a reply to:
But why would anyone want to push such a "religion" through Mr DeLonge? To what point and purpose? What conceivable agenda could it possibly even
begin to support?
Well that's the thing. I wish I had an answer. Be sure I am only second guessing. It's not necessarily about pushing through a 'religion' but taking
advantage of the false premise and the doubt it causes across the world.
For a long time there have been stories of both alien contact and a massive cover-up by the US government. A lot of the pieces to Tom's story are
similar and it all seems like a mix of vivid imagination, dis-information & mis-information with a sprinkle of truth to keep everyone
On the one hand we have had (C)SETI and NASA exploring space and yet to find anything out there officially other than a possible microbe in a Martian
rock. Even Project Bluebook and it's predecessors turned up nothing of hard proof. There is not one piece of hard evidence in the public domain that
can be used to prove that extra-terrestrial craft are visiting us. But the mythology remains and goes something like this.....
Although sightings of Foo fighers and strange craft had been going on during and before the war it seems that the modern UFO era began in 1947 when
Kenneth Arnold saw "craft skipping like saucers in the sky". Not long after the USAF declared they had recovered a flying disc in Roswell, New Mexico.
This was retracted a few days later to say that it had all been a mistake and that it was the debris from a lost weather balloon.The rest of the world
forgot about it for 30 years until Jesse Marcel, who recovered some of the debris, came forward to reveal the "real" story in the late 70s. The common
belief amongst many is that the triggering of nuclear weapons brought aliens to Roswell.
Those who have transferred beliefs as 'facts' are now convinced at least one flying disc was recovered with alien bodies at Roswell. With this
shocking evidence and the sheer panic that the US public had shown a decade earlier to Orson Welles “War of the Worlds” radio broadcast the story
was quickly hushed up internally and externally. Other tales have emerged that are equally dubious in factual detail.
For example in 1948 another downed UFO was allegedly discovered in Aztec, New Mexico with alien & human body parts found amongst the wreckage of the
craft. This was truly chilling. A live alien or EBE was also found. Elements of that story (seeing as it was debunked) seemed to have seeped into the
Roswell story.
By 1954 the US had signed a “treaty” (whether it was an agreement or a surrender is debatable) with small grey aliens. Eisenhower himself is
alleged to have disappeared on 20th Feb 1954 to sign this agreement. The cover story being that he had emergency dental treatment. Even though there
is no record of the dentist treating him. The treaty meant that the US would be given technology in exchange for covering up the existence of
extra-terrestrials and allowing ET to abduct and experiment on humans and animals to assist their species survival.
What followed was a programme of media ridicule, dis-information and phoney investigations like Project Sign and Bluebook to discredit witnesses. The
secret had to be kept to prevent society from collapsing and the profound effect on the world’s religions. The eventual plan was to develop some
kind of defence to protect the earth and reveal the alien presence. But not until, firstly, we can protect ourselves and, secondly the human race is
ready to accept it.
Many of these projects are now in private “contractors” hands to avoid having to release anything via FOI. Meanwhile there are similar groups
across the globe who operate outside their governments to keep a lid on the secret. Our enemies are our allies. Whilst the aliens are not our
To this day only a small semi-military group know we are not alone for sure. Many involved are not given the whole story and various tactics are used
to silence anyone who tries to speak out.
Tell me that much of that isn't what Tom is telling you? Then we have the questions I would ask.
Firstly why does 'alien presence' never reveal itself to us a global community?
Secondly why is so much of this 'alien' cover-up focused on the United States of America?
The US government covers up the UFO phenomenon right? Eisenhower made a treaty with aliens because they knew about the nukes? The aliens even abduct
thousands, no millions of Americans. But Americans make up a tiny fraction of the world's population.
Maybe if you were alien you'd consider that the Soviet Union was a better option. By the early 1960s they'd got the first satellite, dog, man and
woman in space. They also have more people across some very sparsely populated locations making those abductions easier. Perhaps the fact that not
dealing with a new government every 4 to 8 years might make negotiations a little easier and you'd strike an abduction deal with the comrades.
Logically a closed off nation like China would also seem a better option to keep your presence concealed than the United States of America.
But no America it had to be according to UFO lore. America is where UFO and alien stuff continually happens.
So could that whole alien mythology have been developed down the years to cover up the clandestine activities of the Military Industrial Complex of
the US and its allies? Could it all be a ruse to convince the enemies of the West that America has had a helping hand and has much better machines to
defeat them with?
If Tom DeLonge is putting up a load of cash to develop various 'projects' promoting that angle would it not be a good idea to tag along for free and
continue the propaganda?
America exports much of its culture via the TV and movies. It follows that it can also promote it's military and technological prowess this way to
frighten enemies. UFOs have also been a great cover story in developing secret aircraft for decades. The CIA confirmed it a while back.
I don't believe that absolutely every UFO story has been the creation of the US military but some of the most interesting ones always seem to occur
near to one of their facilities.
As they say in America "You do the myth"
I may have spelt it wrong again!
edit on 15/10/16 by mirageman because: typo