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A question for Charlotte: How does looting a Walmart, burning a truck advance your cause?

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posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 02:28 AM

originally posted by: darkuniverse
a reply to: hounddoghowlie
WOW! Whites are getting slaughtered

Whites make up more of the population than any other singular demograph.

This is elementary education.

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 02:36 AM

originally posted by: theantediluvian
These riots are tame compared to some in history.

Ever heard of the Astor Place Riot? Look that one up. 1849 in New York. Something like 25 dead and 100 injured? That was a riot that resulted from a rivalry between two Shakespearean actors, one American and one British.

How about the New York Draft Riots of 1863? That started out as poor white people, mostly Irish, many of them immigrants, rioting against being drafted to fight in the Civil War. Not only did they not want to fight the war, they didn't want to compete for the jobs at the bottom of the ladder with any emancipated slaves.

That one got real ugly, real fast. First they attacked the provost marhsal's office then they hit an armory. They tried to destroy the New York Times and no lie, the founder and his staff repelled them with gaitling guns. These people were smashnig everything in site, burning s# down, killing horses, ripping cobble stones from the very streets.

Eventually after they'd run out of institutional targets, the rioters went after blacks, abolitionists and white owned businesses that served black clientel. Something like 120 people were killed in a few days and thousands were injured.

If you've ever seen Gangs of New York, that's the riot that is going on in that movie. (while the gangs at Five Point are having their battle)

How about the Cincinnati Courthouse Riots of 1884? That was over the verdict in the case of a young German immigrant who murdered his employer (his mixed race accomplice was convicted and hanged). Unhappy with the man only getting 20 years, a lynch mob formed outside the courthouse (after earler threatening to lynch jurors). That ended up being another 3 day riot (3 days seems pretty typical historically speaking), and by the time it was over there were I believe 50 dead?

Rioting happens all over the world, and have happened throughout history. You know who riots the most? Poor people who feel like they have nothing to loose and that the corrupt "system" is failing them.

So yeah this bs about "oh it's just the same people that shoplift at the Wal-mart" nonsense is just that, utter nonsense.

One of the better posts I've seen in awhile.

Nearly every other comment in this thread is sort some of wild-eye emotional knee-jerk reaction that are completely unfounded and downright insulting.

"These are the same people who steal from their local Wal-Marts,"


How does one even know this?
Completely baseless statement that is trolling and based off of nothing but ignorant conjecture and supposition.

How about the people that stole away this nations future - MY future, my children's and their children's future? What about the people that illegally foreclosed on working Americans to make pennies on their dollar? What about the people that profit off of human suffering and slave conditions/wages in foreign nations?

Ah - I forget, those damned hooligans stealing from Wally World are ruining this nation!

I swear - if some of these posters had to work a job in the real world, you know where multi-cultural diversity exists they wouldn't last a day, at least not with me (I'm white, if that's important). I'm currently mentoring a 19 year old kid whose biological dad has never played a role in his life and whose mother died when he was a freshman in high school. He's made his fair share of mistakes but I genuinely believe the dude when he tells me he wants to better himself and create a future and possible career.

It's a shame that most people wouldn't even consider that as a possibility or try to level or understand their fellow brothers and sisters because of preconceived baseless and ignorant opinions.

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 02:50 AM
a reply to: RomeByFire

but you see there is the rub, not all blacks or all whites commit crimes or have cops called on them. therefore it should be figured on a call/ incident.

it's not about population, it's about for lack of a better term confrontation with LE. in other words the 790 for the guardian or the 706 from the post as the base.

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 03:18 AM

originally posted by: hounddoghowlie
a reply to: RomeByFire

but you see there is the rub, not all blacks or all whites commit crimes or have cops called on them. therefore it should be figured on a call/ incident.

it's not about population, it's about for lack of a better term confrontation with LE. in other words the 790 for the guardian or the 706 from the post as the base.

Fair enough. Even then, statistics are not accurate by any means. They're an estimation which I can live. It gives a good estimate, but a general idea or "rule of thumb," if you will.

I'd personally go by an individual case basis - there will always be variables at play that have a cause and help determine the outcome, and more times than not this is swept under the rug and replaced with terms that don't accurately asses the situation.

Example being - "these are the same people who steal from the local Wal-Mart." That's completely ignorant to say and is pretty high and mighty if you ask me. One must be pretty confident to go out on a limb and broadstroke an entire demograph based on this one particular incident. Not to mention it's more than likely not even true. Burden of proof and all is also applicable. It's ignorant to just say and throw random ass claims out there and hope it sticks, which seems to be popular nowadays.

I can definitely agree with the black community as a "whole," (if that were even possible for ANY demograph) could have a better approach with LE - but this is a two way street and it absolutely begs the question: Whose responsibility is that?

Is the responsibility of a free American citizen to respect and be gratuitous towards LE? Are we the people held to a certain standard? Or are the men and women who swore themselves into a line of duty - who picked the #ing job so really shouldn't whine and complain about it like a bunch of teenage girls - held to that standard?

I would lean towards the LE being the initiator if you will. Why? Because FREE citizens shouldn't have to worry about LE, end of discussion. Like I said - individual basis is key here - but chew on that for awhile. It changed my perception of LE undoubtedly.

I'll put it this way. If I ask ten random strangers to list off the 17th, 6th, 12th, and 20th amendment - 9/10 couldn't. If I asked ten random LEO's to list off the same amendments, 9/10 couldn't. I have done this experiment for a college paper and I've replicated it on there seperate occasions (excluding the initial test).

Well, I can list them off. And I can list off all of the other ones, too.

It was pretty disheartening to know that I was more knowledged in my basic civil rights and Consitutional amendments than the clowns who "swore to uphold it." I'm not trying to sound like a completely asshole, but this really did change my perception on LE and in particular LEO's.

In my opinion - if an LEO is incapable of being educated in fundamental and rudimentary aspects of the law they are meant to uphold - they should not be fit for duty, and this isn't even bringing in physical requirements.

The thing is - this would immediately render the vast majority of LEO's as incapable of doing their job (and rightfully so) and we would actually have to train these men and women on a level of competence, restraint, and patience - not the ongoing power trip of "I am the law," and selfish attitudes of coward LEO that are not so isolated anymore.

My job is nowhere near the level of threat nor stakes of that of an LEO, but I had be pretty damned knowledged (with continuous learning and improvement) or else I would be let go at the blink of an eye.

In summation, when it comes to respecting LE - that's a two way street, and as far as I'm concerned, one that's not worth contemplating or even considering at this point. If a cop were to write a ticket to someone for smoking/possessing cannabis or alcohol, and if this particular cop were to also smoke/posses cannabis or alcohol at any point I would fire them and have them write a ticket to themselves. If a cop were to write a ticket for someone speeding, that cop better write himself one the next time he speeds too.

There is a two-tiered justice system that the American populace just refuses to admit exists or singularly narrow it down to aspects of society they don't like (partisan-political trolling).

Police unions and an ongoing effort to militarize the police against our own populace is pretty brazen as to how the LE community as a whole feels against "we the people."

After all - it's a safe assumption to make that the same people who loot Wal-Mart are the same ones who steal from Wal-Mart based on absolutely zero citations and/or source material - all the while the militarization of the police is a very well documented and slowly emerging facet of the police state that so many brainwashed Americans clamor for.

Don't believe me? How long has cannabis been legal in California? When was proposition 215 passed? What was the law that was before proposition 215? I already know these answers.

I then ask, why are federal agencies still raiding legally operating medicinal clinics with law-abiding patients with prescriptions for medicine after roughly 50 years of a statewide legalization?

Because the LE community, as a whole, is against the American populace.

This is the only logical solution that I have ever been able to come up with. Police just do not exist to serve and protect the American populace. As a matter of fact, they often do the very opposite.

There needs to be a radical rethink and re-approach to these issues. Clearly - something is not working. Time to pull our heads out of our own asses and start to think outside of the box when it comes to understanding these very complex and dynamic situations/incidents.

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 03:22 AM
a reply to: darkuniverse

People are slaughtering people... this is old news. When they finally stop? Well, that'll be something worth hearing about.

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 05:21 AM


posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 05:30 AM
"Peaceful" rioters went after an innocent white guy, stripped and kicked him around in a parking lot.

More "peaceful" rioters kicking a homeless man.

Oh there's more "peaceful" rioters trying to do good. This time they tried to toss an unconscious photographer into a fire.

They all fighting for the good cause I see, dindu nuffin wrong.

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 05:33 AM

originally posted by: Gin

They forgot to hook him to a truck with chain and drag him down the road. Another sign of this new generation of youngsters being half arses?
edit on 22-9-2016 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 05:36 AM
a reply to: darkuniverse

You've taken notice haven't you?

The government has taken notice hasn't it?

Would the same be said if it was a bunch of people just standing there with picket signs?

Maybe there's your answer?


posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 05:45 AM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

Yeah, A bunch of entitled half arsed youngsters who get a free pass to do # like this because they are the "minority" while government excuses them and puts all the blame on cops. Would be politically incorrect to enforce any control over these animals. More like "Black Looting Matters", nothing to do with lives at all.

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 05:45 AM
a reply to: FaunaOrFlora

What are the rioting for

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 05:47 AM

originally posted by: hounddoghowlie
a reply to: darkuniverse

yes they are,and if they were to use 790 for the base number for calls/ incidents. whites are about half of the people killed. just quick rounding off.

Yet blacks are only 11% of the population.

Math and statistics must not be your strong suit.

edit on 22-9-2016 by FaunaOrFlora because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 06:23 AM
All they are doing is living up to there own stereotype.

Honestly i think the only cure is to round up these thugs and ship them to Africa seeing as they hate the west the opportunites avaliable to them so much.

Trillions has been sunk into black communitys in welfare, social programs and educations. Reparations have been made and more bust they stil choose to l live in poverrty, crime ridden squalor.

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 06:25 AM

originally posted by: gpols
a reply to: ksiezyc

This hate movement, Black Lives Matter, was never about equality or black lives.

They seemed to have lost all their support when they came out with their list of demands and reparations was one of the top ones.

Which kind of goes with why the rioters are doing what they are doing. They are getting their reparations that they think people owe them. That's how it advances their cause, Black Lives Matter's cause at least. Not to be mistake for the whole of the black Community.

They got there reparations in wellfare and government programs.

The fact they didn't use it to better there miserable lazy lifes is there own fault.

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 06:30 AM

originally posted by: reldra

originally posted by: gpols
a reply to: ksiezyc

Slavery. All the folks that gave their lives and sacrificed for them to be free wasn't enough. They want money for those peoples families that helped free them.

Who knows, maybe they are rioting and looting because that's what people do when they riot. I remember when the Ferguson riots were happening a bunch of black owned businesses were destroyed by the rioters.

These riots are a symptom of bigger societal and cultural issues though.

Did you really just type that? That Black people should be grateful. Today, for the poeple that helped free them long ago...via not being upset with the descendents today?????????

You should probably go back and edit that if you have editing time left.

They bloody should be grateful after all the welfare and social programs sunk into there communitys.

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 06:35 AM
What is their cause exactly? Cherry picking rare events that fit their confirmation bias? This doesn't even fit their race is confirmation bias. It was a black cop shooting a black guy in a city where the police are run by black people. Why doesn't the media ever report when a cop shoots a white guy? All right, it doesn't incite riots which is what they're trying to do.

How about these people fight crime in their own community? 90% of black men are killed by other black men because black on black crime is a serious problem. 6% of the country which is black men, commit over half of the violent crime in this country. But you can't blame that on white people so screw it.
edit on 22-9-2016 by TheBulk because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 06:48 AM
a reply to: TheBulk

This has nothing to do with race but people are taking sides to make it about one... this is obviously about police using excessive force when there are other non lethal options available.

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 07:45 AM
a reply to: FaunaOrFlora

Yet blacks are only 11% of the population.
Math and statistics must not be your strong suit.

again for those that maybe slow or have bought into the narrative.

not all, and it's estimated to be 13.3% by the U.S. Census Bureau not 11 blacks, have not had the police called in on them or had a confrontation with LE.

just as all of the estimated 77.1% of whites have not had the police called in on them or had a confrontation with LE.
it should be done on a call / incident basis, that's the only true way to see it. it's individuals not entire populations that are being shot.

the people that want you to look at by population, know that a smaller numbers wise, will have a higher percentage. that's why they have brain washed you into believing that. it a intellectually dishonest way to skew the lines.

P.S. it helps to know the numbers when you spout off about something and try to insult someone, when you don't it makes you look ignorant, don't be ignorant.

here's a link to the the U.S. Census Bureau.
Census Bureau

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 07:49 AM

originally posted by: darkuniverse

I have always wondered this. How does this help your cause or how does this help in the process of your protest....

Ask the Sons of Liberty how rioting and dumping all that tea into Boston harbor helped there cause?

At least there not tarring and feathering people
edit on 22-9-2016 by WilburnRoach because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 07:51 AM
Watching black people burn and riot and specifically target and beat up white people... I gotta be honest, it's starting to make me feel racist.

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