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Peter Jennings Reporting: UFO, Feb 24th on ABC.

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posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
You'll note that Stan also conceded he'd watch with "concern", I'm assuming because he's been burned in the past by some of these specials...

I wouldn't be surprised if he makes it into the special, but it might be just part of one of his quotes and totally taken out of context. What can the guy do though?
I'm sure that skeptic scientists will get plenty of airtime. I need to stop talking about this, or else I'm gonna psyche myself out before the damn thing even airs.


posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 12:36 PM

What can the guy do though?

He said it already....he was paid well...

Personally though, if my living was based on my rep, I'd make it a point to have editorial approval over what, if any, of my statements, etc. made it to broadcast, in my contract... It seems at one point Greer was expecting to do just that, but the statement from the Disclosure Project seems to indicate that they too simply saw the green and conceded the editorial clause.... That's why I worry...
Still, will have to see it....

posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by worldwatcher

I think ABC/Jennings are going to go with the neutral approach to the ufo phenomenon and basically just rehash alot we here already know. I don't expect anything new or disclosure to come from Jennings.

You maybe right. Still, i think it can really be a positive thing that a top anchorman on a top news network is willing to do an investigative special (if it is investigative) on the subject. Could help to make the subject of UFO's and aliens a little less "taboo" as far as the media goes, which is something that could benefit the cause. Like Stan Friedman said, if the media spent half as much time trying to get to the bottom of the alleged UFO conspiracy as they did on Monica Lewinsky, who knows where we'd be right now.

posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 01:35 PM
Google groups search on the show

Hey guys,

I've been searching for more info on the subject and found interesting stuff on newsgroups.

Here's one link.

posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by Meteor_of_War
I've been hearing that a lot lately, "maybe we are getting closer to contact/disclosure."

Yes, maybe.

But another theory for why there's been a lot of tv specials and documentaries on UFO's lately is because it's a very popular and entertaining topic. And it sells. Same can be said for sci-fi movies about aliens. It's just a popular and overall favorable subject matter, and i'm sure the production companies are aware of that. But i'm also not by any means ruling out the possibility that we are getting closer to disclosure.

So why not do lot's of follow ups on the Mexican secretary of defence inviting world press to confirm the existance of UFO's? Or follow up and further investigate the Disclosure Project press conference?

Isn't it peculiar how there is a pattern to the way media deals with the subjects we are not supposed to know about?
• On 911 we were told it was not commercial jets that hit the towers, that bombs took down the twins etc. etc. the day after, did the reporters receive notes from the executives telling them to "change focus" since we only heard the "official conspiracy explanation" every day after this? How did the bombs disappear?

• On Maj 9 2001 Disclosure Project confirmed the alien presence with more than 20 witnesses from highly credible individuals, most of them previously cleared by the intelligence and military community to work on highly sensitive matters as nuclear weapons. We trusted them when they were handling our safety, but rejected their words when they became whistle blowers on a topic we couldn't deal with. Media did the same thing, the info got through the needle hole the first day, but you never, absolutely never heard of it again.

If media is run by what ever sells, why isn't it showing what sells? How many would not be tuning in if the media started asking the president where the bombs went? How many would not be tuning in if they started showing the 500 witnesses one by one eacy week telling amazing testimony of zero point energy and visitors from outer space?

Your logic and the above words cannot be true at the same time...




posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 10:37 PM
Don't get your hopes up if Peter Jennings is the host. He just narrated a show that tries to say that Oswald was the lone gunman, which researchers and reporters find ludicrous. Jennings is weak in that regard. ABC is owned by Disney and partly by William Buffet, who just funded and helped install ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER as governor, here in CA, probably because Buffet lost his shirt with Enron and wanted to use Arnie to dismiss the CA lawsuit demanding the $9 billion back from the energy theives. Arnie dismissed the suit, of course.

So, Jennings will probably offer yet another of his patrician, drippingly elitist, boarding school paid promos for a cover up. He'll show selected, easily dismissed footage and cases, then he'll try to obliterate them in his boarding school tones of nasal voice. End of story. He won't talk about CSETI's witnesses, he won't show Jaime Maussan's dramatic footage of dozens of metallic orbs in formation recently over Mexico skies. He won't quote astronauts, high level officials. Instead, it will be carefully scripted, cover up propaganda. Jennings lost it years ago. Ironically, ABC used to be the only one of the broadcast network that covered CSETI's disclosure press conference of 2001 even-handedly. Now, it seems to have lost its spine, i.e. the Kennedy case and more. Will Koppel take Rather's seat? Not if he wants to do real news.

posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by Cade

• On 911 we were told it was not commercial jets that hit the towers, that bombs took down the twins etc. etc. the day after, did the reporters receive notes from the executives telling them to "change focus" since we only heard the "official conspiracy explanation" every day after this? How did the bombs disappear?

I must predicate what I am about to say by stating that I have respect for you as a result of reading so many of your posts, which in general seem thoughtful and insightful.

However, in reference to your quote above, what channel news were you watching?
Because I know for a fact I am not alone in what I saw on the news that morning...

Am I claiming with absolute authority their is no conpiracy theory surrounding 9/11? Of course not (though personally, while I have questions re: AA flight 77, that is neither here nore there).

But I'd prefer to handle one Great Mystery at a time thankyouverymuch...

posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 11:23 PM
Regardless of what is said or shown on ABC that day, I think it is very big news that a major network is devoting an hour of prime time to any information regarding UFO's. Even if they sit and laugh about it for an hour, it's not every day you see a major league player in the Bilderberg group like Peter Jennings even mentioning the word UFO publicly. The Conspiracy Theorist in all of us should take a second to just realize the signifigance of an unprecedented major media aknowlegement of UFO phenomina. While I don't think that the term "full disclosure" is even in in the journalist or governmental dictionaries, I do think we should be happy the main stream is finally going to a whiff of it.

posted on Feb, 6 2005 @ 01:56 AM

Originally posted by sdrumrunner

Originally posted by Cade

• On 911 we were told it was not commercial jets that hit the towers...

I must predicate what I am about to say by stating that I have respect for you as a result of reading so many of your posts, which in general seem thoughtful and insightful.

However, in reference to your quote above, what channel news were you watching?
Because I know for a fact I am not alone in what I saw on the news that morning...

Well from reading your post I now know you for one will understand my own amazement when I first saw a documentary (actually made here in Denmark) containing both Danish and US media reports from Sept. 11 2001.

I still don't understand how they can get away with this, but at the same time I had forgotten all about it untill I saw those reports again.

I have given it a lot of thought since then as to how they can report to the world one thing, and then simply change the story from the next day forth. From going over this again and agian in my mind over many many months, I was left with one question: Had I been "over-informed" to the point where it was simply not possible to remember much from the day before simply because there was so much information the next day and the next day, we kept seeing the planes hit the towers again and again...

So what did they change? They changed the time it happened, with about 15 minutes. They reported "no passenger windows, it did not appear to be a commercial jet, it had blue logo's on the side and definitely did not look like it belonged in this airea".

Look, it just goes on and on, the evidence is out there for all to see, no point in me repeating it again and again.

A deaf ear and a blind eye, is survival tip nr. 1, for the nationalist defending his government from the peoples wrath.

Censur old Russia style will keep the truth from the public.
Will overflow of news US style will keep the truth from the public too?

Who is going to inform you that the mass media in the US are now owned by only 5 corporations?

Is this development good for democracy I ask? Do we really trust these 5 corporations to tell us what happened on that day?

if you want to educate yourself further:

What went through the needle eye on the first day, and never shown to the american people again:

"It has been said that for the truth to exist, it takes two people - one to speak it...and another to hear it. Mankind will be forever doomed to destruction if we continue to ask for the truth...but then refuse to listen."

"Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts."
-- Albert Einstein

It really is up to us now, do you think we will ever wake up....?



posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 10:35 AM
Look at a new movie coming out from Disney...

Aliens of the Deep

Although it's just about deep see creatures and not ET's, it's still a big coincidence that they're giving the movie the name :"Aliens from the Deep".

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by TheBandit795
Look at a new movie coming out from Disney...

Aliens of the Deep

Although it's just about deep see creatures and not ET's, it's still a big coincidence that they're giving the movie the name :"Aliens from the Deep".

I guess we know where Cameron got his inspiration for 'The Abyss'.


posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 03:01 PM
Nice Post Cade! Just a quick thanks for posting those links. some of the greatest lies ever sold to the American people, yet sadly as long as our tv's and microwave ovens keep running, most folks won't even take the time to notice Uncle Sam and the magic media wand he waves around to erase memories. The more I research and the more I learn, the more I begin to think that George Orwell was a damned genius. The man literally predicted the internet, Big Brother, and arguably Bin Laden, that in one book, let alone Animal Farm.

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 05:33 PM
Interestiang for you to menchen the books. I do sometimes make refrence of them to somethings. I also tend to menchen farenhight 451 at times.

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by sdrumrunner

Originally posted by Cade

• On 911 we were told it was not commercial jets that hit the towers...

I must predicate what I am about to say by stating that I have respect for you as a result of reading so many of your posts, which in general seem thoughtful and insightful.

However, in reference to your quote above, what channel news were you watching?
Because I know for a fact I am not alone in what I saw on the news that morning...

Before I respond in kind to each of what I perceive to be your flawed and/or ignorant asusmptions and conclusions below, let me first reiterate the following:

I, a resident of the U.S., who happened to be in the U.S. on 9/11, and who happened to be watching the news as events unfolded that day, know what I not only saw then, but what I again see in the very links you posted: actual a-i-r-p-l-a-n-e-s hitting the WTC towers.

Originally posted by in Denmark...

Okay. Just establishing your locality, though I am not by any means implying this has any bearing on the validity of your opinion... solely on your frame of reference.

Originally posted by CadeA deaf ear and a blind eye, is survival tip nr. 1, for the nationalist defending his government from the peoples wrath.

Cade, I take great offense at this comment, as I interpret it as to say you are insinuating I am a "nationalist." I pride myself in my open mind, and while very much a self-proclaimed patriot, pride myself in my ability to remain objective on every issue, both at home and abroad. I do not pledge blind allegiance to anybody nor anything, and greatly resent someone who in fact does not know anything about me having suggested otherwise. I apply the critical thought process to any issue which IMO merits further investigation.

But you say I'm a nationalist simply because I, along with an overwleming majority of the living, free-thinking souls on this planet, happened to believe that two airplanes did in fact hit the WTC towers?

For you to make this assumption and connection in the first place indicates that you prone to ill-informed assessments given the facts at hand, and accomplishes nothing other than to lessen the validity of such assessments of yours.

Nationalist? Hardly. Once again, this simply illustrates a tendancy to make erroneous judegements based on a misinterpretation of the facts...

Originally posted by CadeWho is going to inform you that the mass media in the US are now owned by only 5 corporations?

Originally posted by CadeIs this development good for democracy I ask?

Hate to brake the news to you that not all Americans are uninformed, blind nationalists, but this is in fact pre-existing knowledge, not held just by your's truly, but by anybody here who prides themselves on being informed, regardless of their political leanings. In fact to date, I am yet to meet anyone -- Republican, Democrat, or otherwise -- who thinks this is "good for democracy."
Another erroneous generalization, nothing more.

Do we really trust these 5 corporations to tell us what happened on that day?

I always get a kick out of how the "wake up!" camp is the first to tell us not to use every availble source of information to inform us...

You must recognize how contradictory this is, do you not?

Does this mean you "believe everything you see and hear" in the media? Of course not, and I am making no such claim.

However, it doesn't take a genius to realize that discrediting every single availble main source of news is in fact counter-productive to the goal of acquiring information.

Originally posted by Cadeif you want to educate yourself further:

Is it really an education if provides no value-added information?

While two of your links deal with the -- call it, "state of the media" -- only one dealt with what I still maintain is the erroneous claim that it was something other than comercial aircraft that hit the WTC towers...

Not to mention their source,, makes aboslutely no mention of it either.

Now don't you think that the leading privately funded organization responsible for spearheading the effort to hold congressional hearings on the subject would have in fact included it on their website?

Here are some additional links, should you choose to educate yourself further:



Bi-part isan 9/11 Commission Report -- I've actually read this. Have you?

FYI, I do question whether or not a plane hit the Pentagon. I do question whether or not Bldg. 7 was detonated, and am not yet 100% convinced that the WTC towers collapsed without "assistance," so to speak.

And I've watched the videos of aircraft hitting the Twin Towers. Over and over. I even imported it into iMovie, slowed it down, blew it up, and you know what? It's still a plane!

[edit on 7-2-2005 by sdrumrunner]

posted on Feb, 8 2005 @ 01:53 AM

Originally posted by gl2

So, Jennings will probably offer yet another of his patrician, drippingly elitist, boarding school paid promos for a cover up. He'll show selected, easily dismissed footage and cases, then he'll try to obliterate them in his boarding school tones of nasal voice. End of story. He won't talk about CSETI's witnesses, he won't show Jaime Maussan's dramatic footage of dozens of metallic orbs in formation recently over Mexico skies. He won't quote astronauts, high level officials. Instead, it will be carefully scripted, cover up propaganda. Jennings lost it years ago. Ironically, ABC used to be the only one of the broadcast network that covered CSETI's disclosure press conference of 2001 even-handedly. Now, it seems to have lost its spine, i.e. the Kennedy case and more. Will Koppel take Rather's seat? Not if he wants to do real news.

I can almost imagine Jennings sitting down at his computer, content with the fair and balanced report that he has done, only to see himself mocked on the internet by angry people.....

Ok... as someone who has had a CE4 experience, I really, really do not want ABC to be scared off of this project by excessive -- and premature -- anger on the part of UFO enthusiasts. Sure, Jennings may very well be setting up the abductee/UFO experiencer community for a body slam... but let's not all insult the man before his work is aired.

And, yes, I was the person who brought up the possibility that jennings was setting us all up. However, on further thought, I have to point out that this report is airing during a period where popular interests in UFOs is dying down. Major UFO groups are shutting down because of this lack of interest. So why would Jennings, if he was only interested in bashing the subject, bring it up when it was already dying out? If anything, running a show on it -- even a scripted debunkment show -- would only raise the profile of the ET issue.

At this point I have to wonder if someone at ABC is really interested in the subject. I feel bad that I started a row of anti-ABC/Jennings talk on this thread. None of us have yet to see the special... and so we have to remain open-minded. This really COULD be the big break in public awareness we've been looking for.

[edit on 8-2-2005 by onlyinmydreams]

posted on Feb, 8 2005 @ 03:47 AM
Ok for all us UFO buffs out there, this came across my desk so i thought id share it with the avid UFOlogists here on ATS....

As im only a newbie to the UFO chasing stuff...does anyone know who any of these panalists are?

And will any ATS members be in attendance and be able to give us some kind of report on what they found?

Paradigm Research Group

X-Conference 2005 Press Release - February 3, 2005

Washington, DC - ABC News has announced it will air on Thursday, February 24 at 9 pm EST a two hour documentary titled: Peter Jennings Reporting UFOs: Seeing is Believing is the product of 150 interviews by PJ Productions and Springs Media. Quoting from the ABC News website, "Each year there are thousands of reports of unidentified flying objects, but the U.S. government doesn't investigate any of them. This special program will seriously examine the unexplained phenomena around the world that so many people believe is proof of the existence of UFOs." Several X-Conference speakers from 2004 and 2005 will appear in this documentary. With the retirement and pending retirement of Tom Brokaw and Dan Rather respectively, Peter Jennings is arguably the most respected and powerful news anchor in the world. Paradigm Research Group and other organizations have invested more time over the past nine years in raising the awareness of ABC News to the issues attending extraterrestrial-related phenomena than all the other networks combined. Is this a breakthrough in the truth process - tune in and find out. See:

The X-Conference is a unique event which focuses on the political, governmental and social aspects relating to extraterrestrial-related phenomena. It is produced by PRG as part of the ongoing activist movement seeking to end the truth embargo. Approximately 28 lecturers and panelists will present. New for this year:

Walter H. Andrus, Jr. - At the Saturday evening banquet, Walter H. Andrus, Jr. will receive the PRG Hall of Fame Award. This is the only PRG Award being announced in advance out of courtesy to the many MUFON members who may wish to make plans to join him in April at the X-Conference.

After 57 years of dedicated interest in extraterrestrial-related phenomena, Walt Andrus is a legend. As with so many others, that interest was precipitated in August 15, 1948, when he and his wife and son had a daylight sighting of four objects flying in formation over downtown Phoenix, Arizona (49 years later lights in formation would once again be seen over Phoenix, Arizona). The rest is history. He went on to be a founding member of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) in 1969 and the International Director of the MUFON from 1970 to July 16, 2000 when he was succeeded by John F. Schuessler. He also served on the staff of Skylook, as Editor in Chief of the MUFON UFO Journal and Editor or Co-editor of the annual MUFON International UFO Symposium Proceedings. MUFON became the largest and best known organization in the world addressing the science of extraterrestrial-related phenomena and took up the mantle of NICAP as it was slowly dissembled by intelligence agency plants during the 1970's. MUFON International Director John F. Schuessler will join Walt in giving a presentation on 30 years of engagement.

Pilots Panel
One of the most trusted segments of our society are the civilian pilots who transport millions of Americans safely every year and the military pilots who defend the country. In the early years they reported many sightings, and such reports were eventually suppressed and discouraged. Some pilots began researching the issues, many have learned much over the years and all have risked some personal discomfort by seeking the truth of these matters. After civilian and military pilots were strongly discouraged from publicly reporting unusual sightings, thousands of pilot reports were collected over many years by researchers. This database now forms the core of the work of the National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena (NARCAP) and is one of the most important evidence compilations for the ETH in the world. Stephen Bassett will moderate a panel of six senior pilots who have engaged the most important issue of our time.

This panel will include: Cmdr. Graham Bethune, Navy pilot; Robert Brown, senior cooperate pilot; David Coote, airline captain: Don Daniels, airline captain; Robert Durant, airline captain; and Jim Courant, airline captain.

Returning from last year:

Cheryll Jones - This former CNN News anchor will again co-host the X-Conference along with Stephen Bassett. She is a polished professional journalist with extensive experience covering a broad range of national and international issues. Her accomplished TV broadcasting career includes extensive experience on both sides of the camera. Starting as a weather reporter, Cheryll quickly extended her skills and credentials to include talk show host / producer / field reporter / writer and network news anchor. She is uniquely distinguished as the only TV broadcaster to be both a news anchor and degreed meteorologist at the network level. Her career has taken her from her hometown of Knoxville, Tennessee to major markets including Miami, Atlanta, New York, Denver, Kansas City and West Palm Beach. Through Cheryll's prime time broadcasts on CNN and The Weather Channel, her face and voice became familiar to viewers in millions of homes around the world. Cheryll’s numerous professional awards include being named "Woman of the Year" by Women in Communications and "Distinguished Alumnus of the Year” by Metropolitan State College in Denver, Colorado.

Stanton T. Friedman (PRG 2004 Hall of Fame inductee), may well be the most recognized researcher in the field of extraterrestrial-related phenomena in the world. He has been making the case for the ETH for over three decades. And he makes it very well. His work intersects many of the core themes of exopolitics. Stanton Friedman spent two years at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey before switching to the University of Chicago in 1953. He received BS and MS degrees in Physics from UC in 1955 and 1956, where Carl Sagan was a classmate. He worked for fourteen years as a nuclear physicist for such companies as General Electric, General Motors, Westinghouse, TRW, Aerojet General Nucleonics, and McDonnell Douglas on such advanced, highly classified, eventually canceled projects as nuclear aircraft, fission and fusion rockets, and nuclear power plants for space.

Since 1967 he has lectured on the topic Flying Saucers ARE Real at more than 600 colleges and over 100 professional groups in fifty states, nine Canadian provinces, most of Europe, Brazil, Australia, Korea, Mexico, Turkey, Argentina, and Israel. He has published more than 70 papers on extraterrestrial-related phenomena besides his dozens of conventional articles and appeared on hundreds of radio and TV shows. These include the TNT Larry King UFO Special on Oct.1, 1994; Nightline; Sally Jessie Raphael; Unsolved Mysteries; Entertainment Tonight; Leeza; Sightings; Canada AM; Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell and many more. Stan is the original civilian investigator of the Roswell incident, who co-authored Crash at Corona and instigated the Unsolved Mysteries Roswell program. He was heavily involved in both the 1979 documentary UFOs are Real and the 1993 & 1996 videos Flying Saucers Are Real. His new interactive CD ROM, UFOs: The Real Story, was published in 1996. TOP SECRET/MAJIC (Marlowe and Co., NY, 1996), his explosive book about the Majestic 12 group established in 1947 by President Truman to deal with crashed saucers, includes classified documents never before published. It is already in its 6th printing.

Other speakers already announced include: Stephen Bassett, Paul Davids, Richard Dolan, Ann Druffel, John Greenewald, Jr., Dr. Lynne Kitei, MD, Charles James Hall, Michael S. Heiser, PhD, Bruce Maccabee, PhD, Jaime Maussan, Michael Salla, PhD, Richard Sauder, PhD, David Sereda and Alfred L. Webre, JD.

Full speaker information is posted in the Speaker section at:

Stephen Bassett


Paradigm Research Group
E-mail: [email protected]
Cell: 202-215-8344
4938 Hampden Lane, #161
Bethesda, MD 20814

2nd Annual Exopolitics Expo - The X-Conference
Hilton Washington DC North/Gaithersburg
Tapes/DVDs available at:

posted on Feb, 8 2005 @ 08:08 AM
Excellent info, and I'm a lot more optimistic about the approach likely taken in this program.

This could definitely be Must See TV...

posted on Feb, 8 2005 @ 08:51 AM
i hope someone here grabs it and puts a torrent on the net for all of us that cant watch US TV

posted on Feb, 8 2005 @ 09:24 AM
Did you hear they are cracking down on sites like torrent.



Uploaders to, Bit Torrent and other file-sharing networks beware: The commercial equivalent to Big Brother is watching you.

BayTSP, a leading provider of online intellectual property monitoring and compliance systems, last month began offering a service aimed at software, movie and music pirates. FirstSource is an automated system that identifies the first users to upload copyright- or trademark-protected content to major peer-to-peer (P2P) networks.

The service gives owners of intellectual property a way to identify the first individuals who upload illegal content. It also allows companies to track all subsequent users who download and share a particular file.

Evidence for Court
With this information in hand, intellectual property owners can produce evidence in court to substantiate piracy charges.

"Pirated copies of movies and software typically appear online within hours of release," Mark Ishikawa, CEO of BayTSP, said. "Identifying and taking action against the first uploaders can greatly slow the distribution of illegally obtained intellectual property and might make users think twice before doing it."

The FirstSource concept was tested successfully in BayTSP's computer labs. "We've been working with this system in-house since the summer," Ishikawa told TechNewsWorld.

He said the system is based on a unique search protocol, but declined to provide specifics. He added that the process is similar to conducting an Internet search with Google (Nasdaq: GOOG) .

Ishikawa said the concept has proved successful in trials conducted since the last quarter of 2004.

"We don't have to touch the file first. We identify the first person to make it available," Ishikawa said.

Initial tests of the FirstSource service indicate that several thousand copies of a movie available for download on the and Bit Torrent networks can be traced back to the initial uploaded file.

Ishikawa said the FirstSource service is already in use for some of BayTSP's clients for gathering evidence to be used in pending litigation.

How It Works
"Just watch for the news when the first major case breaks," he told TechNewsWorld.

EDonkey and Bit Torrent are two of the most popular file sharing networks and use a technique called swarming that allows users to download slices of a file, according to BayTSP. These slices could come from a pirated movie or software application.

The swarming technique lets multiple users access the files for download simultaneously. As users download a file, they also share the portions they've already received.

FirstSource monitors for the first uploads of a client's intellectual property to the eDonkey and Bit Torrent networks. When the system spots a file name matching the client's content, it initiates a download to confirm that the file is what it appears to be.

Once the content is validated, the FirstSource system captures the Internet Protocol address and identifying information of other users downloading and sharing the pirated material.

The system also logs which portions of the file that each user shares. This data is stored in an infringement database as evidence in the event the client decides to pursue litigation against the file sharers.

Offenders Put on Notice
The FirstSource system permits BayTSP's clients to monitor the tracking via a Web-based interface. When computer users are identified as being a tracked downloader or supplying copyrighted material, they receive a notice of violation.

Clients have the option of automatically or manually issuing these take-down notices under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. The process is so efficient that sometimes the notices can be served while the downloads are still in progress.

The take-down notice is directed at both the ISP operators and the individual file-sharers.

U.S.-based ISP operators are directed to comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act by blocking access to infringing files. The notice directs the ISP owner to reply to the infringement notice and verify that the infringing material is blocked. According to the notice, International ISPs are bound by the Bilateral Treaty and/or the Berne Convention to similarly block access to the copyrighted material.

The notice sent to identified users announces that copyrighted material belonging to a client of BayTSP is publicly available on the users' computers without the proper authorization and/or license.

Effective Deterrent
The notice states: "Under the DMCA (USA) and the Bilateral Treaty and Berne Convention (International), this constitutes a copyright violation. You must promptly remove the infringing works. We also strongly recommend you reply to the infringement notice verifying removal of the infringing files. Please note that blocking access/removal of infringing material does not relinquish our client's right for further action against you."

Ishikawa said the FirstSource scans find between 3.5 million and 5 million copyright violations per day.

BayTSP officials are counting on word of their success rate spreading quickly to file-sharers who exchange illegal files. The penalties, noted Ishikawa, are too severe not to take notice. He hopes to discourage people from taking the risk.

"I could be the best Internet op around. I still could never stop the piracy completely," Ishikawa said.

"Theft of intellectual property is so prevalent on the Internet that I will never put myself out of business," he said.

posted on Feb, 8 2005 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by sdrumrunner

Originally posted by Dr Love
Maybe we're getting closer to full disclosure than I originally thought.

I tend to agree with this.

I honestly hope so, this would be a better time then never. Humanity will never become a spirtual place unles we learn and find out the truth. Were stubborn and we need pushing into the right direction. Were not as rasict as we were back in the forties, we don't look at our fellow man and tell them there less then human anymore. We tend to look at the african american race as human, and a part of our society now a days. We are more open then we were back then aswell, so i would think knowing the truth wouldn't be much of a burden, and would really open our minds. But it's all wishfull thinking, but i do hope this isn't just another stupid ufo smudge debunking show. The government can't keep these ufo's secret, or can they? It's hard to be optimistic when the ufo community has been dealt such hard blows in the past.

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