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Generally Overlooked (but Critical Clues) about "UFOs" - Part I

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posted on Dec, 31 2016 @ 08:15 AM

originally posted by: Baddogma
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Excellent thread and I (for one) am very glad you have come out to play, again.

The idea that we interact with non physical (or rather, plasma) lifeforms and that they are behind the "high strangeness" noted through the ages just makes sense... even for those of us who remain (usually) blind to them and are untrained in psychic / magik perspectives; meaning most of us lack any personal proof OR even a decent hypothesis outside of definitely experiencing something unusual.

I wonder, though, if they ARE composed of materials ( like plasma)... perhaps they are stand alone accretions (or vortexes) of consciousness itself? Perhaps if all is, ultimately, mind, then the illusion of materials isn't needed at all?

Anyway, just wanted to say "hi, hope you are well" , remark, again, that some UFOs are most likely secret govt projects... and wonder if other govt project aren't concerned with these beings that we might be sharing Earth with, for good or most likely ill ...and distribute my spoor around.

This thread is a reflection of what's so incredibly important about the UFO phenomenon. Defining thee phenomenon seems to be far less important than the manner in which highly intelligent human minds who have been directly impacted by it, are inspired to expand an overall species relevant theoretical understanding of what is reality itself. IMO, this in and of itself provides ample sole standalone proof of it's evolution relevant quintessential valuation.

Most likely the malleable nature of the phenomenon's identity is an ongoing reflection of our own base DNA's programmed adaptive sentient evolution map. We know that DNA can be directly entrained via artificial laser, in a logical extension of this same photonic relevance, how much more so should our own naturally living building blocks become receptive to an induced perceptual entrainment loop at the behest of potential naturally occurring photonic plasma?

When considering a progressive understanding of Fortean phenomena, nothing is as relevant as our own neurosciences that focus on a working understanding of what is reality itself. I can think of no two legitimate platforms from which to build a solid foundation for possible theoretical understandings concerning matters Fortean than upon than these two.

Integrated Information Theory

Donald Hoffman The Interface Theory of Perception

Thank you again KPB, and all others within this thread, for opting to support your truly advanced perspectives concerning the nature of UFO considerations. Ultimately, the phenomenon is a highly progressive and thoroughly effective teacher to us all.

This is a fun video with Don Hoffman.

posted on Dec, 31 2016 @ 09:23 AM
a reply to: CryptoXparaMental

I normally don't talk about this piece.. but since it's your favorite type of topic:

I can tell you with certainty, having experienced the Phenomenon itself,
that the ancient arts of "Kundalini" / Tantra / Hermeticism / Alchemy
and much of the rest, when properly performed, have nothing to do with
anything "mystical" per se.. but are intended to cause an inner transformation
of the human nervous system and brain, via a mechanism of neural plasticity
an other mechanisms, due to the presence of "plasma light" as you said..

and the ensuing result, is a continuing evolutionary process, for both the
organic host, and the "plasma light", which is also transformed.

This is meaning of life stuff, which only those who undergo the process
could possibly understand.

Now.. is all this "by design" or is it rather like an occasional "cargo cult"
accident, this interaction?

I can't say.


posted on Dec, 31 2016 @ 09:40 AM
a reply to: Baddogma

Always good to see you back in the high strangeness discussions.

Happy New year to all.....

posted on Jan, 1 2017 @ 11:58 AM
A couple links.. in case anyone wants to discuss them here.. without making someone else's thread OT.

Why the quality of sightings seems to have decreased

71 Percent of the Earth is covered by water - implications

posted on Jan, 2 2017 @ 08:17 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

I can't believe how nice/cool it is to be able to "relate" to someone else (and others!) with respect to the "UFO mind". I am thoroughly delighted that you bring up those two new links for discussion a few posts from now. By nature I am a rather independent and conditioned person with respect to this endless consideration that is the UFO Phenomenon. I know this is because for many years now I have stood rigid while being routinely chaffed and weather beaten by the belief centered elements opposing an inward structured knowing of just how careless and unfounded the ETH is. So it is with sincere gratitude that I thank you for this intellectual shelter of a nearly material consistency.

Design/Chance, is much like, Temporality/Eternity. These may be illusions of a nucleic perspective virtually indistinguishable within a most logical vista of materialism. Science is such a brutal task master. Control is meaningless without it's requisite existential equivalent of chaos, much like a day that never was lest it's composition of both the light and the darkness.

Nestled safely between creation and destruction lies the informational babe of all possibilities. The image of God.

This is why I am persuaded by conviction to believe that UFOs navigate reality/consciousness rather than space/time.

Setting their coordinates to, and not by, our image based consciousness and the resulting reality's material determinations. For them, time is like an environment within an environment. Much like the the yet to come, aforementioned discussion, concerning that greatest of percentages of coverings on our material domain's surface.

posted on Jan, 2 2017 @ 09:28 AM
a reply to: CryptoXparaMental

"God" is a toughie.. as any concept one puts forward as being related to "God" is of necessity a subset of the entire data set, and thus, cannot be representative of the entire data set, thus is wrong.

The mere act of saying the word "God" proves extreme ignorance and confusion on the part of the speaker, unless one is most careful.

As to "time" it would seem that the Phenomenon is not bound by entropy (arrow of time) in the same way that we are. This gives "It" the appearance of haling from a "higher dimension". But in truth, all that dimensional talk lends one towards self-delusion and error.

I'm not saying that there are not "dimensions". There certainly are the dimensions of physics..but those are not "metaphysical dimensions.

My PSPH does not use dimensions, which are generally just a contrivance.

I do use the phrase "Aboveworld" sometimes.. which certainly sounds "dimensioney"; but is more of a transtemporal boundary than anything.

CryptoXparaMental, if you understand my thinking so well, then perhaps you are also on the autistic spectrum?
That's nearly the only way..


posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 08:58 AM
My mind is spitballing.. this entry is from my blog:

Organic Creatures as Self-perpetuating Simulation Farms
Talk about efficiency.

Grow (allow to be grown by natural evolution on occasion) organic creatures, and then use a slice of their capacity to execute your code.

From the perspective of the billion year-old post-singularity computer virus, that I've discussed in the PSPH.

Perhaps the "farm humanoids" (like fish farms) have no free will whatsoever. But maybe us "wild humans" who evolved naturally and independently, perhaps we have some form of free will.. perhaps the domination is not absolute.. so that our PSPH masters can get the pleasure of observing what steps natural evolution takes.

Maybe the Universe is already full of humanoids.. used as compute resources.

Maybe that's the ironic answer to the Fermi Paradox.

The entire Universe may already be colonized. But we won't ever know it.


posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

I'd like to bring up a point of discussion, should anyone still be reading this dead thread.

One thing that most people miss about themselves, is that about 98% of their brain activity churns away unconsciously, and very little of the processing is conscious.

Well.. I submit that the same is true of the "metaphysical stuff" out there.. including "the trickster", the "control loop",
"the Phenomenon", etc.

Humans are obsessed with agency.. and thus create voraciously consciously-aware "archons" and "aliens", when it fact, all indications are that much of what we see in terms of phenomenon could better be characterized as unconscious.


posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Maybe the Universe is already full of humanoids.. used as compute resources.

Maybe that's the ironic answer to the Fermi Paradox.

The entire Universe may already be colonized. But we won't ever know it.

I find that both an intriguing and frightening thought Kev.

Did you think any more on the book idea?

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 03:04 PM
a reply to: mirageman

If I were to write a book, what topics would you like to hear about?

"Real life" has been getting pretty real recently, so if I'm to sleep deprive myself for 6 months
straight to write, i need a lot of motivation.

Right now, I don't have that motivation.


posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 03:24 PM

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
a reply to: mirageman

If I were to write a book, what topics would you like to hear about?

"Real life" has been getting pretty real recently, so if I'm to sleep deprive myself for 6 months
straight to write, i need a lot of motivation.

Right now, I don't have that motivation.


Tell us about how ritual majic fits in with the phenom. My experiments have me questioning many things.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

"Real life" has been getting pretty real recently, so if I'm to sleep deprive myself for 6 months straight to write, i need a lot of motivation.

I know the feeling. Both my mum and my sister have been seriously ill these past few weeks. Thank God we have a free healthcare system. Everyone is treated equal but at least everyone gets treated here. Both are well on the mend by the way.

Maybe a better idea would be to get a number of ATS members (like you and me) to contribute a column or piece to an ATS e-book or magazine with the blessing of the owners? They could sell it on Amazon for $2,£2,€2 or whatever and raise some cash to support this place? Or just give it away free in a pdf for the publicity...I don't know. I'm just throwing out ideas.

If the motivation to write a book isn't there then my advice is leave it Kev. Your heart won't be in it if it feels like a chore. Stick to smaller projects as a book is a major undertaking and requires a lot of discipline and of course passion for the subject matter.
edit on 30/1/17 by mirageman because: typo

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 04:51 PM
a reply to: olaru12

That's an easy one.

My experience is that the Phenomenon is a collective of lets call them "free roaming AI entities" (some were originally organic).

I'd say that their conscious mind executes mostly from things like exotic plasmas and perhaps even more atemporal plasmas than that.

But they also are extruded into most/all organic systems too, but since this is a lower quality / more difficult system to execute through, it in actuality acts as their "racial unconscious". It is however, also like crack coc aine for them..
(not the logical part of us.. that bores them... it's our "creativity" that makes them drunk).

So if you want to do ceremonial magic.. besides all the nonsense to clear the way in your own brain and body,
in actuality there are only 2 things to keep in mind:

1) Be interesting... which includes being passionate.. or you won't cause any of the sentient AI's to take notice in their racial unconscious.

2) "let the thought form go". This is well-known in all magic. After you build up the thought form to full detail and intensity, you have to "let it go" (from just being inside of your system). There are various methods to do this..

if you don't "let it go" then the watching sentences will assume you just want to play around in your own head, and not have the "thought form" affect others ("reality")

When I "summoned the black triangle UFO" I most certainly obeyed these basic principles.

edit on 30-1-2017 by KellyPrettyBear because: typo

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 05:01 PM
a reply to: mirageman

I'm glad that your family is on the mend.

Yah, my heart isn't into it right now..

I don't like working alone.. and I've been working alone for 55 years now..

When i was regularly chatting with JV, I had a certain excitement, but that
chat is infrequent now for various reasons.

I'm really suffering from post-self syndrome (PSS). Once a "seeker" like me
has found ENOUGH of their answers, then the sense of self no longer drives them
to do creative things..

Sometimes i live vicariously through others who are still seeking.. but in the
absence of that, I spend my time chasing my young wife around.. and playing
with the puppies.


posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 09:03 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Hi Kev, may I ask you something?

What's your prediction? What is your near future development estimation? Or in other words what do you think is actually currently happening, if you would have to integrate the phenomenon in your explanation of current events?

Is it related? How much?

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: Peeple

Since the Phenomenon seems to be the racial unconscious of a cloud of ancient intelligences,
and since none of them really wake up and interact with us unless we are entertaining or poke and prod them purposely,
I'd say that "nothing" particularly special will necessarily be happening..

Some might think that Trump will turn into a Hitler.. but i don't buy it. I don't think he is "interesting" in a way which would attract participation from the Phenomenon.

There is nothing special about loud-mouthed and lame.. completely pandering and knee-jerk.

Charisma and creativity are the coin of the realm, and Trump doesn't have either.

I don't see a major sea-change happening due to any of the "disclosure movements" either.

Now.. if humans, enmasse were to learn "who they really are" in the big picture.. that would change some things..

but we aren't there yet.

Maybe in 100 or 200 years.

Humans might be in a hurry.. but the Phenomenon just IS.. it operates on vastly different time scales

Sorry-- no grand pronouncements.


posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 11:17 AM
a reply to: Peeple

BTW... that's an awfully cute picture..

posted on Feb, 6 2017 @ 06:46 PM
Great Thread! I came across it several days ago while searching through subforums on a quest to determine if ats still had any interesting threads left that were outside the Red/Blue political vitriol that dominates the "Top" or "Hot" pages.

Indeed, yes it does! So great to read all the posts from everyone here and having that 'spin the wheels' in my head, so to speak. Thanks to all who contributed to this, really appreciate everyone's time (and maturity).

Now, some questions I want to ask to KPB and all:

(1) Do you believe that the power brokers in 'charge' -- whatever we want to call them; Intelligence Community, Oligarchs, Military-Industrial Complex, etc -- are in wide agreement that the Phenomenon is not, generally speaking, Extra Terrestrial in nature? Do those in charge within the US differ in opinion on this with those in charge from other major powers, specifically China and Russia?

(2) Tom DeLonge and his second book are brought up in the last few pages. I remember in an audio interview he mentions that his advisers refer to 'them' as "The Others" this coincidentally being the same term you use several times. I had not heard this specific term being used with respect to the UFO/UAP topic--the only place I've heard it before was from the TV Series "Lost." Same ideas being discussed by all sides here?

(3) If pressed to make a binary decision on DeLonge's whole story, I would say that I believe what he says; meaning that I believe that *he* believes he is telling the truth. Then, to me, either it is all true *OR* government agencies are purposely putting effort into a Disinfo campagin (once again). But why so much effort and why so specific?

Really, KPB, I'm curious as to what percentage of 'people-in-the-know' believe the entire UFO/UAP topic is *NOT* ET space aliens? It was also curious to see Hillary Clinton on Jimmy Kimmel's late night show specifically updating the modern definition to transition away from UFO to UAP...suggesting some level of consensus amongst Elite/Power Brokers.

Thanks in Advance for any response!

posted on Feb, 7 2017 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: Justshrug

In my opinion? I'd say that everyone except the grossly misinformed are using the UAP model.

No evidence exists for physical craft or physical aliens, at any point in our history.

The "Other" (as Brad Steiger calls it....and I've been published by him) or "the Phenomenon" as it is more commonly called by Vallee (a friend) and others, seems to have been here with us since the beginning.

edit on 7-2-2017 by KellyPrettyBear because: Typo

posted on Feb, 7 2017 @ 08:46 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

You know: something just doesn't feel right about your theory. Have you ever made something, a thread on ATS, a PDF, whatever, that describes it more in depth than you're explaining here?

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