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Houston Pastor JOEL OSTEEN Will NOT Open His Mega-Church To Flood Victims!.

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posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 09:31 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: chr0naut

Then by opening the church doors to refugees...Joel Osteen is ENDANGERING them?!?! Tisk..Tisk.. That's not Christian..

Then you see the power of media and public opinion.
Has nothing to do with religion
Agreed ?

posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 09:34 PM

originally posted by: BubbaJoe

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: carewemust

Apparently, the Church is closed and services have been cancelled due to flooding. Pictures have been posted of the carpark and the interior showing the water levels.

When a building that is higher than the surrounding terrain floods, usually the water comes from a pressure wave in septic and sewage systems. That means that if it did flood, the interior would not be safe for habitation until it was drained and cleaned.

Also, if there is significant flooding on a building with a large and mostly unsupported roof, there may be physical damage that may make the the building unsafe from physical collapse. To verify the building's safety usually requires engineering inspection.

Additionally, there are apparently eight staff onsite and the doors are not locked. The staff are either directing people to nearby shelters and are ready to direct people to un-flooded parts of the complex, for those needing emergency accommodation. Apparently no-one has chosen to stay so far.

This whole thing is a social media beat up. A lie. Fake news designed to inflame the bigoted!

Keep making excuses for this scumbag, you display yourself for what you are.

I am someone who bothers to investigate, especially if something looks like a fairly obvious social media defamation fest.

I am a Christian, but I strive to not be a fool.

posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 09:34 PM
1 John 3:17

But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?

edit on 28-8-2017 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 09:35 PM

originally posted by: queenofswords
a reply to: BubbaJoe

No excuses were made. You have problems understanding, I think. But, on the internet, it's easy to misunderstand sometimes.

Don't know if what I read is true or not, but it's being reported he was trying to acquire air mattresses and gather staff to assist.

I really don't have a problem comprehending, also in that 160+ IQ category, you start out with maybe it was insurance issues. Most true Christians I know, don't make excuses for those that fail their duty.

He has padded pews, and his congregation is so devout, he couldn't gather volunteers in 4 days, keep make excuses for this asshat.

posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 09:35 PM
The sack of s# had to be prodded into opening the megachurch doors via one hell of a public roasting to allow Category 4 hurricane flood victims a dry place to stay, and people think people like this are what's going to take care of the public in times of need?

This is why we also need those dirty socialist emergency programs, folks. You just can't count on your fellow man alone. He's almost always a selfish f#.

posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 09:36 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: carewemust

Apparently, the Church is closed and services have been cancelled due to flooding. Pictures have been posted of the carpark and the interior showing the water levels.

When a building that is higher than the surrounding terrain floods, usually the water comes from a pressure wave in septic and sewage systems. That means that if it did flood, the interior would not be safe for habitation until it was drained and cleaned.

Also, if there is significant flooding on a building with a large and mostly unsupported roof, there may be physical damage that may make the the building unsafe from physical collapse. To verify the building's safety usually requires engineering inspection.

Additionally, there are apparently eight staff onsite and the doors are not locked. The staff are either directing people to nearby shelters and are ready to direct people to un-flooded parts of the complex, for those needing emergency accommodation. Apparently no-one has chosen to stay so far.

This whole thing is a social media beat up. A lie. Fake news designed to inflame the bigoted!
Pitiful and sad excuse. Pictures have shown a zero flooding and regardless of a few staff, we knew days in advance of a Hurricane approaching.

Sewage? pure speculation.

posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 09:37 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: BubbaJoe

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: carewemust

Apparently, the Church is closed and services have been cancelled due to flooding. Pictures have been posted of the carpark and the interior showing the water levels.

When a building that is higher than the surrounding terrain floods, usually the water comes from a pressure wave in septic and sewage systems. That means that if it did flood, the interior would not be safe for habitation until it was drained and cleaned.

Also, if there is significant flooding on a building with a large and mostly unsupported roof, there may be physical damage that may make the the building unsafe from physical collapse. To verify the building's safety usually requires engineering inspection.

Additionally, there are apparently eight staff onsite and the doors are not locked. The staff are either directing people to nearby shelters and are ready to direct people to un-flooded parts of the complex, for those needing emergency accommodation. Apparently no-one has chosen to stay so far.

This whole thing is a social media beat up. A lie. Fake news designed to inflame the bigoted!

Keep making excuses for this scumbag, you display yourself for what you are.

I am someone who bothers to investigate, especially if something looks like a fairly obvious social media defamation fest.

I am a Christian, but I strive to not be a fool.

Osteen is a scumbag, his church should have been open Saturday, if you have it in your heart to forgive that oversite, I am truly sorry for the other oversites you have had.

posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 09:39 PM

The sack of s# had to be prodded into opening the megachurch

He’s a sackcloth of sh_T

posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 09:40 PM
naw, he's not a pastor or religion oriented guide says inspirational speaker....Tony Robbins

he never says the name Jesus....his wife will......and they don't open the Scripture
edit on 28-8-2017 by GBP/JPY because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-8-2017 by GBP/JPY because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 09:41 PM
a reply to: queenofswords

Sometimes it takes emotion, rather than being cold and clinical..amiright?
Obviously he has been shamed into doing the right thing..nothing to do with insurance.

posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 09:41 PM
a reply to: TruMcCarthy

I'll wait to know the whole story before I judge Osteen's conduct.

I'm not sure we'll every hear the whole story from him if it's true to the narrative here.

Being a public figure in the community with a huge facility, he probably should have gotten out in front of this one.

But, yeah. I look forward to hearing what he has to say.

posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 09:45 PM
Well they do say the guys church is flooded

Flooded with all his goddamed money!

posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 09:45 PM
Well, that plastic surgery, those extra large teeth and hair-sprayed quiff must cost a lot of money and no doubt he needs all that dressing room space in the facility.

posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 09:46 PM

originally posted by: Zarniwoop
a reply to: TruMcCarthy

I'll wait to know the whole story before I judge Osteen's conduct.

I'm not sure we'll every hear the whole story from him if it's true to the narrative here.

Being a public figure in the community with a huge facility, he probably should have gotten out in front of this one.

But, yeah. I look forward to hearing what he has to say.

He won't say anything, other than begging for money on TV. This should be the end of his "ministry", but it won't. In 57 years I have met a lot of really good Christians, have met more bad ones. I have also met many good atheists, agnostics, bhuddists, moslems, shintoist, etc. There are good people all over the world, Osteen is not one, he is a scumbag.

posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 09:49 PM
a reply to: carewemust very xtian of him.

posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 09:49 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: chr0naut

Then by opening the church doors to refugees...Joel Osteen is ENDANGERING them?!?! Tisk..Tisk.. That's not Christian..

I would assume that not all of the Lakewood Church premises are affected.

They have eight staff members onsite (whom I assume he is paying to be there), presumably to ensure the safety of refugees who are unable to get to the (sufficient) alternate sites.

It sounds entirely Christian.

posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 09:52 PM
a reply to: BubbaJoe

This should be the end of his "ministry", but it won't.

Nope. It won't. Because his followers will consume whatever he says.

His overall brand though, may be severely damaged, as well as his social media presence.

None of that makes me sad.

posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 09:52 PM

originally posted by: vonclod
a reply to: queenofswords

Sometimes it takes emotion, rather than being cold and clinical..amiright?
Obviously he has been shamed into doing the right thing..nothing to do with insurance.

I agree, except the emotion should be from the heart...not emotionally hyper-reactive. When you have uncontrollable reactions, you can misunderstand or lose reason altogether.

I still bet he thought about insurance and possible law suits. His church has been sued before. But his better angels prevailed perhaps.

posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 09:54 PM

originally posted by: Gothmog

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: chr0naut

Then by opening the church doors to refugees...Joel Osteen is ENDANGERING them?!?! Tisk..Tisk.. That's not Christian..

Then you see the power of media and public opinion.
Has nothing to do with religion
Agreed ?

I bet Osteen got a call from the nation's Chief Twitter monitor (Donald Trump) too.

posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 09:57 PM

originally posted by: Willtell
This guy don’t want those dirty mangy low life’s in his nice and pretty, clean church.

He’s a reverend Ike type…If you aint got it you aint gettin it from me

That's why I predict that only "the right kind" of flood refugees will be bused to his church.

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