

As someone who actually watched the alleged Moon landings on TV ; I can safely say that NASA must be lying and nothing they say can be taken on a face value .

NASA lies and I feel sorry for those who have trust in " authority " of NASA .

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 11:01 AM
Come on, the Flat Earth Society says they have people all over the globe...

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 11:02 AM

originally posted by: oldcarpy
a reply to: 23432

Why should you be spoon fed? Do your own research for a change.

It's not difficult to research any number of proofs that FE is a load of cobblers but there's none so blind as them that won't see.

Utter rubbish son , utter rubbish .

You are so full of assumptions and presumptions , i can't begin to correct your mistakes .

edit on 8-1-2018 by 23432 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 11:06 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero
Come on, the Flat Earth Society says they have people all over the globe...

I personally am not a Flat Earther .

Science says there is an 8 inch height difference in a given square mile of Earth's surface .

I conduct a little Science experiment to validate this claim and I can't find the curve like I should .

Scrutiny shows you that what science says there should be actually isn't there .

Everyone needs to deal with this fact in their own time by using a little bit of Science .

How hard do people think it is to measure a mile long line for crying outloud !!!
edit on 8-1-2018 by 23432 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: 23432

I conduct a little Science experiment to validate this claim and I can't find the curve like I should .

please summarise your experiment [ methedology and equipment ] and what you expected the results to be vs what results you actually recorded
edit on 8-1-2018 by ignorant_ape because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 11:36 AM

originally posted by: ignorant_ape
a reply to: 23432

I conduct a little Science experiment to validate this claim and I can't find the curve like I should .

please summarise your experiment [ methedology and equipment ] and what you expected the results to be vs what results you actually recorded

I have a better idea ; you go to a beach , conduct your own experiment , document the curve and tell us all how you did it .

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 11:37 AM
OK it's flat, can we sneak under NK and bomb them from below so they just fall off into space??

Remember you heard it here first!!

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: 23432

whay are you so dammed evasive ?

YOU were the one who CLAIMED to have conducted an experiment

YOU were the one who CLAIMED to have results that did not show a curvature

i asked you a simple question :

please summarise your experiment [ methedology and equipment ] and what you expected the results to be vs what results you actually recorded

why will you not answer it ?

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