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Abducted? Yeah, I know of at least two periods of missing time. One was like a trance when I got back home. I must have been gone over an hour or so.
I walked behind my friend's house to investigate a really bright light. Next thing I know, I am in my back yard, locking the gate, then going inside.
I got a, "Where have you been?!!" and all I could do was say, "I'm tired. I'm going to bed."
The second time I've posted here on ATS somewhere. Basically, left at home during a family outing. I had to beg to be left behind. Anyway, after my
day, I was lying on the floor in the living room starting to fall asleep. I snap awake as I "feel" a presence looking for me in the my downstairs
basement. When the presence locates me (it seemed... bemused?), I can feel it walking out of my room and splitting into 3 distinct individuals. I tell
myself, "You can move. Just do it slowly." And get my shoulder off the floor but there is no way to get up before they climb the stairs--I then jerk
like trying to get up fast only to fall back on my back. They are opening the door between the downstairs and living room where I was lying in front
of the TV. I know that there is no escape. I tell myself, "Don't look at them! They freak you out. They remind you of bugs." I shut me eyes as I hear
them encircle my head (one on each shoulder, one standing over me). Then a thing, like a wand!... really!!... comes down and touches my forehead.
There is a loud crunch. Then I am lying on the couch (had been on the floor), getting up, in a full sweat, running around the house closing all the
curtains, windows, and doors! The adrenalin rush was genuine--I was in full "flight" mode. Tears streaming down my face; hyperventilating; d@mn near a
full on freak out. I refuse to look outside.
Then a voice inside my head said, "Turn on the TV. There is some music that you like on." And I did. David Bowie, Changes; Quiet Riot, Mental Health;
commercials; U2, Gloria. All back to back. I start to calm down. I fall asleep with the lights on after checking all the doors were locked, again.
By my reaction alone, They are real. They have spaceships. They seem to have an agenda with you as a tool to be put to some purpose. I remember once
screaming at them to leave me alone and that I was not going to do anything they asked me to. They regretfully obeyed my wishes. I have not had
contact with them since. It is kind of sad. But I got my life back to waste as I see fit. Oh boy, did I ever waste a bunch of it! Which is why I only
drink beer now.
My math thing happened 25 years later so I think that is all my doing. Anything up to then was always a question. So I used alcohol to keep from doing
anything except going to jail and rehab. Nearly died a couple times. Somehow managed to keep a job. Then one last stint in rehab which I took
seriously. No jail; No problems; No visitors, ever since.
The BBT was a sighting I had after talking with a random dude at the bar about nuclear fusion. Then on the walk back home from the bar I saw the
craft. Well, I saw through it! I think Reverbs kept them from "erasing" the experience while it happened which is one of the BBT tricks they do. I
don't know why I got to see one.
Having had an experience with The Other, the BBT seemed truly "human" in everything it did.