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Experiment - Send Out Some Light To The World! Shift the Energy...

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posted on Jan, 2 2017 @ 07:23 PM
a reply to: lostgirl

Glad you liked it Hun! Happy New Year to you!

posted on Jan, 12 2017 @ 01:38 PM

If you are still following this thread, I hope to inject some new life into it... I've been going through some interesting situations and emotional ups and downs the past many weeks since starting this thread. I am in a particularly good place today, and thought I'd share...

Journeying into the internal lands I've found many symbols and seasons, sometimes flooding through in a single day, other times, I've been in "seeking" mode, questioning, asking for "signs" along the way...

I made a discovery for myself, that you may already have made, or you've made different ones for yourself. For me it is not the first time I've "found" this particular answer, more like I've spiraled around to a higher level of knowing this is true (at least for me). And it feels like I "get" it better...

The place in the center of my chest, and my "core" whatever you want to call it -- energy center, heart, soul space, emotional center, heart chakra, whatever -- feels as if I've discovered where I connect to Source internally -- not in a grandiose way, but in a healthy way. It is the place within that is "closer than your life vein" and I've discovered there is no separation -- no need to throw out my requests like someone casting blind arrows at an unknown target. I am the arrow and the target. Or something like that...

When I taught voice lessons, I would occasionally have a student that had no idea how to match a pitch. This was a challenge for me as a teacher, and so I studied it. My brain had always been wired to automatically match pitch without having to do more than listen and repeat what I heard with my voice. My students in this category, were not wired that way.

I realized that for them, they thought the pitch was "somewhere out there" and would cast around for it like I had been casting around for connection to spirit, blindly, deafly, hoping to hit a target they didn't know how to find or how to feel. I would have to say, over and over "the pitch isn't out there - it's inside you."

After a long time of working with people, being their sounding board (literally) and patiently helping them feel how the sound was already inside them -- it was literally inside their brain and already vibrating in their ear drum -- and how they needed to feel it inside them selves, hear it and resonate to it in their own bodies, and find how their voice matched what was already in them, I realized this process was a metaphor for many things in life. Now I am the student, slowly discovering the resonance inside my being.

So, I feel like I made a giant leap forward in my own understanding of "resonance with spirit" or "light" or "Source" or whatever you want to call it. I am feeling amazingly whole at the moment. I'm also having experiences recently that seem to help loosen up and work through old crap and am discovering myself again in a new way.

I'm in Beginners Mind here - just sharing something cool that happened, like when I was in college studying voice myself, and I'd go in and something had shifted and opened and I really felt connected to my voice, or a difficult passage became fluid, or something like that.

It may yet recede away from my awareness again, and I may be thrown out of synch and into the dark again. I may or may not see this as beneficial long-term, and in other times, I may be sunk in the mud and muck, but for right now, there is a real sense of joy at touching that which is both in me and infinitely greater than me.

Maybe you have had similar experiences? Maybe you have gone much further than I down this path. Maybe I will wake tomorrow and it will seem like a dream I can't find the meaning of, or a song whose melody I can't remember...

Still, honestly, it feels like something that just takes practice.

Peace and light to you at this New Year of New Beginnings. Wishing you all joy and radiance, no matter what path you walk, nor what challenges you face -- May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back...


edit on 12-1-2017 by AboveBoard because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2017 @ 02:09 PM
a reply to: AboveBoard

I still check in with the odd hug when I can Ab's!

posted on Jan, 12 2017 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: Gordi The Drummer

And I so appreciate it!!


posted on Jan, 12 2017 @ 05:16 PM
a reply to: AboveBoard

That was a truly lovely post, and I think your analogy of 'finding' spirit being like 'finding' pitch... perfect!

I think that you really have hit on something there, particularly because, although I can't relate personally to singing or voice lessons -

- something about what you wrote totally 'resonated' with me...also the earlier part of the post about 'spiraling' "around to a higher level of knowing" -
- I've had that exact 'experience' in my own spiritual 'journeying'.

Wishing you much love and light, and many blessings in 2017!!!

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 01:30 AM
a reply to: AboveBoard

That was beautiful AB! Thank you for sharing that with us all!

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 02:56 AM
Well, I decided to mix things up a bit this week with a Tuesday Cuddle instead!!
(OK, there may or may not be some truth to the rumour that I totally forgot that it was Monday yesterday.... old age does not come alone! ROFL)

Big Squishy Hugs for ya!

BigG x

posted on Jan, 20 2017 @ 03:08 PM
Hi all,
I don't know whether any of you are interested in sources of entertainment (books, movies, tv) that are uplifting -

- but I find that such things can help enormously when distraction from the 'darkness' (mood) is needed, so...

...I wanted to recommend a show that my daughter and I are really enjoying.

"The Ghost Whisperer" with Jennifer Love Hewitt. Netflix carries it...

...It's an older show, which ran for just 5 seasons. If you can watch right from the very first season, you will get the most out of it -
- although, just FYI - you may not be that impressed watching the very first episode, but I promise they get better and better..

It really is a very uplifting show, despite some episodes seeming to start a bit dark, by the end or resolution they turn around.
A lot of the episodes are also really great, tear shedding, 'catharsis' experiences -

- I actually have made a rule that when my daughter and I watch the show, there will be no cell phone or other electronics going on, because you really need to be 'present' for the entire emotional 'journey' of each episode, so you that you don't end up losing out on the 'heart' moments due to distraction..

Anyway, If anyone starts watching, I'd love to hear your thoughts after several episodes!

posted on Jan, 21 2017 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: lostgirl

...and Jennifer Love Hewitt is a Babe in it!!
grrrooowrr!!! LOL

posted on Jan, 22 2017 @ 12:09 AM
a reply to: Gordi The Drummer

Funny, I feel exactly the same about the guy who plays her husband in the show!

What woman could resist a handsome he-man hunk of a paramedic who also has a sensitive side and is utterly, absolutely besotted with his wife -

- as well as fiercely supportive and protective of her?

(I actually felt compelled to warn my 18 year old daughter that a guy like that is so rare as to probably be nonexistent in real life, lol)
edit on 22-1-2017 by lostgirl because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2017 @ 06:32 AM

originally posted by: lostgirl

...(I actually felt compelled to warn my 18 year old daughter that a guy like that is so rare as to probably be nonexistent in real life, lol)

...but...but.... I'm right here! ROFL

Nah, you're probably right!

Anyway.... how did it get to be Tuesday AGAIN????
One Huggle comin' Right Up! (It's Jennifer Love Hewitt and her on-screen hubby in 40 years!!)


posted on Feb, 6 2017 @ 10:39 AM
Just a wee Monday huggle to let you know that we're still thinking of you!


posted on Feb, 8 2017 @ 08:15 PM
AB that was a beautiful post. I am watching with curiosity and joy as to how your "adventure" unfolds.

Thank you for sharing, it takes courage to write such revelations, when the trickster is all ways just around the corner to trip our words. You know what I mean. But it appears to be only those with a kind open heart that enter into this little realm.
a reply to: AboveBoard

I have been a "teacher" too in small ways and in my professional life.
For me to find the place inside a person or animal that would lead them to their full potential was also a mirror of my own journey. This is akin to your lovely analogy of pitch and spirit.

Then I must add, a to me, utterly confusing observation. Most people are terrified of exploring their potential. They refuse to the point of aggression, maintaining preference for the status quo of their lives.

"Some have the strength to break the path for others to follow"

posted on Feb, 13 2017 @ 03:47 AM
Monday comes but once a week...
...of that I am quite glad,
but Mondays make the rest of it
feel "not quite" so bad.

So here's a hug for Monday,
the Black Sheep of the group,
and if your weather's been as bad as mine
you might need some Chicken Soup!


posted on Feb, 15 2017 @ 06:08 PM
Still here and checking in. Hope everyone one is well.

posted on Feb, 18 2017 @ 12:08 AM
Hey Night & Gordi!!

Thank you so much for dropping in with your sweet and kind selves - so lovely to see you. And WalkInSilence, thank YOU so much for sending me that beautiful and encouraging message.

I've had my warrior sword out a bit too much on these boards lately. I'm giving up for a while on that I think, as I've been so disheartened by so much of the rhetoric. However, "disheartened" does not mean I have no heart left to give! And so I come here to protect it and offer it to you good and kind people...

Thank you so much!

posted on Feb, 18 2017 @ 02:24 AM
a reply to: AboveBoard

..and Gin... I can bring Gin!

posted on Feb, 18 2017 @ 04:05 AM
a reply to: Gordi The Drummer

ooooh, I like gin! Yes, bring Gin! Some rum perhaps? We can make an exotic drink.

posted on Feb, 18 2017 @ 11:32 AM

originally posted by: Night Star
a reply to: Gordi The Drummer

ooooh, I like gin! Yes, bring Gin! Some rum perhaps? We can make an exotic drink.

...and Pie.... we need pie.... and we shall name this feast.... Gin&Rum&Pie.... "GRUMPIE!"

posted on Feb, 18 2017 @ 02:25 PM

originally posted by: Gordi The Drummer

originally posted by: Night Star
a reply to: Gordi The Drummer

ooooh, I like gin! Yes, bring Gin! Some rum perhaps? We can make an exotic drink.

...and Pie.... we need pie.... and we shall name this feast.... Gin&Rum&Pie.... "GRUMPIE!"

Bring it on.
Eat, drink and be merry!

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