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Gay Genes, Religous implications ?

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posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 08:18 PM

I didn't ask to be that way, I fought it in my teenage years, but that is the only thing that excites me sexually. I am male. It is very apparent what does and does not excite me.

Bulls,,t,,,,, if it is not wrong, then why did you fight it? Don't give me that crap about you would be shunned and tormented. You fought it because you felt inside that it was wrong. Ted Bundy was quoted as saying that he fought off all of his killing urges when he was younger, then it became too strong,,, he also said that that was the only thing that excited him. Where do you draw the line? Bestiality? Necrophilia? Where? Those are things that excite some people,,, does it make their actions right just because that's the only thing that stimulates them sexually?

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 08:33 PM
deesw...this is my last post to you ever.....I'm going to hit my happy button after this cause you drive me nuts! A gay person is born that way, they can't help it. When my three boys were growing up, they were 2 little boys that came around and played with them and the rest of the neighborhood kids. I knew then , while they were at the age of seven and eight, that they would be gay...and they are. As to making a choice as to whom they lay down with...yes they have to eventually chose to live life miserable, alone and a lie, or to accept who they are and try to be happy, and make a life with someone they love. Most gays go through the denial thing, making themselves and the people they try with miserable. It would be like you being with someone that totally turns you off, someone you are not in any way, have even the slightest attraction for...but "having" to be with them anyway. You are hard, insensitive, not understanding at all, and have no idea what you are talking about in over half your posts. Why is it so terrible to you that two people of the same sex can love and respect each other in a loving and committed relationship? WTH is wrong with you!? SO it's against your belief......does that mean you have to be cold about it? Why can't you accept it and go your way? It's really none of your business, or anyone else's for that matter.......

Oh, and as to Dahmer...he was born that way....he was nuts....and in reality, he probably couldn't help himself in killing ::::shudder:::: But that has nothing what so ever to do with others being gay anymore than Bundy has anything to do with heterosexuals killing. Oh...and sense your not smart enough to figure it out on your own.....most gays fight it to try their best to fit in and be like you really think that people choose to be ousted, made fun of, ridiculed, and hated.....
For me and's now so long! Hello happy button!

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 08:44 PM

For me and's now so long! Hello happy button!

It's about time Ladyv. It's been getting really boring listening to you take up for every immoral thing on this planet. You need to reevaluate your life and figure out once in for all that there are things in this world that are wrong, and that you do not have to accept everyone, or like everyone. I have in no way been mean to anyone on here. There are a lot of extra sensitive people on here. If you get that angry when people disagree with you,,,, you should not post on here. Go on, be gone then. Have a happy day and enjoy your wiccanism.

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 08:59 PM

as posted by Countermeasures
According to recent investigation of DNA sequences in families with gay brothers, several combinations of genes might determine the sexual orientation.

Umm, this (below) may indicate otherwise?
New Genetics Study Undermines Gay Gene Theory

A study to be published in the March 2005 issue of the journal Human Genetics, and available online now, actually undermines the commonly held view that homosexual orientation is determined by genetic factors.

The study’s lead author Brian Mustanski from University of Illinois at Chicago said in a UIC news release that "There is no one 'gay' gene. Sexual orientation is a complex trait, so it's not surprising that we found several DNA regions involved in its expression."

However, a thorough examination of the actual report reveals no statistically significant findings for any of these DNA regions.


posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 09:03 PM
K...I will....and you enjoy your porn, looking at other woman whether it be in the form of cheerleaders, woman on the street, movies or whatever, your drinking, smoking, lying on taxes or selling something, lying to your significant other about whatever, and also being intolerant of others, being holier than thou and any number of other things you do against your own religion......your so funny, hypocritical and uninformed.... And I'll take the warning to say it as it's worth is people like you that chase so many away from the Christian religion....and according to your own book, you will be held accountable for it, so worry about own sin and leave others alone!...bye

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 09:04 PM

I fought it because of social pressure and rejection.

You are on the side of evolution. Reproduce mindlessly like bacteria and cockroaches. Till this planet chokes on people.

May you go to the heaven you deserve deesw. When you get there you find it a rigid, restrictive place where everyone is afraid to breathe the wrong way. Where the morality police watch everything you do.

BTW Ted Bundy was heterosexual. Since you brought him up i thought i should clarify that for you. How is it that the supposedly moral superiority of heterosexuality didn't save him? Maybe God will love him simply because he is/was straight. He may be your next door neighbor in your little shoe box heaven.

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 09:18 PM

May you go to the heaven you deserve deesw. When you get there you find it a rigid, restrictive place where everyone is afraid to breathe the wrong way. Where the morality police watch everything you do.

So you basicly feel you should be able to do anything you ever want and have no price to pay for it? I plan to go to Heaven. You missed the point about Ted Bundy. The point was not his sexual orientation. The point was his choices. He chose to sin. The day of his execution he confessed his sins and said he deserved to die. He said he could not help himself when he did the things he did. You argued the same point for gays. You said that you can't help what excites you and you eventually acted on it. So did he.

Again, I ask, where do you draw the line? Bestiality? Necrophilia? Rape? Pedophilia?

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by deesw

TextYes you can. A person is black - fact. A person is gay - fact. discrimination doesn't discriminate

A person has no choice what color skin he has,,,, but he has a choice of who he lays down with, plain and simple. To imply he doesn't, is the same as implying that Jeffry Dahmer had no choice to do the things he did, he was born that way.

Comparing homosexuality to homocide....hmm.

Ok, I 'sort of' have a choice who I lay down with: I can 'lay down with' a woman, or no one. I cannot however choose to lay down with man because it goes completely against my nature, that 'choice' is not open to me.

Talk to a gay male, and they will tell you the same thing, only with the genders reversed. This all just seems like common sense to me. I mean think about it. Why would you sleep with the same sex unless you found the opposite sex repulsive?

YOU ASKED where do I draw the line: Any two CONSENTING adults can do what they please, so long as it harms no one else. Rape and Pedophilia are illegal b/c they infringe on the rights of others.

[edit on 9-2-2005 by zamphir66]

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 09:33 PM

and you enjoy your porn, looking at other woman whether it be in the form of cheerleaders, woman on the street, movies or whatever, your drinking, smoking, lying on taxes or selling something, lying to your significant other about whatever, and also being intolerant of others, being holier than thou and any number of other things you do against your own religion......your so funny, hypocritical and uninformed.... And I'll take the warning to say it as it's worth is people like you that chase so many away from the Christian religion....and according to your own book, you will be held accountable for it, so worry about own sin and leave others alone!...bye

It's been nice debating with you Ladyv. Sorry you can't debate without getting pissed off though. What makes you think that I do those despickable things that you mentioned? I am happily married. I have a beautiful wife whom I love dearly. I also have three teenagers whom I love dearly. I teach my children that if you believe something, stick to it. We go to church, better yet we study our Bibles. I refuse to teach them that they have to accept sin, because they may alienate someone or hurt their feelings. My daughter has had dear friends that were "gay", "junkies", and had all kinds of other troubles. She loved each and every one of them the same. She did let them know that she did not accept their lifestyles though.
I love my family very much and do everything in my power to be a great father who teaches moral values to my children.

There is nothing wrong with looking at a beautiful woman and admiring her. God made the female form breathtaking. Just because I may see a nice looking lady walking down the street, or on a football sideline, doesn't mean I lust after her.
I can't see where I am doing anything contrary to my Bible and God's word. I have judged noone on here. I have informed them of what the Bible says about their lifestyle. You are right, it is not my place to judge, however Jesus said that as a Christian that I am the salt of the Earth, and that it is my duty to inform the world of God's word. Again, God commanded me to love my neighbor as myself. He never said anywhere that I had to like anyone. He never said I had to accept or tolerate anyone.
Turning the other cheak does not mean accepting the other person, it simply means turning away from the fight.
Believe me, I know I have sinned. The Bible says " For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God". I inform on these threads because most on here don't think they are sinning.

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 10:25 PM

A good rule of thumb is don't allow someone to take advantage of the vulnerable, psychologically disadvantaged or people under stress.

Children, mentally disabled people, rape are all taking advantage of someone, in different ways.

Consensual choices between competent adults are pretty much open.

I am a capitalist. Your adult life and body are your own. You may do with them as you please. I don't think the state should be imposing its communist/socialist perscriptions for our lives on us. Its called Freedom.
Freedom of choice.

It has to do with the consent of competent minds.

If someone chooses before they die to be the object of necrophilia, that is their business.

As for beastiality, as long as it is not physically abusive, and probably not done for pschological derision of the animal i don't object. Considering almost all of us eat murdered, butchered animals that lived horrible short lives in pens and cages crammed together the alternative of being the object of affection and decent treatment seems a vastly better alternative for the animal.

I, unlike you, am not here to impose some social order on people. You are a communist/socialist, I am a libertarian/capitalist. I say allow the largest range of possibilities to be tried by those who choose and all intelligent people will learn from those examples.

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by slank

As for beastiality, as long as it is not physically abusive, and probably not done for pschological derision of the animal i don't object.

Can't agree with you here at all! It is damaging to the animal. I am animal lover and this is the same as taking advance of a child that has no say in what's being is to me, despicable, not because some religion says so, but as a decent human being....children and animals are innocents and can not speak for themselves! Those that abuse either in such a way are to me, disgusting, lower than dirt, sub humans!

[edit on 2/9/2005 by LadyV]

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 10:32 PM

You are a communist/socialist, I am a libertarian/capitalist. I say allow the largest range of possibilities to be tried by those who choose and all intelligent people will learn from those examples.

No, I am not a communist. I am an American, and I believe in laws, which you apparently do not. Have you no desency? I guess you feel that you can have sex with anything and it's just all good. Dude ya got issues if you think bestiality is right. What if a 12 year old girl says it's " OK " to have sex with her? Is that right too? Having sex with her is PEDOPHILIA. Answer me that one.

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 10:35 PM
Holy crap!!!!!! Ladyv,,,, we agree on this to it's fullest extent. This makes me happy. I knew that we could find some common ground somewhere.
See, I'm not too bad.

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 10:36 PM
This is not the first I have heard of this theory. I find it hard to believe that genes predetermine sexual preference. I realize that we still have much to learn about genes, the mind and our bodies but to jump to homosexuality as natural is too far a jump for me. I certainly cannot speak for all religions but I have been taught in the Christian world that homosexuality is not an acceptable practice. Now in my church we are taught that although we should not practice this, we also have no right to judge those that do. I have a pretty good Pastor in that he feels that we have to lead our own paths in how we view God. If someone we know chooses to be gay then that is between them and God and not for us to pass judgement. It may sound like walking both sides of the fence but it seems right that I choose to not be gay because my faith does not condone it. But I would also never harm or treat a gay person unfairly as it is not my place. Not sure if I made sense or not. Thanks

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 10:48 PM

If someone we know chooses to be gay then that is between them and God and not for us to pass judgement

I agree with you there rosie,,,, but there is a big difference between judging and informing. As Christians it is our duty to inform. You can love someone and still inform them.


posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 10:54 PM
For the record there is no such thing as gay genes, and for the record I do have a scientific background.

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 10:56 PM
Yes, I agree we can still inform. How far we take that is the difference. To meet someone or know a friend that is gay and talk to them about it is one thing. To inflict pain or cruel words and claim it is in the name of God is another. I think the best way to inform of God's word is to do just that, speak his word and let his words do their thing.


posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by LadyV
deesw...this is my last post to you ever.....I'm going to hit my happy button after this cause you drive me nuts! A gay person is born that way, they can't help it. When my three boys were growing up, they were 2 little boys that came around and played with them and the rest of the neighborhood kids. I knew then , while they were at the age of seven and eight, that they would be gay...and they are. As to making a choice as to whom they lay down with...yes they have to eventually chose to live life miserable, alone and a lie, or to accept who they are and try to be happy, and make a life with someone they love. Most gays go through the denial thing, making themselves and the people they try with miserable. It would be like you being with someone that totally turns you off, someone you are not in any way, have even the slightest attraction for...but "having" to be with them anyway. You are hard, insensitive, not understanding at all, and have no idea what you are talking about in over half your posts. Why is it so terrible to you that two people of the same sex can love and respect each other in a loving and committed relationship? WTH is wrong with you!? SO it's against your belief......does that mean you have to be cold about it? Why can't you accept it and go your way? It's really none of your business, or anyone else's for that matter.......

Oh, and as to Dahmer...he was born that way....he was nuts....and in reality, he probably couldn't help himself in killing ::::shudder:::: But that has nothing what so ever to do with others being gay anymore than Bundy has anything to do with heterosexuals killing. Oh...and sense your not smart enough to figure it out on your own.....most gays fight it to try their best to fit in and be like you really think that people choose to be ousted, made fun of, ridiculed, and hated.....
For me and's now so long! Hello happy button!

Look how do you know he was born that way, did you ask him. You cannot tell if an infant is born gay. Next time you think an infant is born gay why dont you ask it. A baby is not born gay, God would not have a baby born with sin, thats right, being gay is a SIN.

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 11:02 PM

A baby is not born gay, God would not have a baby born with sin, thats right, being gay is a SIN.

Thank you. It's about time someone else stated it.


posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by zamphir66
Choice, choice, choice...

People are always talking about sexuality as a choice. I can't comprehend that in the slightest. Am I the only person who did not choose my sexuality? Apparently. My story goes like this: About 15 years ago, I suddenly realized that I found the female form, hmm, interesting. I had no control over this sensation. It was like feeling hungry or thirsty, it just came upon all of a sudden with no conscious control. There was never a moment where i had to make a decision along the lines of 'guy or girl?' Never.

Today is no different. Though I have gay friends, the thought of sex with another man is something I find unspeakably gross. And I have not been raised in any kind of fundamentalist family either! So in short all this talk of choice just baffles me. I had no choice, and I still don't. Virtually any homosexual will say the same thing of their own orientation. As distasteful as I may find male-male coupling, a homosexual will feel the same way about male-female relations. It's true.

Ok I'm done.

You made a choice to be gay, its really that simple.

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