Re: Your tweeting. Given the nature of that medium, anything you tweet that carries with it a complaint or a negative, comes across, well, with all
due respect as something from a petulant teenager suffering from rebellious teenage angst.
I think it's time to appeal to a larger number of people than your base. The election is over. You won.
There's something about your tweets that's almost always annoying in a way that I can't quit put my finger on.
I always comes across as whining. Sad.
You get the point.
Coming up - the best of the best of everything I've got, although to be honest it didn't seem to help the Clinton campaign, if they even cared or were
paying attention (just a number to them, re: "elitist").
What I'm going to describe is a methodology for winning people over but at a much much deeper level that's authentic and true to the heart.
The old methodology just uses wedge issues, over and over again, even to the degree of trying to hammer it straight into the fight or flight mechanism
in the reptilian brainstem, bypassing all rational and the higher faculties of the rest of the brain ie: that one that thinks.
But that only hurts, never heals, and to the degree that it divides and conquers, it becomes itself a house divided against itself, which cannot stand
the test of time because it just doesn't satisfy the heart and mind and soul of all your fellow countrymen and women and children.
To open up to these ideas and Spirit of truth and life and love, I encourage you to start a Bible study session with Mike Pence and others, focusing
on the New Testament, in an effort to relate to Jesus from his own perspective and POV, which was willing to hold the line, all the way down the line,
to the very simplicity of love on the far side of complexity and all forms of madness and mayhem, sorrow, suffering and strife.
To calm and heal the nation, you need to speak with another voice that's entirely authentic and entirely reasonable.
To a degree, trolling the MSM has been a successful tactic, but what I'm about to offer as a thesis and synthesis, will involve completely ignoring
them altogether, and speaking from and to a different place in a voice of reason and logic that they don't even begin to understand or comprehend
(lol), because of the culture that they are living in and out of.
The best way to ridicule will involve in the end reframing and walking away, to speak directly to the American people, while asking them for their
participation in whatever their sphere of influence no matter what it is.
Love of individual people. I know you have it.
Joviality, in the Spirit of Christmas, is like a belly laugh of Santa Clause for all the right reasons (not an evil laughter that revels in the
failings or the suffering of others).
My aim then here, aside from having opened up a channel (even if it appears to be a one way conversation) with faith in all possibilities, is to teach
what I know and have learned, often through perilous experiences and sufferings and sorrows (you have no idea what I've run up against, or maybe you
do, or do now) but only where the more that sorrow and suffering has carved into our being, for the sake and cause of real love and everything that's
worthwhile, the more joy and laughter and love we can contain, thus retaining our sense of mirth, humor and charm, and f 'em if they can't get the
joke, that's not our responsibility.
Proving the self right or another wrong, to "win" has nothing to do with it - you have to give that up in favor of a higher frame of reference
recognizing that there is one, and that it's one where
context and framing is decisive.
We all need to be uplifted in a new space of freedom and possibility and love that functions and operates at an individual level and a family and
community level, not from some sort of top-down collectivist mindset that infects Washington and the establishment and the MSM and Hollywood.
I can show you, I honestly believe, how to defeat all of that without so much as firing off a single tweet intended to spark controversy or attention
or to be right to another's wrong.
And when we're done, everyone's going to say or those who might have questioned your leadership or authentic leadership - "I was wrong about Donald
Now there's the ultimate vindication! Right there. I'm talking about a totally different ballPARK, let alone ballgame. We won't even be playing in the
same domain or sphere. They'll never get it or be able to catch up and by then it just won't matter and probably too late for most (so you'll get that
satisfaction in the end don't worry!)
We need to light up not only the economy, but the very light of Liberty itself, that burns in the heart as a love of life and people, and one nation
under God (the real one).
We all know, deep down in our heart of hearts that something is terribly wrong, and we're all hurting in some way or another.
That wound needs to be healed, and too much Twitter, I don't know.., but it can't function as a replacement of real communications where the heart of
what you're representing is made real and apparent.
The problem with Hillary and the Clinton machine was that while it's public face looked great, it's private face wasn't concerned with anything but
raw power, and there may even have been rackets running in the background or in the basement compliments of Podesta and co. and by company I mean it's
a BIG one, spanning the globe with some links into the Clinton Foundation.
There's your battleground if you want to fight a righteous fight, that whole structure and network of wicked people. Map our that tree for uprooting,
but we'll never hear about it in the MSM, or on twitter, or even publically, but we will FEEL it, by God if you do the work that needs doing, you'll
generate a massive clearing and maybe even harvest some good karma while blowing the bad away.
We need a clearing that is heartfelt.
That's the aim of my upcoming thesis, if you or anyone is still listening - like a message in a bottle I send it out across cyberspace to you,
wherever you are.
The Clinton campaign, if they got my messages would have been happy to gobble them up but from an elitist perspective.
I'm having faith in you that you actually care to listen to the voice of people.
The MSM have completely lost the narrative. Stop reacting to them.
stay tuned..?
edit on 29-11-2016 by AnkhMorpork because: (no reason given)