Hello Dpnald. I hope you don't mind me calling you that, although if it will make you feel better I'll still call you Mr. President or Mr. Trump,
whatever you might prefer.
I know by now that you follow us and InfoWars, so I am convinced that it's not out of the realm of possible that you might have caught onto the effort
to set up a backchannel of sorts to you directly.
If so, thanks for joining us, and lending your ear in a spirit of power to truth, and wouldn't that be something. Obama, when I encountered him simply
sought to place me under Satanic attack. To be honest, I don't know how you yourself have managed to avoid it, you must be strangely pure of heart or
In the election, you slipped the noose, placed the double bind (that's what I call it) onto your opponent and somehow managed to escape the cage you
appeared to have been placed in, while being lowered into shark infested waters, only to appear as if by Houdini magic on the river bank with
fireworks going off to the sound of Hail to the Chief, and then, well here we are...
It's all a variation of the same theme however, and I'm here to suggest that they only wish to try to bind and tame you and work on you from a place
of fear to steal away your power at best or at least to undermine your chances in 2018 midterms and in 2020. On their side, which appears to also
represent the place where the left meets the left hand path and I've known it all along, particularly after I saw the Podesta code, and then a year
before that in my run in with Obama and Joe - They don't actually believe that they can politically assassinate you with so many knives like Julius
Caesar, but they smell blood and are prepared to give it a good 'ol fashioned try, which could be to their downfall and that of Rome itself if they
aren't careful. They've gone too far and they know it, but the whole country is suffering now, in part, and don't shoot me for saying this, due to the
blindness of your own narcissism (we all suffer from a certain blindness).
You still won and they lost, but, the whole frame of reference has changed as I'm sure you're now well aware.
Heck you could apologize and say simply that you didn't fully understand protocol and were under the impression that you were protected by Executive
Privilege and accept a "censure" if needed, but this isn't the end or even the beginning of the end of your Presidency, but man you have to step in as
a leader and speak for ALL Americans and begin to unite the country, except for the fringe and the oldstream media, now at war with InfoWars of all
things, and at some level, with the American people themselves. It's absurd and we all know it. You don't need to tweet about it any more. We get it.
What you really need Mr. President, Donald, is a reframe, one that shifts the double bind and leaves you free to enact your agenda.
The whole Russia thing has been their attempt to hang an albatross around your neck before the chicken # and fake wimp, the facetious one with the
wide wide grin, left office (and boy did you ever put your hand in that trap!).
What we need here, is the agenda back on track, but moreover, some healing balm to sooth the wounds and the jitters of a wrestless nation and a
divided nation.
The cage and the trap has to be swapped, yet again, as it ought to, while things get back to where they ought to be, instead of places like CNN and
WaPo getting the upper hand in shaping the national narrative. You watch too much TV, Mr. Trump, and spent too little time pondering in the Spirit
with Christ, about binds and double binds, how to elude them and how to place them. Their crimes are many.
You can fire and hire people from the mid level up, and down, and change the guard and get the Satanists out of the system, then apply all the tools
available to the government, legally, to replace the double bind where it ought to be placed, while you get off scott free on both the Russia
collusion meme and the idea that a desire to tamp it down represents obstruction of Justice. So what, chalk it up as inexperience, not willful
obstruction of Justice for unproven allegations and media speculation.
They can't keep this investigation going through the mid terms. It's tearing the nation apart at the seams!
Don't worry about that kind of thing when all indication is that the Podesta brothers kidnapped and gave into the world of child sex trafficking, and
in some cases, sacrifice, Madeleine Beth McCann, with the aid of Sigmund Fraud's pedo-grandson, and that's just the tip of it and what the Russia
thing is really all about, as a point of deflection, to make any action or investigation on the part of the US Government and DOJ and FBI, under a
Trump Administration, into such people and their abominable crimes, appear itself as nothing but a witch hunt or a point of distraction from...
RUSSIA! Podesta's emails were never "weaponized".
It's absurd, but, they are beginning to get hold of the narrative. Not good.
That needs to change, starting now.
There are much more important matters and bigger fish to fry, and real crimes to investigate and prosecute.
I suggest leaving Twitter alone except for the occasional feel good update, and get to work draining the swamp.
Shake it all up and make damn sure that all the pirates stop climbing aboard the ship. I suggested a long time ago using LinkedIn as a platform for
finding the best people outside the system while firing and walking the plank, 10,000, and filling those 4,000 jobs, but you paid no attention.
There are good people, many of them among the Intel Community and Military, the FBI and the Police, but, there are also a lot of evil and wicked SOB's
who worship at the wrong throne, woven into those same institutions. Do the good yet outnumber the bad and who's got the authority? Think about it.
The whole controversy is always one regarding authentic or inauthentic (as long as the people believe it) authority.
Like I've maintained all along, it's a war with Satanism, theistic Satanism, who wishes to rule the world from a unipolar position, with unending
blood sacrifice to feed the beast, instead of bringing the war(s) to a swift end, along with a complex political settlement and even one that
ultimately includes Iran, and Syria and Russia and China, to settle the world for a period of sustained mutual prosperity and mutual peace.
Don't let the world unravel just because CNN, the NYT and the Washington Post (CIA owned) are attacking you and your still nascent Presidency. That's
Don't be distracted. Carry on. Your polls numbers will then go over 50% as we at last begin to enter the new era of ever increasing prosperity and
peace both at home and abroad.
You can do it. With God's help, all things are possible. Don't rely on your own "wisdom". And start listening to us. If we're in congruent alignment
then nothing can stand against us, particularly if the cause is righteous and honest and truthful and Just. A Just Cause.
You can and will reclaim the narrative, but in an unexpected way that will probably come by surprise complements of WikiLeaks or some high level
arrests, and some new scandals that place the double bind squarely where it belongs.
Bring it!
They want war? They have no idea what's coming.
Oh and a double bind is always ultimately placed on one's own self by one's own hand, as you allowed them to have you do.
When you start listening, things will change.
edit on 16-6-2017 by AnkhMorpork because: (no reason given)