As a Christian, sometimes I can almost feel the shift in the spiritual climate as a result of something deep and fundamental going on behind the
scenes as you prepare to work to get the devil out of the system with all those satanists. That quintessential "thing" that was wrong with the world,
that's very hard to put one's finger on, seems to have been removed or in the process of being swept away, and that's amazing!
Approval Ratings
Your numbers have to improve and get up over 50% and on to 60%+.
Therefore, lowering taxes and really simplifying the tax code is probably the remedy. That and getting banks to lend again. Used to be, you have a
good credit score and a great idea to launch a small business, you go to the bank and get a loan to help fund the startup. Now, the banks only lend to
people who don't need the money.
Those two things will dramatically alter the economic climate.
Maybe forget about the travel ban fiasco, and just work to alter and tighten up the vetting process. I think it's best to put that behind you and move
on, instead of getting into a protracted fight over it which the MSM and leftists are using to eat you alive in the area of public perception.
And again, I think that Bannon should be hunkered down in a "bat cave" writing in Trump language the superstructure of the entire policy platform for
the sake of clarity and messaging. There's just too much uncertainty and confusion, and the messaging is all over the place, making you look like a
crazed pinball bouncing around all over the place.
Also, while you're in the process of repealing and replacing Dodd Frank with a new and improved Glass Steagall (smart), please set up a new American
Infrastructure Bank AIB (owned by the American people) for channeling P3 (pubic private partnership) money into Infrastructure while setting in place
a provision that will preclude foreign ownership of American infrastructure ie: they can lease it long term and maintain it, but not OWN it.
Creating this "catchbasin" of wealth, starting with a TRILLION, then 10 trillion for a 21st Century American Infrastructure, would be the first step
in KILLING THE FED, cutting the debt in half, and putting the US on track to a surplus and balanced budget within 10 years, where the US dollar would
be set free from the evil grasp of the International Bankers (money lenders in the temple), and issued under the authority of Congress.
That one thing, if you could pull it off, would be of such heroic proportion that you would go down in history as among the greatest US Presidents (he
killed the Fed!).
You could go to the Saudis and the Iranians for that matter (they have lots of oil too) and say to them - we don't need your oil anymore, and you know
full well that in 50 years no one else will either. However, if you act now and go ALL IN, you can preserve your wealth and your royalty and that of
your families for 50-100 years + with these p3 Projects ie: Lease on a toll road, bridge, high speed rail (or hyperloop), airport facility, inner-city
affordable housing units, etc etc, and, if you choose to do this and go ALL IN (since the US economy is STILL the engine that drives the global
economy and will continue to do so for 100's of years to come), and act now... - get this, we'll also set up as part of the consortiums, the long term
maintenance contracts, which you can also have, provided that for both construction and maintenance you buy American and HIRE American. One caveat
though - you can't actually OWN any of it, not any part of it, but the lease agreement and maintenance contracts will be iron clad, so that you'll be
able to take it all to the bank until the cows come home, or when the lease sunsets and expires in 30-50 years. Furthermore, because all your funds
will be placed in an account with the new American Infrastructure Bank, also owned exclusively by the American people, it will be safe and sound, and
will ensure that the USA never goes bankrupt, and (hush hush) it will allow us to kill the Fed and push the International Bankers out of the system.
Now presuming Donald Trump or his envoy in this case Rex Tillerson, could communicate this stark choice to the Saudis, with real world and far
reaching implications in time and history, then I suspect that they (the Saudis) would rub their hands together in glee not only at the preservation
of so much wealth with a guaranteed return on investment for a couple of generations, but at the idea of protecting their legacy and even their own
lives, because implicit in the alternative is the very real prospect of being overthrown within the next 100 years.. or maybe even sooner, and that
effects their own children and children's children.
Never threaten them though with this once - they're smart people, they'll understand implicitly that it's a life raft in disguise.
These things are not discussed publically though, until they are already the new reality.
edit on 4-2-2017 by AnkhMorpork because: (no reason given)