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The Shed 17

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posted on Jan, 11 2018 @ 01:10 AM
a reply to: Night Star

Guess who get's to clean it again? Yeah, the only person that ever cleans it. I am the janitor and some people like to take the piss. Or leave it behind. I want to rub his face in it like a naughty puppy.

I will restrain myself.

posted on Jan, 11 2018 @ 01:17 AM
a reply to: LightSpeedDriver

Ooh, good tune for my get well party!! Trying to post with watery eyes here, so if I make any mistakes, it's not my fault.

posted on Jan, 11 2018 @ 01:37 AM
a reply to: Night Star

Goodnight, star.

Goodnight, shed.

posted on Jan, 11 2018 @ 01:57 AM
a reply to: LightSpeedDriver

Leave him a boggy bomb. ( paper bag containing a pooh ... set on fire ). Place on his door step then knock and run !

The real fun is when they stomp it out ! 😶
edit on 11-1-2018 by Timely because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2018 @ 07:48 AM
Been lurking. Started to reply a few times but never finished my thoughts.

Hope Night (and everyone) is well or on the mend! I had a tooth removed Monday. It was a beast for Dr to get out, I thought he was going to dislocate my jaw😳. It’s been more painful than I anticipated. Trying to rely more on ibuprofen for relief, but it’s not cutting it. All opioids make nauseous, so it’s been fun!

Let kid #2 sleep in this morning because she has an appointment. Kids 1 and 3 all ready to go to school and I decided to double check my schedule- #2 has her appointment TOMORROW. I had to wake her up, read her assigned reading while she cried/got dressed/brushed teeth. Poor thing had to eat breakfast on the way to school. I felt like a horrible parent.

posted on Jan, 11 2018 @ 07:50 AM
a reply to: chelsdh

The joys of parenthood ! 😁

posted on Jan, 11 2018 @ 08:16 AM

originally posted by: Gordi The Drummer
a reply to: Errollorre

Nice one Tom!
LOVE the imagery too.

Thanks Gordi!
I appreciate the kind words.

originally posted by: Night Star
Hello everyone!

Tom, what a wonderful song! It put a smile on my face!

Thanks Night!
I'm glad it made you smile.

I hope everyone has good health and a wonderful day.

posted on Jan, 11 2018 @ 08:44 AM
a reply to: Errollorre

Noice work. As always ! 🏅

posted on Jan, 11 2018 @ 02:50 PM
Lucid, Thank you for the goodnight wishes! Another miserable night and day I'm afraid with this horrendous flu. It's good to see you joining us more these days. I miss you terribly when you are away. Miss your stories too!

Timely, hello across the pond!

Awww, Chels, hope you are feeling better by now! No, you're not a bad Parent. That made me chuckle though, it sort of reminded me of something you'd see in a movie scene in some comedy. I'd have a hard enough time keeping track of one kid, never mind 3. LOL
Have you thought any more about adding to your story line?

Errollorre, you mustn't stay away so long, nor your lovely wife Gail. You guys are missed so much around here. I sure do miss your story with Troll and the winged elf and all.

So I am supposed to go out tomorrow for my weekly get together with my friend and to get groceries and run errands and the way I'm feeling...I don't see that happening. Hoping she can pick some medicines and a few things up for me at least.
Hate being so sick I can't even take care of myself or get what we need in here.

posted on Jan, 11 2018 @ 02:55 PM

posted on Jan, 11 2018 @ 03:16 PM
Oh nooo bats in Australia dying!

posted on Jan, 11 2018 @ 07:39 PM
What I am writing about is simply that I know that I could improve my health by watching what I eat and doing what exercise the pain in my body permits as this is what my cardiologist suggests.

My life consists of the time I spend on the computer, eating, and sleeping. Everything else I either cannot/will not do or have no assistance in doing. I'm not losing any weight as I have gone somewhat back to using food as a drug to keep my mind off of things. That is what I get for ordering groceries online as I am not allowed by the family to drive. Sure, I would be in better shape if I improved my health, but for what reason?

There is nothing that I have to look forward to other than the possibility of finally getting approved for Social Security. This will be my third hearing, whenever that may be. In the meantime, I am a confined to my parents' house where every day I hear all of the noise my mostly deaf and mentally ill father makes or his yelling at my mom for stupid things. I understand that noise pollution is now considered a form of PTSD which I have anyway.

There are no friends to do things with and no, I'm not interested in what a church may offer to help. I've tried to be positive but every time dad takes me to a doctor appointment I have to put up with his nonsense, not to mention fearing for my life by his poor driving abilities.

Am I like a prisoner on death row waiting without any chance of reprieve?

Self-edited to avoid T&C issues.

posted on Jan, 11 2018 @ 08:13 PM

originally posted by: LookingForABetterLife
What I am writing about is simply that I know that I could improve my health by watching what I eat and doing what exercise the pain in my body permits as this is what my cardiologist suggests.

My life consists of the time I spend on the computer, eating, and sleeping. Everything else I either cannot/will not do or have no assistance in doing. I'm not losing any weight as I have gone somewhat back to using food as a drug to keep my mind off of things. That is what I get for ordering groceries online as I am not allowed by the family to drive. Sure, I would be in better shape if I improved my health, but for what reason?

There is nothing that I have to look forward to other than the possibility of finally getting approved for Social Security. This will be my third hearing, whenever that may be. In the meantime, I am a confined to my parents' house where every day I hear all of the noise my mostly deaf and mentally ill father makes or his yelling at my mom for stupid things. I understand that noise pollution is now considered a form of PTSD which I have anyway.

There are no friends to do things with and no, I'm not interested in what a church may offer to help. I've tried to be positive but every time dad takes me to a doctor appointment I have to put up with his nonsense, not to mention fearing for my life by his poor driving abilities.

Am I like a prisoner on death row waiting without any chance of reprieve?

Self-edited to avoid T&C issues.

Look at the bright side. Your parents could be dead... or you could be one of the 600,000 homeless in your country... many with no healthcare... no place to sleep..and scrounging for food.

I know it seems like you’re in a jail there Blue, but it could be a lot worse.
Try and be grateful for food and shelter and a family who is willing to put a roof over your head. Many don’t have such comforts. 😕

posted on Jan, 11 2018 @ 10:15 PM

originally posted by: Sheye

Look at the bright side. Your parents could be dead... or you could be one of the 600,000 homeless in your country... many with no healthcare... no place to sleep..and scrounging for food.
Try and be grateful for food and shelter and a family who is willing to put a roof over your head. Many don’t have such comforts. 😕

Hey Girl, I tend to agree with you, and my "but" will come later.
I have no family, no support system , no healthcare on this continent. Something I would never have imagined in my worst night mares. All i have is me.
I try to maintain an attitude of gratitude. I do, but it is so hard. If I am sick for two days I am behind on rent or something else essential. Hell, one day.

Here comes my "but". We all struggle in so many different ways. Should we all put our selves below the lowest denominator?
Should we not fight for a more compassionate society or just leave our wanting soldiers die on the field?
I do understand your argument in light of the society we live in.

posted on Jan, 11 2018 @ 10:20 PM

originally posted by: LookingForABetterLife
My life consists of the time I spend on the computer, eating, and sleeping. Everything else I either cannot/will not do or have no assistance in doing.

Ok maybe you can make something out of that. Computer = Visit more positive sites and learn about the things that have your interest. Eat healthier, and maybe your sleeping will improve and after that, you might be able to do something more than those 3 things.

Easy to shout from here far away, i know, i know. I am more or less of a wreck myself. I think too much and i feel too much. So now i am working on killing thinking and feeling because i can't handle them anymore. The ratio between good thoughts / feelings and the horrifying ones is too lousy. Maybe i can create a void inside my head and inside my heart, and build something better from there. Long shot perhaps, but the only one i have.

posted on Jan, 11 2018 @ 10:20 PM

originally posted by: Timely
a reply to: Errollorre

Noice work. As always ! 🏅

Thanks Timely!
I appreciate it.

Oh well. As long as I'm self promoting...
here is another song I wrote and sang just the other day.
I hope you all like it.

posted on Jan, 11 2018 @ 10:21 PM

originally posted by: WalkInSilence
a reply to: Sheye

Hey Girl, I really liked that, the lyrics are wonderful, perhaps because I relate to as a craftsman and a sailor.
Hugs to you.
Are you OK?

I’m doing fine... thank you so much for asking. I thought of your boat pic when I posted that song ... the one you posted as we were edging into Shed 17. Thats also the image I used to get River and Riverbabe into the Shed in my story. Those characters travelled by your boat.😁
Anyhoo .. so happy you enjoyed that ol’ but still cool tune . The lyrics suit the shed !

Hope everything is reasonably well in your life. I’m sure that cold snap had a rest. Ours did, but now we’re in another one😕. -40C ish with wind chills. We get through it... you just have to dress for the weather, or stay inside after you stock up on what you need.

Take care... and once again thank you for your concern. I hadn’t checked replies... and I missed your post.

posted on Jan, 11 2018 @ 10:23 PM

originally posted by: WalkInSilence
Here comes my "but". We all struggle in so many different ways. Should we all put our selves below the lowest denominator?

I totally get you. There is always someone in a worse condition, unless one happens to be in the worst condition of all the human population on earth. And he/she will be dead in a second or two.

posted on Jan, 11 2018 @ 10:28 PM
a reply to: LookingForABetterLife

Blue Sweet Heart, just go for a walk, go notice what ever is going on in your environment. Every day, look at the birds, take note of them, the people. Just walk. You have a roof over your head and hell you can order food.
Walk until your legs are like led. We are made to walk.

posted on Jan, 11 2018 @ 10:33 PM

originally posted by: Errollorre
here is another song I wrote and sang just the other day.
I hope you all like it.

I liked that very much
Your voice has deep charisma. Glad to hear that you are putting it into good use. I still have not listened to your song from a couple of days ago, due to being stuck at my own playlist, but i will listen to it later today. I have to. You have talent!

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