So, as previously promised, here is my attempt at seeing all this in the best light possible:
A Post in Defence of TDL
FIrst we have to make an assumption: The US Military has in the last 50 years, through their science programs, discovered something about how the
universe works that mainstream science does not yet recognize and undertstand. And about UFOs.
This is not something that is so very hard to assume, because mainstream science is hampered by difficulty breaking with the current paradigm and by
the mechanism of the peer review process.
This last part may require a little explanation. It is fairly well recognized that a current paradigm within a certain science can be an obstacle to
theories and results which depart greatly from the theories that are an established part of the current paradigm. There are multiple examples of this,
from nearly every field. I will present two examples, just to show how this mechanism work.
The first example, from the field of lingustics, is the example of Daniel Evrett, who in his research into the Pirañha tribe in Amazonas, reached
conclusions which directly contradicted the reigning theory of Noam Chomsky about Universal Language. This ended in a high degree of controversy,
where an a lot of unfair critique was aimed at Evrett. This rather quickly devolved into a quite ugly campaign against Evrett and his work. Chomsky,
who are perhaps one of the best known linguists in the field today, ended up calling Evrett a "charlatan" and refusing to further discuss his work.
Evrett has his own
Wikipedia page with links if you further want to delve into this
The second example is from the field of physics. The controversy began when the Engineering Lab at Princeton University began a new study into
possible connections between conciousness and the physical world. Many of you are familiar with the PEAR project and their results, and the
controversy surrounding it. Suffice it to say that there has been a massive backlash of critique and stonewalling, and much of their astounding
results and their implications has been largly ignored by the field. The following documentary on
Vimeo will give
you a insight into this controversy.
One of the major regulating factors in science is the "
Peer review process", where peer
review is required before research can be published.
While this mechanism very much ensures that the results being published has a certain minimum standard, when tainted by the seducing force of the
dominating paradigm, it can actually be used to surpress new resarch. The P.E.A.R project and the struggle they have had getting their results peer
reviewed is an example of this, but there are others.
The upshot of this is that the most revoultionary and visonary works and result can be either surpressed or ignored. Scientist involved might face
ridicule and their careers can be adversely impacted. The research then becomes a "hot potato" which nobody wants to touch, for fear of both ridicule
and said adverse effects on their careers.
Research into the UFO phenomenon is such a "hot potato", so we are all perhaps well aquainted with this mechanism.
The military on the other hand, being result oriented, are not constrained by such factors. Someone with authority can say, more or less, "this is
interesting, look into that" and some clever people will do it. And it seems that they, over the years, have made forays into scientific fields that
no sane civilan scientist would touch with a ten foot pole. UFOs seems to be one of these fields, but they have also delved into other things, often
shunned by mainstream science. And they have the budget, the ruthlessness and the drive to get results. This is well known on this forum, and
countless examples have come to light. Remote viewing and telekinesis is just two examples. Everyone who doubts the Military willing to go whole hog
into the unknown should read the book "The Men Who Stare at Goats" by Ron Johnson. Here is the
Wikipedia page for the book with a synopsis.
It is therefore quite plausible they have made breakthroughs that mainstream science has not, and these breakthroughs may indeed be very
revolutionary. Maybe they silently took the results from the P.E.A.R project and ran with it? Maybe they have struggled with the UFO phenomenon, out
of the spotlight, now for more than 60 years, and uncovered things that they have not yet made public?
While the military may be unhindered by the "delimiting" factors of mainstream science, they are not immune to ridicule. So, while they continued to
delve into these fields, they kept it black. Out of the limelight. Because, well, it is tax dollars they are burning after all. Or tax pounds. Or
rubels. Much better to keep the whole thing quiet, because if it turns out to be nothing there will be no fallout. And no ridicule.
But how to come "clean"? How to go public with something like this? "We have kept you all in the dark for 60 years. UFOs are a real phenomenon, and
the human mind can indeed influence matter. A lot of your science is wrong..." Can you imagine the late night shows and the newspapers, not to mention
the scientific journals after a press conference like that? You cannot come out with something like that unless you have all your ducks lined up with
millitary precision. And it would be delicate. You would need something special, irrefutable, and you would need to do it gently, or the shock of it
all could throw all of our finely balanced society into disarray.
So this is debated, argued over, agonized over... Then along comes TDL with a way out. A "master plan" that might actually work...
Let the show begin!
It may not compute, but this was the most positive yet plausible defence of TDL and his project I could manage :-D
edit on 29-10-2016 by beetee because: Fixing some spelling errors, clarifying, error correction