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America, All of These Problems Are Your Own Damn Fault!!!

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posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 02:44 PM
Yep, should have gone communist like the USSR. Then we would have destroyed ourselves quicker so none of you would be complaining about how awful we are.

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 02:46 PM
a reply to: Irishhaf

Yup. To all you said. Congress needs an enema. Bad. Truth be told the main reason I support Trump is because he's a wildcard pissing in the wheaties of globalism. He may fall in line, too, don't get me wrong, but boy-o-boy much is being revealed to us peons at a very fast pace! Cheers, sir, I always enjoy and consider your thoughts.

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 02:48 PM
Deserves being read again.

originally posted by: ClovenSky

I agree that the right and left paradigm doesn't really exist in professional politics. Our benevolent masters are on a complete different level that has nothing to do with the underlying ideals of left vs right. I don't think we should pretend that there isn't a divide among populace on these issues though. The difference is real in the trenches. But our politicians are not part of that battle. They just use it against us.

We really need to be honest about these vampires. We need to completely disregard their words and instead focus on their actions. We need to get rid of PC. We need to call out their efforts to remove our power of association. We need to recognize the intent behind their actions as weakening this country and their attempts at destroying our culture.

Maybe for a start we can bring our troops home. We take them off of the chess board so they can't even be used to further this agenda anymore. Guard our boarders and that is it. It is not our moral responsibility to right the wrongs outside of our boarders. That moral relevance has been used against us more than any other ideal to further the globalist agenda.

But we need to figure out safeguards towards a system that power isn't allowed to corrupt. Then we can start cleaning house. If the sheeple are that easily brainwashed into believing the globalist agenda, they can be deprogrammed like getting members out of cult.

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 02:51 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Now that is an interesting thought. Maybe we only learn through pain and suffering. Are we past the point of correcting this listing ship? There would need to be some way to ensure a structure that was based upon our constitution and bill of rights would come out of the destruction unscathed, to guide the way forward. Then we could fully adopt this globalist 'utopia' and let it eat itself. Then we would have a clear example of where that path leads, as long as we could correctly record history instead of having that message corrupted.

The biggest obstacle I run into on a weekly basis is simply trying to get people to understand that our government is not benevolent. Until people can even admit the POSSIBILITY of that, we are not going forward in this eternal battle.

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 02:51 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
Yep, should have gone communist like the USSR. Then we would have destroyed ourselves quicker so none of you would be complaining about how awful we are.
I find Imperialism as distasteful as Communism.

God Bless America, though, I'm all about the oath I took. I don't remember swearing to globalism or nation-toppling though.

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 02:52 PM
The thing is, you never know what the alternative world could be like. Maybe if the US hadn't done all those things, we would be living through something much worse than we are today. You just don't know. I certainly don't agree with everything US politicians have done, but to blame the US for all the world's problems is nothing more than propaganda. The world had massive problems before the US, and it will have massive problems after the US is destroyed.

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 03:00 PM

originally posted by: TruMcCarthy
The thing is, you never know what the alternative world could be like. Maybe if the US hadn't done all those things, we would be living through something much worse than we are today. You just don't know. I certainly don't agree with everything US politicians have done, but to blame the US for all the world's problems is nothing more than propaganda. The world had massive problems before the US, and it will have massive problems after the US is destroyed.

Maybe there should be more public debate on some of this instead of some deep state power structure making life and death decisions that--being a hammer (world super power)--all problems look like a nail to them. Or they look like opportunity for more power.

Alas, the OP's point is that the blame for much of the world condition does fall on us.

Have you studied our nation-toppling in any detail?

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: TruMcCarthy

I don't really see anyone completely blaming USA for all of the worlds woes. People are just starting to wake up. People are starting to realize that there is a concentrated group of people that are corrupting the individuals in our government, on a massive scale. They have corrupted the MSM. They have corrupted our education system to dumb down the sheep and they are now trying to corrupt the free flowing information over the internet. People are just asking if the citizens share in the responsibility simply by their inaction, which I find is a very hard thing to argue against. TPTB are raping the world in our name.

We have to recognize the TYPE of people that are drawn to politics. The politician should be people that are chosen from the unwilling, unimportant and un-powerful citizen class. Anyone who is actively trying to get into politics are the types that should never be allowed that power.

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 03:10 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
Yep, should have gone communist like the USSR. Then we would have destroyed ourselves quicker so none of you would be complaining about how awful we are.

Comes off more like arm chair quarter backing to me.

I get what he is saying. I just think it is misplaced anger...frustration

Big decisions like:
"Do I let these 10000 die or save these 200,000,000." Are not decisions I would want to make.

a. We only know, what we are allowed to know about these situations. And even then.....

b. Never judge someone until you have walked a mile in the shoes of that person.

I would like to believe our intelligence community is doing the best they can. Nobody is perfect and I doubt they use a crystal ball to determine all the possible future outcomes of actions they take.

Am I the only person who has had unintentional negative consequences from mistakes I take?

No need for anyone to answer this post either....

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 03:11 PM
a reply to: The GUT

Globalism is a problem bigger than the US, so blaming the US for it is moot.

As for nation toppling ... sometimes, it's necessary. Do you deny that Germany needed to be toppled during WWII for example?

The problem is that we have an out of control power structure and too many citizens in this country who think that government ought to be engaged in doing everything for them up to and including wipe their behinds after they take a dump. When you give the government that kind of power in one area, it necessarily takes it in all others too. So you turn around and find out that in order to make government your own personal mommy and daddy so that you don't have to take responsibility for yourself anymore, you likewise gave it the power to try to take responsibility for people in other countries to tell them how to live too. After all, if government is wonderful at arranging your life, then it must be absolutely fabulous at doing it for those losers in Whatchamake-a or Suckistan or even the Rupublic of Nukyahifyaktuchmee.

And when your government has that kind of power, the psychopaths who like running everyone's lives gravitate toward it like flies to honey. So you don't actually ever get "the right people" in charge of it either.

But most people are too short-sighted to figure that out. They'd just rather not have to take responsibility for themselves.

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 03:16 PM
a reply to: The GUT

I honestly think the system we have is the best system in the world...

The problem is that the system was built initially with the thought that the people would always stay engaged in the process... instead we got fat dumb and happy and the lawyers have slowly usurped the system over the course of a few decades.

We cannot trust either established party, the people need to get engaged with the process once more to force the change folks want.

the thing some folks need to consider is, isolationism is still a very strong sentiment in many corners of the country... if the people re-engage we very well might retreat to within our own borders and say to heck with the rest of the globe.

So all that giving that does occur, that many people like to discount as inconsequential will disappear..

But it will all be moot until the people turn off the idiot box and start to speak with their votes.

eta: or I could be partaking a bit to much in the water of life...
edit on 18-3-2017 by Irishhaf because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 03:21 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

It could be argued that Germany was setup for WWII and they were the pawns of that era just like we are the pawns of today. Just like WWI, it was all about a select group of people making a massive fortune on the chaos.

Do you think we have become to coddled as a populace? How would you reinstate self reliability and self accountability? Should we mimic nature more?

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 03:24 PM

originally posted by: Irishhaf

eta: or I could be partaking a bit to much in the water of life...
Nah, you sound right on the money to me. I actually think the OP is basically saying the same thing. We have capitulated our involvement/voice through complacency.

Carry on with the life-giving water and cheers, this topic calls for a shot o' something!

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 03:28 PM

originally posted by: ClovenSky
a reply to: ketsuko

It could be argued that Germany was setup for WWII and they were the pawns of that era just like we are the pawns of today. Just like WWI, it was all about a select group of people making a massive fortune on the chaos.

Do you think we have become to coddled as a populace? How would you reinstate self reliability and self accountability? Should we mimic nature more?

Once upon a time, it was understood clearly what the government was empowered to do and what it wasn't. The rest was left to the people and the states.

Then, that document became "living and breathing" so that it could be distorted to mean whatever it was convenient for it to mean rather than what it plainly states it means. At that point, the law shifted to being built upon sand instead of upon rock.

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 03:34 PM

originally posted by: The GUT
Why, in your opinion, does M.E.-based terrorism exist to the extent it does today?

The key words in that question are "extent that it does today". That is, middle-east terrorism has been going on for a very long time. There have been a number of events that happened in the last 25 years that are not just our fault. In my own experience, it started with the Iran hostage crisis in 1979. A revolution took place to topple a US supported dictator. The new Iranian regime had (and still does have) intense anti-American propaganda. The same Iranian government sponsors a lot of subversion in the middle east wherever the US has interests. That includes Beirut, Iraq and Palestine (a.k.a. West Bank). Likewise, we subvert wherever Iran has interest. In the past that was in Iraq when they were at war with Iran.

When Saddam Hussein decided to invade Kuwait we sent in our military and took control. It's a case of a noble attempt to protect a small nation from an aggressor. But I know, it can also be said it was a not-so-noble attempt at protecting an oil supply! In either case, it fueled more hatred and propaganda from Iran.

Next was Osama Bin Laden who got p.o.'d by the fact we used him against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. Someone made promises to him that we didn't keep. Next thing you know, he tries to take down the World Trade Center towers in '98. He didn't succeed but he couldn't leave it alone.

Bin Laden's next attempt was successful and set off another chain of events that made things even worst. Intelligence said he was in Afghanistan. We used our might to take out the Taliban that was supporting him. Having US troops so entrenched in the middle-east now fed the Muslim hate of America even more. Then things went from bad to worse. Just like Bin Laden couldn't move on after his first attempt at taking down the World Trade Center, Bush couldn't leave well enough alone and decided to finish what his father started and took out Saddam Hussein.

Then there's Israel but I'm torn on that one issue. I've been to Israel and to the West Bank. People in both places are wonderful and without their respective governments, I believe they would get along just fine. In fact, the ones that work together in business (which does happen believe it or not), have no issues with one another.

When you're the big kid on the block, you do what you can to stay that way.
Anything? No responsibility of morality or decency?

Our objective should be to live and let live. But in the end, you do what you have to to protect yourself. If it escalates to someone wanting to kill you, it's kill or be killed. I ask you, where do the lines of morality and decency begin and end?

edit on 3-18-2017 by LogicalGraphitti because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 03:46 PM
a reply to: LogicalGraphitti

I dare you to go read the OP again, slowly.
Read all of it word for word.

It's the brilliant gleaming shining Truth.
I reread it. It looks rock solid.

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 03:49 PM

originally posted by: The GUT
a reply to: ClovenSky

If we overcame the Left-Right paradigm on this ONE issue, I imagine we could give it a good go. many even care and how many prefer willful ignorance seems a staggering blow to much hope at this late stage.

I even made sure in the OP to point out that within a day everyone will be back to their divisions and petty politics.

Everyone no matter what political slant knows I said the Truth.
They may really hate that Truth though. It hurts.

But I think we should all face it and then start discussing how to really solve these problems permanently.

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 03:57 PM
a reply to: ClovenSky

Thank you for sharing those thoughtful posts.

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 04:02 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
Yep, should have gone communist like the USSR. Then we would have destroyed ourselves quicker so none of you would be complaining about how awful we are.

No we shouldn't have, that'd be a nightmare.
Why don't you argue with the OP's contentions rather than make mindless comments like that?

I'm Patriotic.
You're licking boots.
Get off your knees.

We can't ever fix America when people turn ANY CRITICISM of our POLICIES into "OH U MUST HATE MURICA?"
Shut your mouth until you have something intelligent to say.
Your ignorance has been DENIED.
edit on 3/18/2017 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 04:06 PM

originally posted by: The GUT

God Bless America, though, I'm all about the oath I took. I don't remember swearing to globalism or nation-toppling though.

I know exactly what you swore to uphold.

And by God's Mercy and Grace, we WILL UPHOLD IT!

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