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So now flirting or asking a girl out is sexual harassment

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posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: Dark Ghost

Actually when I say:

It seems to me only Conservative white men with inferiority complexes on the internet suffer this.

I'm giving my opinion on white male persecution, not any individual man.

posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 12:48 PM


posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 12:51 PM

originally posted by: Kali74
I'm giving my opinion on white male persecution, not any individual man.

And in my original reply to you in this thread, I asked why you would get bothered when white males give "their" person of colour persecution theory?

Can you see what I am referring to yet?

PS: veracity, do go easy on those stars, they are not infinite in supply

edit on 24/4/2017 by Dark Ghost because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

I can deal with blood

posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 01:01 PM
a reply to: Dark Ghost

Are you a white man? Because, unless you are (which I am 99.99% sure you are NOT), I have to wonder why you would object to "privileged" white males judging issues of discrimination faced by people of colour, but feel it is your duty as a non-white male to judge issues of discrimination faced by white males?

There's not a person ever been born that hasn't faced being disliked or rejected at least once in their life based on who they appear to be. But I find it ludicrous that there's an actual major problem of white men being discriminated against, white men hold almost all the power in the west.

posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 01:03 PM

originally posted by: Kali74
...white men hold almost all the power in the west.

Uh-huh. I keep telling myself that but who was home doing yard work and home maintenance while someone was out shopping and spending his hard earned 1%er salary?

posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 01:05 PM

originally posted by: Dark Ghost

originally posted by: MotherMayEye
If a situation warrants that kind of approach, I would.

Just so we are on the same page: you agree that the LATEST approach I described before is something you would be willing to try in the future IF you need to, because you agree it seems like good advice at this moment of time (having not tried this approach before)?

I think that approach would work fine in SOME situations. It doesn't work in every situation and doesn't apply to every situation of harassment and potential sexual assault or rape.

posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 01:06 PM

originally posted by: xstealth

So the direction this is going you guys will be sued for catcalling or flirting with a woman.


In my opinion sexual harassment should only be recognized in extreme cases, not when a man tries to pick you up.


The ONLY ONE threateneing legal action is Sean Hannity? Not the woman?

Sean Hannity threatens legal action after Fox News guest claims he invited her back to his hotel

And the woman isn't even calling it "Sexual Harassment"?

Hours later, Schlussel said she never accused Hannity of sexual harassment and expressed her disbelief that her comments were viewed in that manner

The above is from your OP Link???
edit on 24-4-2017 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 01:14 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Pretty fly for a white guy...

posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: Kali74

There's not a person ever been born that hasn't faced being disliked or rejected at least once in their life based on who they appear to be.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Quite possibly the truest statement I have ever heard on ATS!

But I find it ludicrous that there's an actual major problem of white men being discriminated against, white men hold almost all the power in the west.

The problem is that all 'white men' are not treated the way a small minority are perceived to be treated.

Take me. I'm a 'white guy,' but I'm not rich (far from it at the moment), not well-connected, and not exactly in good shape when dealing with authority. I'm a white, Southern, conservative (in the original sense), male, self-professed redneck, an ex-trucker, and a smoker. I am everything that others look down on. The day I die, there's going to be so many parties celebrating it, the fireworks might shift the planet's orbit.

So when someone tells me white guys are 'privileged,' yeah, I get confused... and a little angry. It's one thing to play the hand I was dealt, but quite another to be dissed over having to play it.


posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 01:40 PM
To be fair, I always thought the way Rocky pursued Adrienne was kinda creepy, he'd hang about the pet shop being all goofy, telling stupid jokes and acting like a moron.

And she'd act all coy, scared to make eye contact.

Now if I were Rocky I'd have split pretty rapid, it came across as desperate and very creepy, indeed. But she was genuinely just shy, she loved Rocky.

But the minute he named his dog Buttkiss she should have gotten out of there, that elevates his creepiness by a factor of a billion. How many else people felt this way about Rocky's romance?

She dressed very conservatively, also. The scene where he takes off her glasses and kisses her for the first time...I mean, he'a a big guy, and she's only small.

Still...nobody complained. Perhaps if she'd been more assertive he'd never have married her. He'd have given up...and the fairytale wouldn't have existed.

Some people simply need to grow a pair. If someone is into you and pursuing you, and you ain't into it - be honest, be firm...make it clear. If it doesn't work, then...then you have a problem.

But if a dude is flapping around you acting like a goofball and you're all coy and sheepish...he might just think you're like Rocky's wife, a bit shy - lack confidence. Some peole really are like that, they put up barriers often when they don't really want to.

Don't lead people on or be scared to be honest..that's just asking for a problem. And if you're like ain't got anyone to blame but yourself.

If you tell someone no, in no uncertain terms and they don't get the message...then fair enough. Call them a creep and call the cops, get a restraining order...they're legit stalking you. But if you ain't prepared to step up and make that effort, you got lessons to learn and that person hounding you is kinda doing you a wake tf up, and in the immortal words of Clubber Lang - get some nuts!
edit on 24-4-2017 by HeathenJessie because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 02:02 PM
Heh, yous know what, I'm particularly proud of that Rocky analogy.

I tried to put myself in her position, it's hard because I'm a straight dude, so I imagined a huge, muscular lass what was a middle-aged, failed boxer who moonlights as a debt collector and enforcer for the mob, pursuing me.

And I'm all frail and shy...and she keeps coming into my work wwaring her grubby, fingerless mitts - stupid pork-pie hat and leather jacket...bouncing a ball like a little girl and acting like a desperado, I genuinely think I'd be scared.

I suppose it's symbollic, in a way. Movies really are a snapshot of their time, unless it's a time travelling film. It's interesting, how popular media chronicles our attitudes. I look back at the television shows from the 70's and 80's when the only liberal aspect was the attitude towards free speech. You could pretty much say anything.

What's particularly interesting is that television and other forms of media have become less entertaining. I don't even know what movies are coming out nowadays but I've watched Tropic Thunder a thousand times - I reckon if that movie were to be released now, in the current climate, Robert Downey Jr would be hanged at high noon by rabbid victims foaming from their raging gashes. All this PC bullcrap is not only stifling free speech, but creativity.

People are scared to open their trap now, you can't say boo to a goose but you're a bigot-o-phobe. Even if some horrible beast is trying to have it off with mustn't tell them to go away! It would hurt their feeelings....

I mean...jeezuz, I dunno what's happened. It really is like some alternate reality type deal where everything is opposite what it used to be. And it's crap!

Everything now is crap! Movies are crap! TV is crap! Jokes are crap! Books and comics are crap! Comedians are crap!

I could go on all night at how crap PC culture has made everything but I'd only either get banned or offend a bunch of people.

posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 02:02 PM
Its worse than you think.

I will share two experiences from my own professional life. The first, I was working on-site with a customer. I was sharing an office with a female engineer. I swear no exaggeration in this - she spent two to four hours a day on the phone in a conference call with her lawyer and a friend in HR working out ways they could sue the company. I was amazed. Half her work day spent on the phone, and she had the nerve to complain that male engineers were getting promoted and not her. Gee, I wonder why...

The other event is a more personal one. This goes back to the first couple of times a multi-state lottery really got up there in prize money. We decided to start an office pool and I was elected as administrator of the pool. The day before the first drawing since the formation of the pool I went around asking people if they wanted to join in. I had asked just about everyone when a co-worker asked if I talked to the receptionist. I had not so I went and asked her if she wanted to play Powerball. Next thing I know I am in the VP of Nuclear Engineering office explaining why I am harassing the receptionist. I had no idea what the hell he was talking about. She came in, in tears of course, saying how I had made her uncomfortable. Well, the lotto pool was dissolved, and every man in the company had to undergo sensitivity training. She should have been smacked upside her pointed empty little head.

Since then I have moved on to a much larger employer. You would think that would make things better, but guess what? It only gets worse. In a nutshell, this is how it works now. Lets say you (male) want to tell a slightly salty joke to a co-worker (male). You don't want to take a chance on offending anyone, so the two of you go into an empty conference room, close the door behind you, and go to the far end of the room and whisper. If a woman standing outside the conference room smashes her ear up against the door for the sole purpose of eavesdropping on you and hears something that offends her - YOU are in trouble, not her. It is entirely your fault she was offended, regardless of the fact that you took steps to prevent it and she took steps to ensure she heard you. It is still your fault.

But lets also not forget that it all comes down to likes and dislikes. That same receptionist was later in the office of one of the foreman watching the Tonya Harding sex tape and seemed to have no problem with it at all. Of course she liked him and went out of her way to spend time in his office every chance she got.

posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to: Vroomfondel

Unfortunate experiences.
My experiences with employment in my 20's was fantastic in a female dominated office filled with old cougars.
I absolutely slept my way to promotion, even though we had strict anti harassment policies.
I complied fully with the rules, I was the one being groomed by middle aged women, not that I minded.

I slept with every female manager even the rough ones, purely tactical sex as they advanced on me. Funny how they thought they had the control then they wake up the next day and realise the shift in power.

I think women are worse than men from my experiences, definitely when they are the majority in management.

posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 02:14 PM
edit on 24-4-2017 by veracity because: (no reason given)

(post by CulturalResilience removed for a manners violation)

posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: Vroomfondel

Yeah, you're spot on.

That power ball thing was nuts...maybe that's what she thought - she heard the word ball and it immediately conjred up an image of testicles. This, coupled with the word power led her to assume that you were suggesting she partake in a game involving powerfull testicles which is obviously code for office orgy.

I can see the logic, it took some astounding mental gymnastics on my part but since it's now on the internet it must be true.

The last sentence was the clincher, though. It really is about likes and dislikes.

For me, if I were the boss and some crazy lass came to me complaining about the invitation to play this...this powerbal (wink, wink) I'd want rid of her for being a trouble-making maniac trying to put a damper on employee moral.

I mean, what a nutjob. I think a lot of the time the upper management know better but are bound by legislation and company policies, bizarre ethics, etc. I've had several jobs where I had to complete online courses...equality, discrimination, ethics...we even had to do one thing in a hotel I worked in where you sat an online understanding ethnicity course. Not a course about how to treat all people, hell no. you can be a knob to your co-workers so long as they're the same ethnicity as you, basically.


posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 02:21 PM

originally posted by: HeathenJessie
But the minute he named his dog Buttkiss she should have gotten out of there, that elevates his creepiness by a factor of a billion. How many else people felt this way about Rocky's romance?

The dog's name was 'Butkus,' not 'Buttkiss.'

Not that it's not a funny name. Creepy though? Not especially.

posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 02:24 PM
a reply to: Vroomfondel

Well, asking a babe in the office if she'd like to join you for a power pretty offensive.

You're lucky she didn't sue you.

posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 02:27 PM

originally posted by: MotherMayEye

originally posted by: HeathenJessie
But the minute he named his dog Buttkiss she should have gotten out of there, that elevates his creepiness by a factor of a billion. How many else people felt this way about Rocky's romance?

The dog's name was 'Butkus,' not 'Buttkiss.'

Not that it's not a funny name. Creepy though? Not especially.

Aaaah, you say Butkus, I say Buttkiss, potata, tamada, darth vada, ma fada, let's call the whole thing off!

Who cares man, he was a weirdo in that film and chosing that name made him more of a weirdo, which is creepy. I've seen lads go down for being far less overbearing and knobby than Rock' was n that film, the guy was a predator.

I bet she's really a beast in the bedroom, it's always the quiet ones, innit? The mousey type, probably roars like a lion when... ahem.
edit on 24-4-2017 by HeathenJessie because: (no reason given)

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