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I was in Charlottesville. Trump was wrong about violence on the left

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posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: Kryties

Soooooo...all those antifa people with masks and clubs and pepper spray and apparently urine balloons were there to be peaceful? I believe that about as much as I believe the neo Nazis with shields guns and clubs came for peace some people will believe anything huh!

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 11:41 AM

originally posted by: knowledgehunter0986

I asked you this 6 times already, who's deflecting?

Who is deflecting? The people (9 of them) who claimed to have first-hand video evidence that the Left started the violence. Not one of them has posted that evidence despite being asked to multiple times. Instead, they, and others, have tried to deflect the topic onto something else and away from the fact that they haven't posted the evidence.

Post the evidence. Is it really that difficult?

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: Tardacus
maybe you should stop blaming the gov't!! it's not really their fault that the kids skipped the classes that explained how our system of government works!!

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: Kryties

At what point in the video I posted were the right wingers instigating violence?

Can you point out the time on that video?

And once that instigation happened, do you feel it is legitimate for the other side to then respond with violence?

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 11:41 AM

originally posted by: Kryties

originally posted by: britishpatriot
a reply to: Kryties

All I can see are a bunch of white supremacists and Nazis armed to the teeth with bats, helmets, shields etc etc instigating violence.

I have a big problem with this.

those people who you wrongly brand as nazi's were protesting the removal of American history, that is what the left want to do, delete any history they do not like.

Why were they holding shields and helmets branded with known white supremacist/KKK/Nazi insignia then? I am struggling to find too many people there who WEREN'T displaying one or the other of those symbols.

Why does it matter if they were kkk?

It might be really unpopular but what does it matter so long as their reasons are justified. They were defending history, I don't care if thats the KKK or Hillary or the scouts.

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 11:42 AM

originally posted by: RickyD
a reply to: Kryties

Soooooo...all those antifa people with masks and clubs and pepper spray and apparently urine balloons were there to be peaceful? I believe that about as much as I believe the neo Nazis with shields guns and clubs came for peace some people will believe anything huh!

You mean the Antifa crowd that turned up the 2nd day, after the Nazis had spent the night before pepper-spraying and beating peaceful protesters? You mean them?

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 11:42 AM

originally posted by: Kryties
a reply to: neo96

Actually all I am doing is simply asking the 9 people who claimed there was first-hand video evidence of it to actually POST IT. That's all, I simply asked them to post it - and the reply I get is to be accused of everything under the sun, all in an attempt to deflect attention away from the fact that they claimed to have evidence and yet refuse to post it.

If those 9 people had the evidence, it should be simple to post it. Given that all 9 haven't, and people are trying to deflect away from this fact, I have to come to the conclusion that this evidence doesn't exist.

I did.

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: dawnstar

They ( the church and counterprotest ERS) didn't expect the Nazis to come to the counterprotest at the statue Friday night. The authorities sure to hell should have anticipated problems and should have had resources on site to prevent actual violence. This isn't rocket science, Nazis are pretty predictible in their behavior.

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 11:43 AM

originally posted by: Kryties
a reply to: jjkenobi

When One side turns up armed, instigates violence then blames it all on the other side and plays innocent, then they must be called out.

Then you're calling out both sides? Both sides showed up armed with weapons of some sort looking for a fight. Antifa never shows up anywhere peacefully

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: Kryties

Pretty sure this is what you're looking for but are too lazy to simply Google "antifa violence Charlottesville"...

Google videos antifa violence Charlottesville

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: Edumakated

please, your bias for all things conservative is showing.

As far as I am concerned, this is like when two 10 year olds get into a fight in the boy's bathroom and then the teacher comes in and both boys point at each other crying "He started it!"

Not even close, someone DIED. You mean a group 10 years fighting in the bathroom and when one of them gets killed, the teacher just responds, "everyone was fighting in that bathroom".

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 11:44 AM

originally posted by: Masterjaden
a reply to: Kryties

No one claimed to HAVE evidence. They claimed to have seen it. Quit deflecting. Show us evidence that the article isn't Bull#t .i mean any type of corroborating evidence other than an antifa member stating that they weren't violent.


Yes, I posted evidence from people there that claimed to have seen violence from the left.

So quite deflecting and show me why that article is wrong.

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: Grambler

He doesn't see because he doesn't want to...thats the only reason one wouldn't see what's easily available to see...

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: Kryties

Holy crap man.

You just deflecting again..

Here let me break it down in layman's terms so you can understand.

You presented anecdotal evidence.

People countered with anecdotal evidence.

You asked for evidence to back it up.

I asked you to back it up.

You pointed back to your anecdotal evidence.

I ask you if your anecdotal is more credible than somebody else's.

You say I'm deflecting.

So I ask over and over.

And you keep going in circles DEFLECTING my question.

I'm asking YOU, I don't care about the others claiming to have seen video.

I'm asking YOU, do YOU have any evidence that isn't anecdotal?

If not, your anecdotal is no better than theirs.


posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: Grambler

Im talking about the 9 others who claimed to have video and haven't posted it.

I would very much like to know why they would claim to have video and yet not post it. I would also like to know why others are aiding in them deflecting off the topic of them not posting said video evidence.

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: RickyD

I asked the other 9 for their video evidence, they have not posted it.


posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 11:46 AM

originally posted by: xuenchen
Another great made-up fantastic story.

Kinda like the one the pres told?

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: britishpatriot

did someone from canada pay the taxes to sustain that park, did they vote for the city council that made their decision?
did the driver from ohio?
it's not your government to protest!!!

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: Edumakated

The reporter pressed further: “Do you believe that they're the ones who instigated the fighting?”

Thomas answered: “We did have mutually combating individuals in the crowd.”

Why do you think *this* is so unanswerable? Everyone knows that there were fights. Because Thomas didn't opine about who instigated these fights like Donald "I wait for facts but the 'alt-left' did it!" Trump did when he point blank alleged that individuals from the "alt-left" instigated violence, you take that to mean that Thomas was definitively stating that the violence was mutually instigated?

That's quite a deliberate stretch. Why not just go to the video and images?

Start with the pictures Trump claims he saw of all those "fine people" the "night before" (Friday). Here's the "fine people" with torches chanting "Jews won't replace us" and "blood and soil" :

Here's the small band of mostly UVA protesters the invading horde confronted. These aren't Antifa Black Bloc anarchists. They don't torches. They're not armed. They're not menacing. They don't have bats, sticks, etc:

Here's the neo-Nazi invaders, who MASSIVELY outnumber the local protesters, surrounding the small group:

Let's go to video.

Take a look at 1:39. Who looks more hostile? On the left (appropriately enough), you see protesters standing relatively still, a few with hands in pockets. On the right, you see frothy-mouthed Nazis crossing the middle ground, thrusting metal flashlights in faces as they scream.

At 2:00, you can see the neo-Nazi's moving into the space of the protest group, initiating fights. Keep watching.

You'll notice that Mr. Crybaby Nazi who was all on the VICE video talking about how more people were gonna have to die and later blubbering through tears about how they "tried their best to be peaceful" or whatever (paraphrasing), is doing what? OH, that's right, he's now jumping these college kids which a bunch of neo-Nazi thugs.

A woman or girl takes out mace. You can hear Crybaby Nazi screech "take that s# from her" as she is mobbed by a bunch of neo-Nazi thugs.

At 3:43, you can see Trump's "fine people" celebrating beating up the protesters.

At 4:18, you can "Millennial Matt" claim that "there was a bunch of Antifa up there in all black." Did you see a "bunch of Antifa up there in all black?" No, you didn't. He goes on to say that "they all had weapons and s#" — did you see that either?

Here's another video from another angle. Decrease the speed to .25 and look at around 17s.

See that arm that the arrow points to? Where is that arm coming from? It comes in from the right. Watch a little further and you'll see hard-ass "more people are gonna have to die, look at all the guns I brought" Crybaby Nazi, macing somebody which is pretty ironic because later on, he's crying about how he got maced.

Don't stop watching yet. Keep going to 00:35. What do you see happening there? Torch waving Nazi manages to splash lit fluid from his tiki torch on a protester and as they guy is putting out his pants, one of Trump's "fine people" moves in swinging his torch.

Don't stop watching now. The false equivalence campaign you're part of just keeps getting blown apart. Who is charging? Who is swinging weapons? Where are these weapon wielding Antifa? Reality of this situation is 100% the opposite of what Donald Trump said.

But hey, you have an interpretation of a quote.


Added the video I forgot to embed.
edit on 2017-8-17 by theantediluvian because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 11:47 AM
And not to mention, not one person on here claiming that the counter protetors were peaceful addressed the video that was posted of the police chief saying both sides were violent.

But I suppose that is not good enough proof either.

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