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Daughter of top EU official raped and murdered by Afghan migrant

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posted on Dec, 5 2016 @ 09:19 AM

originally posted by: ErrorErrorError

originally posted by: snewpers
Here the Maroccans and Turks are fighting for the top spot. Polish and eastern Europeans are in the top, but theres a huge gap between them and the muzzies. I understand you wish not to point fingers at them muslims and therefore compare anything they do to others. That's fine, but it won't change the fact that they are still a major problem, and a growing one.

a reply to: ErrorErrorError

Oh come on, you can buy a muslim raygun in your local EDL shop

muslamic ray gun btw..

posted on Dec, 5 2016 @ 09:21 AM
This is very sad.. feel sorry for that girl and the family.

posted on Dec, 5 2016 @ 09:30 AM

originally posted by: blueman12
a reply to: everyone

Hey mannn... you can't disagree or judge another culture's values. Thats like.. culturist brooooooo. Muslim women only lack freedom in a silly westerner's eyes. I bet they feel "free" while knowing they are obeying their husband and the quran.

Yeah i know man im sorry im sorry !!11

We all know these woman dress like this because they like it and it is their own free will and not forced upon them at all

Because if they did not want it they would not be wearing it right !!? I am 100% confident that if asked about it they would say they dont want it while their men are standing around them! They would tell it to their face *pun

This is what free will looks like , coming soon to a U.S.A near you.

posted on Dec, 5 2016 @ 09:53 AM
If you live in a house with 10 other people, lets say its a huge house, and outside of your neighborhood large roving bands squirrels. Some of these squirrels are hurting each other. Well you feel sorry for the squirrels so you invite some of the refugee squirrels into your 10 member household and you feel so much better about yourself.

one day you wake up to find out some of the squirrels have eaten your baby! Now you only have 9 members in your house and 4 of them don't want anymore squirrels brought in. But you tell them they need help. So you bring in more.

You get up the next day and another person of your household is dead, now only 8 of you remain and 5 of them want you to stop bring in squirrels. But you keep bringing them in ignoring the larger voice of members of your household that don't want any more squirrels.

How long do you think the leader of the household will stay the leader?

To all you libtards, its not that we hate immigrants or refugees, its the fact that no one knows who these people are! No one is vetting them! Its like you opening your house to random strangers, telling them where all your valuables and leaving for a weekend and giving them keys to your lifesavings. Your Liberal Ideology needs some major people are insane...

posted on Dec, 5 2016 @ 10:29 AM
You guys do realize things like this happen all the time all around the world in different cultures every day right? It's not limited to Islamic refugees. Not saying this isn't horrible but let's try not to blow it out of proportion as if it's the first time it's ever happened, because it's not.

Every culture/race has its bad apples, getting worked up over this one incident while ignoring the hundreds or even thousands of other cases every year just goes to show (in my opinion) that since it's a Muslim that means it's somehow worse than any other case.

posted on Dec, 5 2016 @ 10:32 AM

originally posted by: everyone

We all know these woman dress like this because they like it and it is their own free will and not forced upon them at all

Because if they did not want it they would not be wearing it right !!? I am 100% confident that if asked about it they would say they dont want it while their men are standing around them! They would tell it to their face *pun

This is what free will looks like , coming soon to a U.S.A near you.

Hey its their choice to wear it buddy. HOW DARE YOU criticize their freedom of (non-facial) expression!!

posted on Dec, 5 2016 @ 11:26 AM

originally posted by: roaland
If you live in a house with 10 other people, lets say its a huge house, and outside of your neighborhood large roving bands squirrels. Some of these squirrels are hurting each other. Well you feel sorry for the squirrels so you invite some of the refugee squirrels into your 10 member household and you feel so much better about yourself.

one day you wake up to find out some of the squirrels have eaten your baby! Now you only have 9 members in your house and 4 of them don't want anymore squirrels brought in. But you tell them they need help. So you bring in more.

You get up the next day and another person of your household is dead, now only 8 of you remain and 5 of them want you to stop bring in squirrels. But you keep bringing them in ignoring the larger voice of members of your household that don't want any more squirrels.

How long do you think the leader of the household will stay the leader?

To all you libtards, its not that we hate immigrants or refugees, its the fact that no one knows who these people are! No one is vetting them! Its like you opening your house to random strangers, telling them where all your valuables and leaving for a weekend and giving them keys to your lifesavings. Your Liberal Ideology needs some major people are insane...

Comparing humans to wild animals... Keep it classy

posted on Dec, 5 2016 @ 11:32 AM

originally posted by: Konduit
Liberalism has become a mental disorder.

That's the right on man. You said it all.

posted on Dec, 5 2016 @ 11:33 AM
It is one thing to harm the unwashed masses...... but this is unacceptable!!!!!

It's never a problem when it's "us" getting hurt.
That why this whole mexicans sneaking across the border wont be a problem in the eyes of our rulers.....until it is one of their own who suffers some sort of tragedy .....

posted on Dec, 5 2016 @ 11:35 AM

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss
HOW DARE YOU criticize their freedom of (non-facial) expression!!

I don't think the burqa came about because of a lack of desire to show facial expression. I think it was designed to promote a civil society.

Hard to develop feelings in lust that might lead to adultery if you can't see your neighbors wife's beauty.
edit on 5-12-2016 by Miracula2 because: changed can to can't in last sentence

posted on Dec, 5 2016 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

But the burqa despite its merits in preventing things like adultery in WESTERN society it has drawbacks. I think one of the reasons why religious extremism DEVELOPS is due to social marginalization. When people feel OSTRACIZED they revolt.

The burqa in western society creates social marginalization by alienating those who wear it from those who feel unnerved by the wearing of the burqa.

posted on Dec, 5 2016 @ 11:48 AM

originally posted by: ErrorErrorError

originally posted by: everyone

originally posted by: daerath
a reply to: Metallicus
Yes, because we all know that only immigrants and refugees commit crimes. Everyone else is utterly trustworthy and unfailingly peaceful.

In the EU there has not been a mass sexual assault until they started hauling in men from countries who look at western woman as filth and less then dogs.

Well, there you go.
Muslims have been living in the EU(majority of them were migrants from Northern Africa and Turkey) long before today's migrant crisis. And like you said, there hasn't been a mass sexual assaults.
What does it tell you ?

I live in europe 6 months of the year, The Netherlands to be exact which is just a 2 hour drive away from germany where my girlfriend is from. Those migrants you speak of have never been hauled in by the millions and let in unvetted. Those that were let in were let in through a specific program that had them go through mandatory programs which included things like learning the language and learning about the culture and its habbits and ways to learn how to adapt to them.

These "refugee's" we are talking about here come in by the millions (which are supposed to be syrians but most are not and are supposed to be families but most are single men age 20/30, no elders) in one go un-vetted, unchecked without any education in the language or culture of the country, they lie about their identities and their age and are completely unaccounted for and do not assimilate at all in fact they expect europeans to adapt to them.

What does that tell YOU ?

posted on Dec, 5 2016 @ 11:57 AM
a reply to: Pandaram

This is what german politics says in response

-Martin Schulz

'wat de vluchtelingen ons land brengen meer waard is dan goud'

Translation: "What these refugees bring to our country is worth more then gold"

Or this

Duitse media en politici geven ondertussen extreemrechts de schuld van de huidige oproer en zeggen dat de moord 'koren op de molen is' voor neonazi's.

Translation: "The german media and politicians are blaming the extreme right for not being ok with the murder, it is food for neonazi's"

So you are a neonazi if you express conern over this. Meanwhile i havent even seen or heard any ACTUAL neonazi group commit murder on them. You would think with all these politicians in defense of these illegitimate refugees that that would reach the news with the greatest ease.

posted on Dec, 5 2016 @ 12:01 PM

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

originally posted by: trollz

How many "isolated incidents" does it take before the governments admit that the migrants are raping and murdering European women? Everyone knows it's happening and has been happening. Calling this an "isolated incident" is a sick blatant lie. There's a reason Sweden is now unofficially called the "rape capital of the world", because like Germany, they allow these invaders to flood in and ruin their society.

This woman volunteered her free time to help at refugee centers and refugee homes, and look what it got her. Raped and drowned.

This all sounds more and more like the real underlying agenda of liberal politics in the US & EU is a Long Con endgame of reigniting a long lost White Solidarity while whipping it into a international White Supremacist movement, to kick start an all new 21st Century era of hyper-tribalist genocide friendly Neo-Colonialism.

[Of course, the common folks into liberal ideology would be un-witting pawns in such a game, where the agenda flows from the faceless neo-liberal social engineering fountainhead thinktanks. This may sound CRAZY to half the people reading this, but you can only wage an OVERT tribal war against a group so hard and for so long before a Supremacist backlash becomes an inevitable result. And I can guarantee you said faceless neo-liberal social engineering fountainhead thinktanks are all too witting about this reality. ]

I'm normally aghast at notions of DNA banks, fingerprint banks and such for non-criminals, but it seems to me about the only check & balance option that might be a remotely viable option for that brand of non-citizens is such registrations (to even hear myself saying this means they're doing a good job at such a would-be agenda).

If they think they can just commit these atrocities and blend back into the ubiquitous liberal-no-profiling-allowed 'background noise' with little concerns over forensic evidence, its like unleashing a horde of teenagers into a shopping mall while telling them that the security cameras & magnetic strip sensors are disabled in every store. OF COURSE they're going to shoplift.

ding ding, preciso brother.
This latest incident on this sad story, is definitely not an isolated one. It is actually something that happens occasionally, but it is covered up by mainstream media.

The liberal community fail to see that they are the ones that are gonna be targeted by the same groups paying their protests. One thing I know about the Jesuits is that they tend to fund both sides of the war, if history were to repeat itself, then even trump supporters are being setup.

I smell a false flag coming, but don't quote me on that. But the air reeks of something sinister brewing.

posted on Dec, 5 2016 @ 12:05 PM

originally posted by: Miracula2

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss
HOW DARE YOU criticize their freedom of (non-facial) expression!!

I don't think the burqa came about because of a lack of desire to show facial expression. I think it was designed to promote a civil society.

Hard to develop feelings in lust that might lead to adultery if you can't see your neighbors wife's beauty.

Yet they still kill and rape.

So in order to be civil it is ok to cover woman up from head to toe, forcibly so by sharia laws because otherwise these islamic men are not able to restrain themselves, well at least that is inline what we see of them once they are moved in droves from their islamic country to a western one, rape increased by a 1000% in sweden.

So who is more civilized. Here in the west woman can walk around in bikini's and are most of the time not assaulted for it. Over there they wear burka's because otherwise men would be overcome by lust and they still get raped followed by being stoned to death because they got raped.

In sweden a 8 year old boy was raped by a "refugee" in a public swimming pool because as the refugee" explained, he had a sexual emergency. So what now, are we going to cover up western boys , girls and woman ? Is that what we are supposed to do ? Or do we rise to the occasion and choose our culture and allow our men , woman and children to dress freely instead of a state and church approved attire ?

posted on Dec, 5 2016 @ 12:07 PM
a reply to: Miracula2

Nope. I will never accept any narrative that justifies / rationalizes the merits of forcing all of the women to wear burka's.

And it is off topic in here, for which I made a fresh new focus topic:
The Freedom of FACIAL Expression?

posted on Dec, 5 2016 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: trollz

At what point do you call a duck a duck? Certainly not all migrants rape and kill, but close to a thousand were raped in Germany in Taharrush games which we all know are very common in the middle east. In many middle eastern countries a woman can expect to spend many months in jail if she reports a rape. You can not force new values on these folks. An unescorted woman showing skin and hair is open game in many parts of the world. If you wouldn't move your old lady to Iran or Saudi Arabia then you shouldn't invite the same to stay in your neighborhoods.

The sky is not green, the grass is not blue folks! It does not matter if it comes off as racist. Common sense is not racist, and it is not hate speech to speak the truth. Its the same as inviting a guest to your home and expecting this guest to abandon their values at the door. Islam is not a religion of rape and murder. If we were brought up to think a dog turd is fruit to be consumed, many would be eating dookie their whole life and serving the same to their kids. Its not racism its a clash of cultures etc..

Folks voting for Gun Rights put trump in office nothing more nothing less. Had the NRA endorsed Clinton she would have won it plain and simple. Americans did not want another round of Clinton era gun controls and that's that! You can paint it as a racist victory all you like, but the truth is the FBI came out to say hey wait a minute on this one and the whole nine yards. Even so the gun vote would have seen her in office.

edit on 5-12-2016 by Donkey_Dean because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2016 @ 12:36 PM

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss


posted on Dec, 5 2016 @ 12:45 PM

originally posted by: Donkey_Dean
In many middle eastern countries a woman can expect to spend many months in jail if she reports a rape.

Which sounds bizarre from a Western perspective, but here is my guess as to why this is so in Islamic countries.

A woman is generally safe around men in her family and a courtship ordained by her father and a woman in Islamic society that strays from that protection is either one. Sexually immoral or two, interested in aggressive sex.

Three, if they were sexually immoral or purposely straying from family protection, why report a rape. An unchaste woman is essentially subjecting herself to a form of rape or abuse if the sex didn't occur in courtship or marriage, so why report a crime which you subject yourself to anyway. Especially if the crime calls for the death penalty of the person you accuse, especially if you yourself were already guilty of sexual immorality by giving yourself to men you aren't married to or courting.

Why not simply not stray outside of the protection provided by your father and brothers, uncles, etc.?

Islamic tradition regarding where a woman should be is not the same as Western society.

posted on Dec, 5 2016 @ 12:54 PM

originally posted by: Miracula2

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss


This is the entire quote you responded to with that.

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss
a reply to: Miracula2

Nope. I will never accept any narrative that justifies / rationalizes the merits of forcing all of the women to wear burka's.

And it is off topic in here, for which I made a fresh new focus topic:
The Freedom of FACIAL Expression?

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