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I was in Charlottesville. Trump was wrong about violence on the left

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posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: Kryties

Does it matter who posts it? Are you being difficult because you know you're wrong and are just the type who has a hard time admitting it? You seem to be acting very petty here and what you've asked for has been provided...

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: knowledgehunter0986

Let me make this really simple for you, as apparently it's been too complex for you to comprehend.....




GO ON..........

It cant be THAT difficult can it?

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 11:49 AM

originally posted by: Grambler
a reply to: Kryties

At what point in the video I posted were the right wingers instigating violence?

Can you point out the time on that video?

And once that instigation happened, do you feel it is legitimate for the other side to then respond with violence?

I saw Nazis beating other protesters with bats and shields - and I see no problem with those people being beaten defending themselves.

edit on 17/8/2017 by Kryties because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: Grambler

Apparently only their anecdotal evidence is good enough.

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: dawnstar

it's not your government to protest!!!

I see it as a part of a bigger issue.

This is about pushing back against the globalist elite cabal and their quest for a one world government.

So yes they might have been protesting against a entity that is not my government but in the bigger picture they were also protesting against the zionest quest to establish a global elitist one world government. As such I feel my interest in this is warranted.

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 11:49 AM
His lone account isn't supported by the accounts of others. Looks like he is either mistaken or looking for his 15 minutes.

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 11:50 AM

originally posted by: Simon_Boudreaux

originally posted by: Kryties
a reply to: jjkenobi

When One side turns up armed, instigates violence then blames it all on the other side and plays innocent, then they must be called out.

Then you're calling out both sides? Both sides showed up armed with weapons of some sort looking for a fight. Antifa never shows up anywhere peacefully

Actually the Nazis came armed first. On the first night the violence was purely and only from the white supremacists onto peaceful protesters. Antifa showed up the next day to help defend against these attacks.

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 11:51 AM
a reply to: Kryties

You've now dodged my question 8 times.

Becauase you obviously can't address it without sounding like a double standard hypocrite.

By the way, I never claimed to have evidence, why are you telling me what you want others to do?

I'm speaking to you separately and directly, but apparently your only response is deflecting to somebody else's claims.

Too complex huh?

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 11:52 AM

The image showing a man wielding a club and wearing an "antifa" jacket while standing over a downed officer was widely shared after the deadly violence at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. The image has been circulating for several months among those opposed to the antifa movement, which is comprised of far-left-leaning militant groups that resist neo-Nazis and white supremacists. 

The image is actually a Getty Images photo taken during a 2009 protest of police in Athens, Greece. An antifa logo was apparently digitally added to the demonstrator's jacket. 


posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: knowledgehunter0986

I utterly refuse to answer your question if you don't answer mine first. I thought that was bleeding obvious.

Here is the question for the thousandth time (which I asked first):

If these posters claim they have first hand video evidence then why not post it?

You didn't answer my question, you merely deflected and started talking about another video that is NOT first hand evidence.

Please answer the question directly then I will answer yours. It is only fair.

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 11:54 AM
Question: what is the logical foundation of arguing that by not specifically naming something included in under an umbrella statement that condemns it that you are ACTUALLY supporting it?

ill wait, should be good.

OP: another poster stole my thunder....its relevant to mention you arent omnipresent, so your experience is limited to what you saw and therefore not accurately representative of EVERYTHING that happened EVERYWHERE in Charlottesville.

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 11:54 AM

originally posted by: Tardacus

originally posted by: dawnstar
a reply to: neo96
they both had permits...
the judge pointed that out when he made the decision to the the unite the right remain where it was...
there were conditions placed on those permits, agreements...
those agreements were not kept.

then the state is to blame for what happened,it was foolish to issue permits to 2 opposing groups to assemble in such close proximity to each other.

the judge should be disbarred, what was he thinking?
They are nazi`s of course they won`t live up to an agreement LOLOLOLOL I guess that judge doesn`t remember his history.

Actually the counterprotest permits were for other nearby parks. I guess you didn't need a permit to counter protest at Emacipation Park where the Nazis were as public parks are open to the public. The counterprotestors weren't organized and didn't seem to go to the counter protest parks, they went to the belly of the beast at Emacipation Park. The authorities did not take adequate actions to prevent them from being in close proximity to one another and things spiraled out of control on all sides. To be honest we are lucky it didn't get much worse considering the LEOs plan to do nothing.

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: theantediluvian
Fisrt can you post aid the fine people from the night before? Not saying it didn't happen but I'd like to see it.

You are assuming all of the people there were the ones you pictured.

This was the entirety of the people there for the protest?

Second, I agree these a-holes are some of the vilest people I have ever seen. However, you video does not show who attacked who first. Its in the background and it looks like something gets thrown toward the white supremacists. But its not clear.

Third, why do you only focus on Friday? Are you saying if this happened friday, then the other side was allowed to be violent saturday?

How do you respond to the fact the police chief said both sides were violent?

How do you respond to the video I posted showing men with ball bats following and taunting protestors as they were being led away, and the a fight breaking out?

If you are saying trump was 100% wrong, you are saying there was no violence on the left.

I can't believe you really believe that.

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 11:57 AM

originally posted by: Kryties
a reply to: network dude

So apparently, according to you, people shouldn't protest something if there is a chance it could turn violent?

Are you suggesting people have crystal balls and can see the future or read others minds?

LOL, please tell me you are kidding. They brought #ing weapons with them. Do you think they made a mistake in intended to bring flowers? Derp X10.

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 11:57 AM
a reply to: Kryties

Why the hell are you asking me? Did I make the claim? I don't give a # what they said to you.

I'm talking to you separately, why are you having such a hard time comprehending this?

The point is, I don't even need for you to answer because the answer is already evident.

But it's really interesting to see the lengths you will go to to avoid it, unknowingly exposing yourself along the way.

I'm outta here.

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 11:59 AM

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: Kryties
a reply to: network dude

So apparently, according to you, people shouldn't protest something if there is a chance it could turn violent?

Are you suggesting people have crystal balls and can see the future or read others minds?

LOL, please tell me you are kidding. They brought #ing weapons with them. Do you think they made a mistake in intended to bring flowers? Derp X10.

They only brought weapons on the second day after they had just spent the previous night unarmed and being pepper-sprayed and beaten by torches by the white supremacists.

Are you suggesting people do not have the right to defend themselves against violence?

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: britishpatriot
and all you are doing is opening a path for our federal gov't to step in and weaken communities right to self govern..
which is seems to me would serve those global elitist a great deal!!!

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 12:00 PM

originally posted by: knowledgehunter0986
a reply to: Kryties

Why the hell are you asking me?

Because you replied to the question I asked the first time?

Are you suggesting I shouldn't reply back to you? Why?

Here it is again, what you said:

originally posted by: knowledgehunter0986
a reply to: Kryties

First page, somebody already posted a video as evidence. Did you skip it on purpose?

Or is the cops anecdotal evidence not as credible as the person in your OP?

Off you go and have a hissy fit that I dared to respond that you though.....

edit on 17/8/2017 by Kryties because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 12:02 PM

originally posted by: Masterjaden
a reply to: Avicenne

Hitler was murdering millions of people, not protesting the removal of a statue that is historically relevant

You know what else is relevant ?
Chanting "Blood and soil" while protesting the removal of a statue. So, chanting Nazi slogans is alright for the altright.

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 12:02 PM

originally posted by: dawnstar
a reply to: britishpatriot
and all you are doing is opening a path for our federal gov't to step in and weaken communities right to self govern..
which is seems to me would serve those global elitist a great deal!!!

And that is why the second amendment is so important.

As a Brit I feel America is going to be on the front line of the war between the elite and the everyday man.

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