I still think that "Sustainability" and green energy, and 110% energy independence, out to be number one priority, to help persuade the Saudi's to
invest all their money in a 21st century American Infrastructure to help drive the global economy. And it's about time that they paid up and
eliminated Wahhabism and the teaching of hatred and violence among the radical elements of Islam where the tradeoff for sustained mutual prosperity is
a sustained mutual peace within the context of an enlightened mutual self interest and the desire for the preservation of wealth - but please protect
the ownership and rights to the assets (high speed rail corridor etc) as American from beginning to end, when their lease expires in 2050 or whatever
and when it sunsets the asset is then owned by the American people. Turn that 1/2 trillion into 10 Trillion dollars and more, as everyone starts to
chip in through P3's managed by the new American Infrastructure Bank, while doesn't borrow money, at interest, from the Fed, but just the opposite,
generates American wealth and the foundation for a 21st century civil society with individual self-determination and economic well being the
centerpiece of the whole policy, including a mid East Peace deal, and the lifting away of all sanctions on Russia and Iran while persuading the North
Korean dude to give up his nukes, and he just wants to protect his own ass and make sure his people don't overthrow him.
Civility, however, must be at the very heart of it all, where Civility may be defined as: consciously organized organizational behavior that is
ethical in submission to a higher power or to the God of our own understanding even an imaginary perfect observer for the atheists. It's a context and
a frame of reference that holds fast to the principal and standard of American truth and justice, never with power over other nations, but in a 360
win/win scenario and a whole series of them that begins the process in earnest of pursuing a more settled world where the tradeoff for sustained
prosperity is a sustained peace and that's a win/win all around for everyone's benefit, both collectively and individually.
Now there's a policy that has some torque where the rubber meets the road and goes places far and wide.
Collectivism. That was the enemy that we are beginning to shake off in recognition that COLLECTIVISM in whatever form it takes weather a corporate
oligarchy or a feudal system or a left/right intractable division based on hatred, in this case, from the left, and promulgated by a fundamentally
biased "MSM", is a fundamentally an enemy of freedom and one which also breeds a certain apathy or inadequacy, to rise to the occasion and make the
best of it with everything we've got, while the opportunity exists and presents itself yet with everyone dumbed down and left idolizing celebrity and
thinking that what they do doesn't matter a hill of beans, forgotten. Something's happening. Something very positive, at least potentially (we'll see
what happens).
Can the Donald deliver?
Or will he, just like Obama, let us all down?
If he and Pence stay true to what they've started and carry it all the way to it's logical conclusion, then we're into a whole new world and it's a
whole new ballgame, and even the naysayers will welcome the changes as they begin to see the results of having all the right people doing all the
right jobs and making those matches.
It could be a quiet, or not so quiet, bloodless revolution and the beginning of an American renaissance and a new dawn.
Donald simply must fulfill the slogan of his campaign. But done in the right way by installing the right model of leadership which isn't even he
himself but the good Lord who leads us all in the reason and the logic of his unending love for us, each to a one.
God bless, and may God bless America.
I's all doable.
These are all, to a one, human problems and for every human problem there is a human solution if we set aside all the wrong loyalties and embrace the
good for goodness' sake while learning from every lesson all along the way, fast.
Best wishes,
Ankh (less Pork - no earmarks)
edit on 17-11-2016 by AnkhMorpork because: (no reason given)