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Experiment - Send Out Some Light To The World! Shift the Energy...

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posted on Dec, 5 2016 @ 03:49 PM
a reply to: Peeple

I'm aware of the "holes" in my "philosophy"...

...why else do you think I'd be searching the same places/ideas you search trying to fill in the holes in your's?

"Dogma"? Are you kidding me? My ideas would have had me burnt as a heretic in the middle-ages!

It's obvious you haven't really read anything I've written -

- all you've done is 'read' your preconceptions into it all.

That's why I don't post much anymore - so many people here are too anxious to get their reply in to stop and actually think about what they're reading...

posted on Dec, 5 2016 @ 04:01 PM
a reply to: lostgirl

All you do is complain about my behaviour instead of picking up the much more interesting questions.
If I ask you about what God is you go all platitudes on me.
It's obvious you never have written what you meant, just copy paste of what sounds nice and harmless. Believe me I agree on trying to be a good person is preferable.
But your sending out love and light without aim, above I want my feel good treat, seems very much like an operation to divert the energies. Following a flair...

posted on Dec, 5 2016 @ 08:23 PM
a reply to: Peeple

Please do not ever accuse me of copy/pasting anything again.

I don't even know how to do it, and considering how long it takes me to type my posts, and how difficult it is for me to find the right words to adequately express my thoughts, being accused of 'copy/pasting' really ticks me off!!!

If you think that everything I've written in attempting to answer your questions amounts to nothing more than "platitudes", then I have apparently failed at explaining myself -

- I'm sorry, I can't do was an honest attempt.

edit on 5-12-2016 by lostgirl because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2016 @ 09:34 PM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: lostgirl

But your sending out love and light without aim, above I want my feel good treat, seems very much like an operation to divert the energies. Following a flair...

The "aim" is to activate my own sense of peace and goodness - my ability to feel kindness for example, and to hold my ability to feel positive emotions like love against what seems to me to be an encroaching dark -- a cynicism and callousness that, in the history of humanity, does not lead to good things happening for anyone, including those who are feeling that way. There is a dangerous energy rising up, one that has festered beneath the surface, and it is hungry. I do not wish to feed it. I wish to counter it, I wish to, if possible, heal it.

If you know of a better or different way to do this (or whatever you define as being better than this), then please share it and invite others here to experiment with it. In fact, I hope you will shift to doing so, as I'd like to understand what you are saying. Otherwise, please be aware that you are stepping into the middle of an experiment and being very negative about it without providing much beyond criticism, assumptions about others, and vague hints at your own philosophy. That is how you are coming off to me, anyway.

So, unless and until I see a better way, I will keep connecting to whatever it is that brings me this peace and sense of goodness and rightness in the universe, and I will keep holding it, and allowing it to fill me, so that I can share it with others through kindness and entrainment, and direct it where I feel it needs to go with the intention that by doing so, other's may be "lit" and carry their own flame more brightly against the dark. Even if I fail to do so, I will at least have made myself a better person in the process.

peace to you,

edit on 5-12-2016 by AboveBoard because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2016 @ 09:58 PM
a reply to: AboveBoard

You go sister !

posted on Dec, 5 2016 @ 10:17 PM
a reply to: CranialSponge

That was truly awesome. I hadn't seen that one.

posted on Dec, 5 2016 @ 10:26 PM
a reply to: AboveBoard

I know right ?!

Any time you need to lift your spirits just play that video.

"This Little Light of Mine" is the kind of song that just sticks in the brain and boosts the spirit, particularly when the rest of the world is trying to drag you down.

posted on Dec, 5 2016 @ 11:23 PM
a reply to: AboveBoard

Glad to find that this is an active thread that people are still invested. There are no coincidences in my worldview/reality and it consist of a Multiverse of Vibration that resonates with the Like Attracts Like model of realities.
I find it hard to ask for help as I know my own 'power' to create my reality and resonate with the universal energies of 'Goodness", yet lately I have found myself in a Universe that I couldn't 'jump' out of as I normally am able to do. Calling it the Trump dump world, and getting to a more Light fill place is my goal.
My belief in the Multiverse and the ability to step between alternate/parallel realities isn't something that I will argue with others who don't believe in the possibilities that are available for use 'here'. I know it is true and I hardly need more proof than my own life so arguing the fact is pointless.
Shifting reality and Universes is very much my forte and I found this thread at the correct time evidently to correct my own errors and harness the ability to self heal by the interconnectedness of us ALL. Thanks for the reminder, it will fortify my confidence and allow me to move beyond the Darkness that has surrounded me for some many months now. Exactly what the doctor ordered so many many thanks are given
All is Vibration and this thread is like a Bell that give out a Tone that those of us who can feel it, we KNOW that it is amplified and strengthened with each new person who posts their own connection to this web we weave.
For years and years I have had the knack of 'changing the universe' and those who know me understand what I mean when I say that phrase. Some have even incorporated my personal system into their own workings as it is very simple and based on Meta physics and vibration. All is vibration, so movement of ONE object will affect the WHOLE. I made this a simple ritual that I have practiced for now over 40 plus years.
So again, thank you for putting a WELL of Light out there for those of us who can SEE it. I will partake what I need to regain my equilibrium, and then return 10 fold the Light in deepest respect and honor for what is being proposed here in this thread. Some will laugh, but many of us know the truth of Vibration and will be strengthened here. Thank you, I send blessings in return and my gratitude is eternal for being part of my personal spiritual healing. I can already feel the effect and I haven't even done the 'exercise' yet. It is So. Let us be Light!

posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 01:53 AM
a reply to: lostgirl

We seem to be getting on eachothers toes regularly. Two girls bitching to get their sky daddys attention.
It's really as unpersonal as it gets from my side, just saying your whole attitude including god implies parenting feels like something a not absolutely powerful being would shy away from.

"It was a mistake, we went there before people had much, left a few things to enable them, now we feel a tiny bit responsible for the cargo cult and the message it made in the long run. If we would have known it turns you into dependant little f*cks begging for help instead of taking care of your sh1t we wouldn't have done it.
You're crazy, aggressive, greedy, needy, jealous, bitching, ... at least one of these adjectives is true for each of you."

Just one of many scenarios since we're dealing with an unknown beyond our capabilities to grasp.
Now you tell me one scenario in which they, because it seems likely there is more than one party we can't grasp involved, giving the fractured religions, cults, new age stuff, etc are our loving god like parents?

a reply to: AboveBoard

"...dangerous... enemy..." tells me you are scared, not loving.

My criticism on your experiment is 5 focus love witches, or sorceress, or meditater, or however you call what you're doing can do zero on a global/universal level, but if you would have instead focused on "I want people to get the strength to overcome the hate they suffer from. I want them to have the courage to face everybody gets hurt during their life. Let us learn to work together."
Or whatever you would have chosen as your "target", maybe go a bit dark like "let the media choke on their lies", but you know...
Something where you afterwards could have said, if media outlets would turn against each other and report the others corruption and gossip about how disgusting their members, employees are, "see we did it!"

You don't make yourself a better person, you're sedating yourself, hypnosis.

edit on 6-12-2016 by Peeple because: Syntax

posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 11:50 AM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: lostgirl

Just one of many scenarios since we're dealing with an unknown beyond our capabilities to grasp.
Now you tell me one scenario in which they, because it seems likely there is more than one party we can't grasp involved, giving the fractured religions, cults, new age stuff, etc are our loving god like parents?

I never said "they"...."are our loving god like parents"

Was trying to get across the idea that by showing that humans can be beautiful, loving, souls, maybe 'they' would choose to help us out as 'loving god like parents'...

but if you would have instead focused on "I want people to get the strength to overcome the hate they suffer from. I want them to have the courage to face everybody gets hurt during their life. Let us learn to work together."

How do you expect people to "overcome the hate they suffer from", without 'sending them' loving energy in hopes of strengthening them?

People who feel unloved are rarely able to raise up "the courage" to "face" or "overcome" anything -

- and certainly you will never get anyone to agree to learning "to work together" when they are filled with anger and hatred, there has to be at least some small degree of caring for others (love), in people in order for them to give a f**k about "working together"..

---please excuse the above language--

And now, please...I'm so tired - just truly so tired that I am honestly fighting tears now - of how hopeless it all feels...

...and trying to keep myself convinced (by trying to reach your understanding) that there is hope, and to not give up -

- I can't talk about this anymore, because see, I'm hurting too - and all I want (quite desperately) is for 'someone' to be 'out there' who will come here, wipe away all the tears and make everything okay again...

...and if I don't keep struggling to believe in the possibility of that happening, because if I do lose all hope, if I give up -

- it might well be the end of me...and I really don't want to hurt the people I love that way.

yeah, full on crying now - gotta go

posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: lostgirl

Hi lostgirl.

I don't think I have the same belief system, world view or outlook as you do.
But, I do know how to send out a hug.

So, this one is just for you.

It didn't cost me anything, so some people might see that as trivial or meaningless.
But if a hug, even a trivial meaningless one, can stop just one tear from falling, then it was worth sending.

Now, phase2 - raising a smile - can be a little harder.... so, please forgive me if I wheel out the BIG GUNS now.

I'd like you to meet my eldest son...

His name is Callum, and he's quite a bit bigger now than when his baby photo was taken.

Whenever I feel low. Whenever I question what it's all about or why I struggle on...
There is my answer.

And it makes me smile again.

That's all I wanted to say.

kindest regards,

posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 02:07 PM
a reply to: Gordi The Drummer

Aaawwww...thank you!!

That post did put a smile on my face!!

What a sweetheart your son is - and he is very blessed to have you for a dad!

posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 02:15 PM
a reply to: EarthCitizen23

THANK you. I appreciated your response so much. Partake of all you need, and then I do hope you come back to share. Not everyone is going to resonate to doing this, it won't "feel right" to everyone, but if it helps anyone (besides myself) then I am filled.

peace and light to you,


posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 02:17 PM

THIS is how Trump became Trumpenfuhrer.

I knew the dark arts were invovled!!!

posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: Gordi The Drummer

I am speechless with the effect of your son's cuteness. Sooooo much cute. It has made me smile ear to ear, and is frankly one of the darn cutest things I have seen in a very long time. Thanks for bringing your awesomeness to the thread, Gordi. You, as always, totally rock.

posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 02:31 PM

originally posted by: Lysergic

THIS is how Trump became Trumpenfuhrer.

I knew the dark arts were invovled!!!

Haha. Hey Lysergic!

Well, NO "dark arts" here. Just kindness. Unless that's a dark-art thing I'm not aware of??? Peeple keeps calling me some kind of "witch" which is not what this is about - I do not identify as a witch or sorceress or whatever (not that I'm judgmental about that for people who do...I know some awesome witches and a couple cool shamans, one of which is up at Standing Rock as we speak, light be to her.). The only Dark Arts I'm interested in is a particular Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts...normally Potions... I love Alan Rickman, may he RIP.

Anyway. I welcome you to the thread!


edit on 6-12-2016 by AboveBoard because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 03:40 PM

originally posted by: AboveBoard
a reply to: Gordi The Drummer

I am speechless with the effect of your son's cuteness. Sooooo much cute. It has made me smile ear to ear, and is frankly one of the darn cutest things I have seen in a very long time. Thanks for bringing your awesomeness to the thread, Gordi. You, as always, totally rock.

Aww thanks ABs
You think HE's cute?
Wait till you see my lovely dog... "cuddles"

....yeah. uhm....

posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 05:35 PM
a reply to: Gordi The Drummer

Oh my! Poor "cuddles!"

Um.... I Even that little guy needs someone to love him...or at least to feed him and take care of his medical needs...or...poor puppy!! I guess he's a winner, though, even if it's only for "the ugliest dog" award. No offense...

- AB

Welp - back on track folks...The Experiment continues...

posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 08:29 PM
How did I miss you had returned?

Happy Jumping Hugs.
a reply to: AboveBoard
Did you have a great retreat? Are you Ok? I am so curious.
And I remind my self of your experiment daily all though I am a tad lazy practicing it properly.

posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 09:02 PM
a reply to: Peeple

a reply to: AboveBoard

"...dangerous... enemy..." tells me you are scared, not loving.

AB IS LOVING! If you knew her better, you would see that. She has made a beautiful thread filled with love and light and trying to do a good thing. That is what is most important and means the most.

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