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America is headed toward a Civil War

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posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 04:24 PM

originally posted by: TarzanBeta

There is a war coming, a civil war, but it won't look like it. It will look like, to all ignorant, a religious war.

Once Islam is defeated, then Christians will be targeted because the idea of living for God will be so despicable to people who suffered under the war with Islam. People who know nothing of the Bible will be easily manipulated into believing that Christians will become terrorists, too.


So basically what you are implying is that after a religious war, people will be so sick and tired of religion causing all this nonsense that people who believe in a different religion will be looked upon with suspicion? Which will lead to what....a ban on organized religion? Can we have that without the initial "holy war"? Where do I sign up?

Imagine there's no heaven It's easy if you try No hell below us Above us, only sky Imagine all the people living for today Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion, too Imagine all the people living life in peace

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 04:38 PM
a reply to: Bloodydagger

OMFG - how is that going to work? - a bunch of precious snowflakes who wouldn't know what 'work' was even if it came up and bit them on the ass versus normal humans that can think laterally?

That's not a fair fight, but it would be one I'd love to see take place, the planet has had a gut-full of these oxygen thieving professional victims who identify themselves as extremist progressive liberals.

Or Trump could just formally and legally define the DNC, it's financiers and supporters as a racist hate group and have it's leaders arrested for ongoing anti-Constitutional conduct towards US citizens.
edit on 4-2-2017 by Sublimecraft because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 04:40 PM
a reply to: TarzanBeta

Post one THREAT by Trump. Not a sanction, not a decrying - a THREAT. I dare you.

Here you go...

U.S. President Donald Trump has threatened Iran over its ballistic missile test that violated a UN Security Council resolution. Trump, in his tweets on Thursday, said “Iran has been formally put on notice”..

Sounds pretty much like a threat to me. -Get your head out of the sand, it was his tweet for God's sake!

He also threatened to blow Iran's boats out of the water back when he was on the campaign trail. (Which I certainly feel is within America's right to protect itself). Sounds pretty much like a threat to me.

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: introvert

You and others THINK represent something meaningful?

These symbols were found in FBI reports. Are you denying this? No one made these symbols up.

How about the Franklin scandal that was covered up? And the media blackout that followed?

How about all of the people that have testified about this?

Where there's smoke there's fire. There's enough circumstantial evidence out there to base an investigation on.

Mark my words, this will all come out sooner or later. It's only a matter of time.

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 05:29 PM

originally posted by: Sublimecraft
a reply to: Bloodydagger

OMFG - how is that going to work? - a bunch of precious snowflakes who wouldn't know what 'work' was even if it came up and bit them on the ass versus normal humans that can think laterally?

That's not a fair fight, but it would be one I'd love to see take place, the planet has had a gut-full of these oxygen thieving professional victims who identify themselves as extremist progressive liberals.

Or Trump could just formally and legally define the DNC, it's financiers and supporters as a racist hate group and have it's leaders arrested for ongoing anti-Constitutional conduct towards US citizens.

I know that you are not in the USA, but the Liberal/Conservative divide is not wholly defined by who works, and those who don't. I work for a CPA and do taxes for a living, my clients that Trumps policies will harm the most, are his staunchest supporters. While the wealthy clients that I work for support the Democratic party, Planned Parenthood, etc.

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 05:46 PM

originally posted by: Sublimecraft
a reply to: Bloodydagger

OMFG - how is that going to work? - a bunch of precious snowflakes who wouldn't know what 'work' was even if it came up and bit them on the ass versus normal humans that can think laterally?

That's not a fair fight, but it would be one I'd love to see take place, the planet has had a gut-full of these oxygen thieving professional victims who identify themselves as extremist progressive liberals.

Or Trump could just formally and legally define the DNC, it's financiers and supporters as a racist hate group and have it's leaders arrested for ongoing anti-Constitutional conduct towards US citizens.

Dang dude. If they are rounded up, where are we going to get our cheap free entertainment from?

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 05:46 PM

would like to see even ONE protest where people on the right are attacking others violently and destroying public property.

How about the armed takevover of a government building?

How about bringing guns to meetings about Obamacare and wearing shirts talking about bloody revolutions??
How about all the people who talked about killing Obama in the last 8 years??

I think there will be a civil war eventually as the corporations are making it harder to get a job, while keeping the cost of living high so many people have just given up. It's amazing how much work it's taken me to get another job after being laid off, and I have two degrees, veteran status, a long employment record and a couple of IT certifications.

That's partly why so many uneducated people voted for Trump. If he isn't able to "save" them then they might start rioting too.
edit on 4-2-2017 by CB328 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 05:58 PM

originally posted by: [post=21855572]CB328[/post

That's partly why so many uneducated people voted for Trump. If he isn't able to "save" them then they might start rioting too.

I had someone say the other day to me, Obama promised all the blacks better things in 2008 and failed. Now Trump in 2016 has promised everything to the down and out whites and will likely fail as well; yet both groups will cling to their respective presidents upon reelection regardless. The failures will just be blamed on the other sides actions and more division occurs.

I really do think that Obama wanted to help, and I think the same of Trump. Once they are in power though they realize how limited they are to do much of anything useful to help out their respective bases. Too much infighting, corporate lawyers, lobbyists, its just a mess of redundancy.

All this rhetoric in the first couple weeks is just solidifying the left and the right in the trenches. Maybe some centrist voters will have changed sides but I think the majority of people feel the same way they did when they voted in November.
edit on 4-2-2017 by deuceawesome because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 06:10 PM
a reply to: TarzanBeta

Sounds like you made HIS "coals" pretty damn hot.

(just joshing you two,lol)

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 06:27 PM

originally posted by: Xeven
Civil war would result in mass starvation. The systems in place that provide people with food, fresh water, electricity, medicine would be decimated. There simply is not enough natural resource to sustain this population. Million nes would die from starvation, illness not to mention killings over survival resources.

Guess who can take control of the resources?

Hope they have plenty of dairy cows and chickens in L.A.

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 06:57 PM
If America has a civil war would it be OK for other countries to drop bomb after bomb on to American city's like America did in Syrian and libiyan alleged civil wars ???

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 07:18 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: lostbook
a reply to: Bloodydagger

Donald Trump is a rich man who pitted poor Whites against poor Blacks and it worked because people still don't realize how they are being used.

My 2 cents.

Really is that why the Black Ministers gave him an award BEFORE the election? OK did you forget that which makes this comment a lie or are you just lying?

No lie. It's how the rich stay rich. They know how to manipulate people. Trump is a master manipulator.

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 07:27 PM
a reply to: knowledgehunter0986

Did you just ask me what left powers?

Yes, I did. What Left powers are out there? Hell, where are the Leftists in general?

At the top, I see both Democrats and Republicans manipulating things for the sake of money and power. I do not see any true Leftists doing a damn thing.

Socialists are not in power. Communists are not in power. I doubt you could even point-out a true Leftist.

And did you just say you don't see anyone promoting the things I mentioned?

That's what I said. Other than the average idiot on twitter and such, who is promoting such a narrative? The MSM is not promoting what you described.

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 08:09 PM
originally posted by: TarzanBeta
a reply to: Bloodydagger

"Libertarianism is actually a dangerous ideology as well. It assumes people will stop fighting. It assumes that government's job will somehow be finished."

That is your assumption.

"As long as there are mortals, there needs to be authority. As long as people love money, there needs to be banks."

Where does that idea come from? THAT IS important for YOU to learn.
Many people have lived their lives in this world without authority before.
In other words : your ancestor lived their lives like that at one point.

"Those things are necessary evils - created because of the greed in peoples' hearts."

In your view maybe.

"Killing greed isn't going to happen. Greed doesn't die by the sword... It is fed."

Greed is a thought, emotion and a concept and is now a integral part of what is also known as the human experience.
It is possible to accept it as I described here and not be controlled by it nor control others.

"To be libertarian is to not have eyes which behold the world before you, but it is a mind which desires a peaceful solution to peace."

peace is not the solution, its something you do. In other words : 'its not the destination, its the path you walk'

"I am very blind. I can't see past my nose, literally. I love people, but I couldn't tell you anything about their looks unless they are kissing me."

"That's what it's like to be libertarian." your view.

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 08:29 PM
a reply to: introvert

Maybe I should just replace "left" with "anti-Trump"

The title is so irrelevant .

I mean if by now you still think this narrative that I keep trying to paint for you doesn't exist, then there's not much left to say.

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 08:34 PM
a reply to: knowledgehunter0986

It is relevant because those that may be anti-Trump may not necessarily be Lefitsts.

If you are going to try to paint a narrative, use the right words.

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 08:39 PM

originally posted by: introvert
a reply to: knowledgehunter0986

It is relevant because those that may be anti-Trump may not necessarily be Lefitsts.

If you are going to try to paint a narrative, use the right words.

It is the label thing, we all have to be able to get past it. Unfortunately some are unable to make a point without painting with a broad brush. There are not enough adjectives in the world to cover the American political spectrum.

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 08:44 PM
a reply to: BubbaJoe

Unfortunately some are unable to make a point without painting with a broad brush.

I think we should say most are unable to make a point without painting with a broad brush.

The subtle nuances can be a bitch.

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 08:55 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman
they deserve to be the ones to do it when it happens as they are the truth and you don't want to know it.

Ahh religion.
Sorry bro, I'm atheist, but you carry on

posted on Feb, 4 2017 @ 09:04 PM

originally posted by: introvert
a reply to: BubbaJoe

Unfortunately some are unable to make a point without painting with a broad brush.

I think we should say most are unable to make a point without painting with a broad brush.

The subtle nuances can be a bitch.

Yes they are, but that is the media training they have received.

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