I think you should have been watching CNN on how they've reported on prospective picks like H.R. McMaster, who's proven to be a Soros mole (updating
Soros on goings on).
If they like a name you float, X that name off your list. Simple as that.
They are like a pointer dog on who not to pick.
I suggest slowing down on off the cuff twitter activity, and getting to work draining the swamp, while cracking a deal with the leader of NK to get
rid of his nukes, because the carrot is so huge for him, and the stick, so hard (removal from power). You've got to allow him to do it in a way that
will save face and make him look like a hero to the North Korean people, for taking the US to the brink and then getting a sweet deal out of it in
terms of the removal of all sanctions with verification.
He could say that he did it for them, as their trade goes up and as food and material goods pour in.
ISIS has been all but defeated and there've been no more attacks on the homeland of late (touch wood).
The economy is ripping.
Too bad Mooch had to leave over a power struggle. He was going to get communications and imaging going in a whole new direction.
There's still time, provided the next 6 months are productive.
I would also suggest hitting the house and senate with twin bills to pass comprehensive tax reform and an infrastructure bill. They'll do it for the
sake of the midterms, and to help prop up this presidency relative to which their fate is entwined straight through to 2020 and beyond.
You need some great thinkers surrounding you, not people who are putting a choke hold on what you can and cannot do. People who understand the lay of
the land and the narrative.
Then that has to get transmitted, not via twitter but through a whole series of initiatives which Mooch was about to implement.
Kelly working in tandem with McMaster isn't a good thing I don't believe. If you can get rid of McMaster, then Kelly will understand that you need
loyalists, not traitors, surrounding you.
edit on 8-8-2017 by AnkhMorpork because: (no reason given)