posted on Oct, 4 2017 @ 07:09 PM
Before I reply in general I have to share this.
It made me happy in an odd backwards way, and happy is good to share, right?
Disclaimer. I will use references such as white and black. Please take no offense.
I am white with a middle-eastern back ground, but except White, because it is easier. Any who.
At work, behind the counter.
Black gentleman walks up.
"How may I help you Sir"
"I would like....."
White dude pulls up to the black mans cart and says in a loud aggressive voice " Get your F'n cart out of my way" His body language is hostile. The
black guy turns.
"Yes your cart you F'n N....." " You are in my way"
In a split second I knew in the darkest corners of my soul I was going to loose my job in the black mans defense, I could feel absolute rage soar up
ready to strike. And oddly, sadness, a deep sorrow.
At that moment the two guys gave each other a high five.
They knew each other and were just messing around.
My adrenalin was so high tears started rolling.
The black guy saw my distress and told the white guy, he made the "Lady" cry. They both apologized.
I told them I was ready in a split second to jeopardize my job.
The black gentle came back and thanked me, he asked what my name was.
When I left work five minutes later the white guy was by his car. He smiled and apologized again.
I thanked him, because he tricked me to acknowledge my true colors. He showed me that I walk my talk.
I was so grateful that I thanked him profusely.
Equality, respect are "things" I will say, but I am rarely provoked in such a manner.
This sounds silly perhaps, but to me it shows I am still a human being, it humbles me. There is something inside of me that is greater than the
pitiful cynical "thing" I don't want to be.
Jumping up and down I have a heart, a real heart and soul. I had begun to doubt it.