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Tom De Longe with answers about UFOs, Life, the Universe and Everything...

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posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 11:11 PM
a reply to: zazzafrazz

Maybe what we do, also mimics or reflects.

Well, here's how I look at it (get it?).

It ("what we do") does. But I've learned to agree with Plotinus: You are all Good as long as at least some mind is applied towards it ("what we do") reflecting The One.

He ultimately pointed folks towards Apuleius' Eros and Psyche to solve that problem, so it's not all that mystical (or is it?).

The problem comes in when we see false images and believe them like the poor folks in Plato's cave. And I promise you, I can find no evidence for anything in Plotinus' suggestions that is any more mystical than "Eat, Pray, Love".

Then the Sufi's have the thing with the heart and "polishing the chest". The thought being that the heart reflects the truth of The Sun, and that with polishing it can reflect the whole of the truth like a full Moon.

We are absolute reflectors (in the psychological sense).

Oh geez, how do I tie this in to Tom and answers to the #42, #!

Hold on....Oh yeah!

Tom's story will carry the usual "Gnostic" horse#-message that this sort of horse# will always carry. It's a real problem.

So, Kev, it's not a thread on my theory (whatever that is) that we need. What we need is a thread fully detailing the dangers and pit-falls of "Gnosticism", delivered in a language that everyone can understand. I'm good at that. I'm on it.

edit on 28-10-2016 by Dan00 because:

posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 01:05 AM

originally posted by: Dan00
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear
I've mentioned that all of our technology mimics our biology, extends our biology, everything we are doing with computer systems is based on a network model. So are we. That's pretty "magickal".

Even on a wider scale: Findings in quantum mechanics to me seem to indicate photons posessing reference type qualities.

I'm not a quantum entanglement specialist, but working in IT and hearing how photons seem to react blew my mind.

posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 01:21 AM
a reply to: ctj83

You know, I don't want to rule out disclosure just yet, just to 'sell' a project like this would require a lot of mutual interest each with it's own selling points.

What we are reading in the Wikileaks isn't persé the hidden agenda, but the way it's been sold to the involved parties.

The thing where I have a problem with in a project of this magnitude (if it is the truth getting out) is why it's all so focussed on US only? I can understand the US could be in the lead of everything, but nothing seems to indicate disclosure worldwide.

There is absolutely nothing about this in the Belgian press for instance and I tend to think this is the same for all non English speaking countries. If I wasn't lurking on these forums I wouldn't even know about this stuff (granted living in the middle of nowhere for some).

Thoughts anyone?
edit on 28-10-2016 by zeroPointOneQ because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 03:06 AM
a reply to: zeroPointOneQ

Actually one of the most brilliant minds ever, David Bohm, thought that plasma (perhaps electrons even) showed sentient properties. When "disclosure" comes, it will catch most people off-guard.


posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 03:09 AM
a reply to: zeroPointOneQ

Well I for one, would never trust "disclosure" if the source emanated principally in the US.
The US is undergoing the "sun setting on the British Empire" phase.
The land of deception and power grabs.


posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 03:19 AM
a reply to: Dan00

So, Kev, it's not a thread on my theory (whatever that is) that we need. What we need is a thread fully detailing the dangers and pit-falls of "Gnosticism", delivered in a language that everyone can understand. I'm good at that. I'm on it.

Oh.. you will get dog-piled. *So* many *love* their Gnosticism on ATS.
Hell, I was infected with it when i first came here... because so many occult groups push it hard.. our world is overrun with Gnosticism. And... various agents I won't go into love it as well... it's a very common infection vector.

On the other hand, the "facts" about the "phenomenon" is "angels dancing on the head of a pin" minute and difficult to determine and communicate.

"UFOs" are just a tawdry and irrelevant thing to "disclose" compared to the other things to "disclose" and nobody has ever gotten those things right to date. It's the ultimate mystery.

And a mod should come along any time now, quite rightly mentioning that this talk does not belong in this thread.. which is why I requested that you take it elsewhere.

But quite interesting talk..


posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 04:56 AM
I was thinking a bit about what we have learned so far about this "group" and who might be involved in this "project" behind the scenes.

As far as I can gather from the leaks this is the people we know about:

CORE TEAM (DTL and Advisors)

Tom DeLonge - Rock star and UFO enthusiast, no further introduction needed.

Neil McCasland - Currently Director of Technology, Applied Technology Associates - Previously Commander Air Force Research Labratory, director Special Programs DOD, director Space Aquisitions USAF. LinkedIn page also, curiously, states "client" of The Aerospace Corporation as notable work experiece. Bio Page

Mike Carey - Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer at ATLAS Space Operations, Inc. - Previously Deputy Director, Command, Control and Nuclear Operations (J3), Joint Staff, the Pentagon, Washington, D.C. LinkedIn page has some interesting information about what ATLAS is all about. He has a Wikipedia article too which also mentions the Moscow Incident.

Rob Weiss, EVP & GM Advanced Development Programs (Skunk Works) at Lockheed Martin Aeronautics. LinkedIn page.

Susan McCasland Wilkerson, Former astrounaut candidate, Boeing, Raytheon SpaceFacts profile

This group then approach Podesta et al and communicates with M. Fisher and Podesta.


Milia Fisher, Special Assistent, Hillary for America. LinkedIn page.

John Podesta, Chair of Hillary for America LinkedIn page.

There also seems to be others heavily involved, or at least "helping" the project and even pushing it.


Undisclosed "private individuals" in Texas

Current Commanding Officers of USAF Space Command. The Commanding Officer at the time was General John E. Hyten, who has since been reassigned to head the US Strategic Command. Wikipedia Page

The White House, to the extent that the "group" solicited for some kind of Memo to aid the project, which was to be distributed to "All Federal Agencies" (ref Podesta mail ID 33739)

Quite the "cabal"...
So, who have I missed?


edit on 28-10-2016 by beetee because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 08:52 AM

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
a reply to: zeroPointOneQ

Actually one of the most brilliant minds ever, David Bohm, thought that plasma (perhaps electrons even) showed sentient properties. When "disclosure" comes, it will catch most people off-guard.


(I think TDL would agree with you, possibly, on that point. I think that is part of the equation, anyway.)

posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 09:12 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

I haven't been following this for a few days due to real life matters needing attending to. Trying to catch up now and it's still difficult to see what's going on. It seems too many people are creating separate threads on each and every email they discover. I appreciate they probably deserve a flag and a star for their find but it means we have multiple conversations and threads all spread out across various ATS forums.

I have no idea if this one has already been posted elsewhere or not but it contains some interesting tidbits.



From:[email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: 2016-02-23 17:03
Subject: Updates

Great things happening.

*I had an incredible meeting at Spielberg's Amblin/DreamWorks Pictures. They are taking their time on reading the book. For them story comes first.

*I met with ScottFree (Ridley Scott's company) last week - they did the Martian film that has won incredible acclaim over this past year. They were blown away by what I am doing, they need a couple weeks to dig through the Novel. Like everybody else I meet with, their faces drop halfway through the meeting and can't believe that I am spearheading a project that has support from the shadows. They look comatosed... Ha. But they it's so incredibly excited that this topic may start to come out.

*I did a general introduction with NetFlix. They want a company-wide meeting on it ASAP, but I need to wait until I go in with a Producing Partner that we pick- Like Amblin or ScottFree.

*I met with Allie Shearmur's company, she used to Run LionsGate Films and produced all the Jason Bourne films as well as the new Star Wars film that is coming out later this year. The execs were again, blown away. They should have thoughts for us this week actually.

*I have an Amazon meeting and VICE NEWS in next 2 weeks. Amazon, Netflix are biggest TV studios now and doing the most prestigious shows, actually. VICE NEWS just raised $300 million to start doing fictional television based on NonFiction. Sounds like our model.

*i am meeting with Ron Howard's and Brian Grazer's company Imagine tomorrow.

*The General (from Wright Patt R&D) and I talk every other day. He and I talked on the phone the other night and he is excited, he really thinks that the DOD is going to embrace my project because I am out to show all the positive things great people have done on this topic. And I am eager to take direction from leadership to do a good and needed public service.

*Rolling Stone is embedding a journalist with me for 2 days to break the story on my project. It will be an international story for print. This is huge as they are known for big cutting edge stories that have political and geographic effects. I have gone through rules with all Advisors on what can and can not be said. It will be tricky, because they will want to know what kind of support I am getting, and I can not and will not say anything to them- But they should get the idea that this is important and real.

*NY Times, WSJ, or Washington Post will follow Rolling Stone with the Foreword of my book that I wrote, and the Trailer for the Documentary. This will lay the foundation that there are many pieces to this puzzle and it will all come out over the coming years.

*The documentary will most likely be a Miniseries. 8 - 10 one hour episodes on an elevated network like HBO. One major producing house wants to do it, but we cannot choose a producer for this until we choose a producer for the Fictional television series. I think VICE news, HBO, Netflix, Amazon may be good candidates for this. I don't know if you heard of the latest miniseries that got a lot of attention, one called JINX, another called Making a Murderer, another called Going Clear. All of these won awards, and got multiple showings on their networks. I actually think most of these were on HBO.

--Sorry this was long, but lots going on.

Thank you again for your valued time. I hope this project can be an exciting and good addition to your already crazy life.

Tom DeLonge

[email protected] | (760) 518-7801 | TO THE STARS MEDIA
SAN DIEGO | 1053 S Coast Hwy 101 Encinitas, CA 92024


Source : Likiweaks

Some interesting pieces pulled from that are that

* Like everybody else I meet with, their faces drop halfway through the meeting and can't believe that I am spearheading a project that has support from the shadows. They look comatosed...

Tom is obviously touting around various entertainment production companies but has he told them who these 'shadow people' really are? Is that the reason they look comatose? Or is it just sales hype?

The General (from Wright Patt R&D) and I talk every other day. He and I talked on the phone the other night and he is excited, he really thinks that the DOD is going to embrace my project because I am out to show all the positive things great people have done on this topic. And I am eager to take direction from leadership to do a good and needed public service.

Maybe some people could be in danger of going to jail
if Tom really is letting the cat out of the bag. So they need all the positive PR they can get. Or it could be as simple as we've been working on this for years and it's taken us this long to get to this point. Wherever that point is.

.... there are many pieces to this puzzle and it will all come out over the coming years

So it's a jigsaw puzzle and it's going to take years to see the picture on the box.

Yes various parties are talking to TDL about this 'project' but the actual finer details and the motives behind it are still vague. We've had some interesting ideas from various people. Aboveboard has made a good case for it but I am not keen on this fiction is really non-fiction idea. Nor am I impressed by Tom kissing Podesta's butt about being down with the kids and I am still suspicious who and what is behind all of this.

But the can is now open and there are definitely a few worms in there. Keep on fishing.

edit on 28/10/16 by mirageman because: typos

posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 09:23 AM
a reply to: mirageman

I do think it is important to be open-eyed about all the ways this effort could go sideways, or how it could be a method of "playing" people, etc. I think we all agree that it will be important to use discernment and research to "vet" the material as best we can. There will still be conflicts no matter what he says, as I've mentioned, but hopefully we will be able to sift through it as it comes with an open enough mind that we are able to see the forest and not get stuck on one particular tree.

I do think that folks who are dismissing this out of hand are doing so prematurely.

It is frustrating to think it will take years, though, no? Why? Is it the money? The franchise? While one could argue that, I think it is the nature of the beast, so to speak. I think groundwork for allowing people to accept it (hopefully "it" is the truth) after decades of obfuscation and a pogrom of ridicule and humiliation, denial and denigration, etc., will need to be carefully laid so that it doesn't just seem like another Government hack job on the truth.

IF it is "the big reveal" after all this time, after so many lies, just like the "boy who cried wolf" we will have trouble believing it without a fully fleshed theory with proof backing it up out the wazoo.

Part of it is also the "mystery" involved and the effort to try and solve it - heck, we may still not know 100% what we are even dealing with in the big wide universe.

So, here's to the mystery and it's winding path...may it lead to the core of the Truth...

edit on 28-10-2016 by AboveBoard because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 09:53 AM
a reply to: mirageman

This has turned into the "Roswell Museum" in Roswell, N.M.

Im nearly out of intetest.

Even if, after the absurd media blitz, some tiny fraction of something comes matter what it won't matter much.

What should actually be disclosed will not see the light of day...even folks like the C.E. are terrified out of their minds and can't properly understand or accept "real disclosure".

No amount of bobble headed podesta dolls will reveal the real deal.


There is no utility in the actual truth.

edit on 28-10-2016 by KellyPrettyBear because: Typo

posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 10:02 AM
a reply to: AboveBoard

Its *possible* that TD will accidentally reveal a smidge that is useful. But it will be buried in so much BS that only the people who already knew will see the significance.

In fact this whole thing might have that in mind---outing the people who have pieces of it.

That would be brilliant.

To use a fake disclosure to lead to a real one....or more get these people identified so that they may be milabbed/terminated.

"I'm with the U.S. government and I'm here to help" are the scariest words in the English language.


posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 10:05 AM
a reply to: beetee

The people with information about UFOs.

Doesn't that strike anyone else as strange?


posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 11:02 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Can you clarify what you mean? Do you mean the group does not compute?

We have not been able to identify more than 2 or 3 of this group yet. According to TDL there are at least 10 advisors. I don't think Podesta is included in this group.

I found that number and something interesting about the supposed motivation that drives his advisors in an interview with EW magazine that TDL did in April this year.

“This is not just a book,” DeLonge tells EW over the phone. “This is not just Tom talking about UFOs again, laughing about it with his fans. This is Tom representing 10 people that are of the highest rank and office within the Department of Defense establishment and they are asking me to communicate something that they see as the utmost national security issue that has ever existed. They see it as a global security issue.”

Article in EW

Whatever this is it is surely a massive effort.


posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 11:06 AM

originally posted by: beetee
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Can you clarify what you mean? Do you mean the group does not compute?

We have not been able to identify more than 2 or 3 of this group yet. According to TDL there are at least 10 advisors. I don't think Podesta is included in this group.

I found that number and something interesting about the supposed motivation that drives his advisors in an interview with EW magazine that TDL did in April this year.

“This is not just a book,” DeLonge tells EW over the phone. “This is not just Tom talking about UFOs again, laughing about it with his fans. This is Tom representing 10 people that are of the highest rank and office within the Department of Defense establishment and they are asking me to communicate something that they see as the utmost national security issue that has ever existed. They see it as a global security issue.”

Article in EW

Whatever this is it is surely a massive effort.


ETA: We might in fact not have any of this group at all since those we have are not in the DOD anymore.

posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 11:10 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear


Ok. Well you are entitled to believe what you will. I'm sure you will have a following. You talk a lot about "the actual truth" and hold it to your chest, like you are the only one who knows. Prove your case in a thread. Reveal your sources and how you got there.

I know I am reacting a bit negatively to your posts, because I see them as "I have all the knowledge and you people don't and this fool surely doesn't and nothing will come of his efforts because I know the truth." I am not saying that to attack you, but to let you know my perception of what you are saying. I'm sorry if I am wrong in that.

edit on 28-10-2016 by AboveBoard because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-10-2016 by AboveBoard because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 12:04 PM
a reply to: AboveBoard

Your response is completely reasonable.

Please know that i don't hold you in any kind of disreguard.

There are various people out there, that if you had hooked your wagon to, you'd not have heard a single peep out of me.

But you picked a project camelot type project, so you will find yourself going it fairly alone (imho). have said repeatedly that you are showing patience and seeing what happens. That is good.
That is certainly your option. We have people posting about Greer and breakaway civiluzations, etc. So there is plenty of room for that sort of thing.

Now as to my own attitude. It's easily understood.

Every time i have opened my mouth over the years, people have taken what I've said and gone insane, harmed themselves, gotten a diagnosis of a brain disorder or worse. Of course most of them were on a similar track when i met them.

My actual field of study is not ufology, as ufoligy does not actually exist as such, except as a study of multiple layers of deception.

So you can see the basis of my attitude about UFOs and disclosure.

I'm hardly the only one who works with my particular interpretation of the evidence, on ATS or elsewhere.

Theres a large cadre of them. Most of them appreciate Vallee, Keel, certain occult studies and fringe science involving plasma and some other fields.

So its not a matter of me making "my case". Read all of Vallees books. Read and study David Bohm. Study a variety of things...."the truth is in plain sight".

But chasing after "UFOs" hasn't changed since the 1947 Kenneth Arnold/Crowley/pseudo-theosophist/Intelligence multilayered deception.

Only now it sells bobble heads.


edit on 28-10-2016 by KellyPrettyBear because: Typo

posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: AboveBoard

The truth needs to be learned at one's own pace and I think neither of us is there yet (if ever).

posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: beetee

I would say that the people who have actual knowledge would not be American, at least not originally.

Military industrial complex and politicians have agendas which have nothing to do with pure science is my perspective.

But you are correct....on the unrevealed change agents.

It's probably true that NONE of them have now or ever will come to light.

Honestly i don't know if this is just TD being a sucker to garden variety social/political manipulation,

Or whether there are actually "9" behind the "10" or if its the tragically misguided C.E. behind this in a longer term play.

There are at a minimum 4 layers of deception to consider.


posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 12:29 PM

originally posted by: mirageman

*The General ... is excited, he really thinks that the DOD is going to embrace my project because I am out to show all the positive things great people have done on this topic. And I am eager to take direction from leadership to do a good and needed public service.

But the can is now open and there are definitely a few worms in there...

More a rotten body than a can. But definitely worms and I declare everybody buying this phony, shallow, half-illite... *insert rant* an *insert curse word*. Have you already forgotten?
List of UFO researchers, who died under mysterious circumstances
is what happens to you, if you keep asking uncomfortable questions.

The General loves what he does... that's all you need to know.

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