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Tax meat until it’s too expensive to eat, new UN report suggests

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posted on Aug, 4 2016 @ 06:04 PM

originally posted by: blueman12
Starvation would be a cruel way to reduce population. However, something should be done about human population. Unless you want your childrens children to live in a world where no animals live good lives, there is poor nutrition, a polluted environment and overcrowded areas.

There is no reason that humans need to be having an ever-growing population.

You want to artificially control nature? That kind of makes you no different than those you are against.

Nature already has a process for reducing populations when required. If it ever becomes required for us, it will happen all on its own.

posted on Aug, 4 2016 @ 06:09 PM
Same as they did with cigarettes.Pile on the taxes until people can't afford it.

posted on Aug, 4 2016 @ 06:13 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Ok thats it UN out......out!

posted on Aug, 4 2016 @ 06:15 PM
You are all off your goddam heads. Do you know why this is being proposed. NB the massive hint in the fricking question !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not sure if taxation is the solution but Jesus H it's not for fricking population control.

ATS is becoming as thick as Donald Trump. Tough deal with it.

posted on Aug, 4 2016 @ 06:52 PM
a reply to: Indigent

insert Twilight Zone music

"STOP, It's a cookbook"

How to serve man.

posted on Aug, 4 2016 @ 07:10 PM

originally posted by: chiefsmom
When o When are people going to realize that the UN is a complete useless organization, run by idiots?

Yeah, brilliant plan.

Go to hell.

It was designed as a new world government trap. Control the masses under one authority.
I don't eat meat so I'm not concerned, but I'm sure what I do eat will soon fall victim to being 'unavailable'.

I'm starting to really wonder if this climate change really is bull# . Last week I read John Kerry saying air conditioning and refrigeration is destroying the planet! Ok we can all just die of heat exhaustion and/ or ingesting rotten food!
No meat, no protein either

posted on Aug, 4 2016 @ 07:24 PM

originally posted by: blueman12
Why not? World population needs reduction. It's one thing i agree about agenda 21.

We torture and kill way too many animals for what? For more humans to simply exist? It's not morally right. If you EVER want highly-intelligent extraterrestrials to communicate with humanity on a nation-wide basis, then you will not support the torture of animals and overpopulation of human-kind.

Intelligent beings will not communicate with a human population that has very little compassion for lesser lifeforms.

Being a dog or cat lover does not count. Many animals have the intelligence of a dog or cat. If not much more so. They have the emotional intellect to feel higher emotions.

Hmm. And how do you propose we reduce the population? Should the governments of the world or the UN decide who lives and who dies in the hospitals? Should a Purge like scenario be implemented? Oh I know, we can do what China does.

Unless human poplulation evolves beyond primal carnavoire, violent instincts, and petty emotions, it will never have a place in this universe. We WILL always be viewed as half-inteligent apes.

Someone wants to be a Vulcan so hard..
edit on 4-8-2016 by Wardaddy454 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2016 @ 07:54 PM

originally posted by: blueman12
Why not? World population needs reduction. It's one thing i agree about agenda 21.

We torture and kill way too many animals for what? For more humans to simply exist? It's not morally right. If you EVER want highly-intelligent extraterrestrials to communicate with humanity on a nation-wide basis, then you will not support the torture of animals and overpopulation of human-kind.

Intelligent beings will not communicate with a human population that has very little compassion for lesser lifeforms.

Being a dog or cat lover does not count. Many animals have the intelligence of a dog or cat. If not much more so. They have the emotional intellect to feel higher emotions.

Unless human poplulation evolves beyond primal carnavoire, violent instincts, and petty emotions, it will never have a place in this universe. We WILL always be viewed as half-inteligent apes.

Why do you think all aliens are peaceful. Don't you think they evolved in a competitive kill or be killed environment. I know a few rabbits that wished a few more dogs would appreciate their intelligence.

posted on Aug, 4 2016 @ 08:00 PM

originally posted by: Wardaddy454

Someone wants to be a Vulcan so hard..

posted on Aug, 5 2016 @ 07:35 AM
a reply to: blueman12

You're acting myopic because you do not seem to view these people's actions through the correct lens, these people plan out agendas decades ahead. You're not hearing anything about it because they've simply begun dipping their feet in the pool.. we're not 10 or 20 billion people yet.

"Let's pop to the market as we pass..

Right, what's on the menu this month?

No, not meat it's not your birthday.

The global food council are doing a really good job of keeping food production going."

The Forum for the Future Organization derives its funding from a combination of taxpayer money, via local governments, as well as monolithic corporations and large banks.

Some of its financial backers include Bank of America, the City of London Corporation, PepsiCo UK, Time Warner, and crucially Royal Dutch Shell – which of course is one of the biggest emitters of CO2 on the planet.

In other words, an organization lecturing the little people about how only the mega-rich will be able to drive cars and eat meat in 30 years in order to reduce CO2 emissions is largely funded by mega-rich banks and multinational corporations, as well as oil companies.

posted on Aug, 5 2016 @ 09:10 AM
a reply to: awareness10

What we need is to choke the # out of these sub-humans and show them that breathing is going to be a privelege for them if they don't smarten the F up.

posted on Aug, 5 2016 @ 10:34 AM
Oh for god sake...This is like that time they tried to ban porn because it hurt women's feelings. It's not going to go anywhere. They just want to try to appear relevant like they are actually doing junk. Which they aren't.

posted on Aug, 5 2016 @ 10:49 AM
i say to hell with them if that is how they want to be we need to blockade all service entrances to the un and stop all food deliveries there then set up a taco truck and a couple of hot dog stands in front of buildinga reply to: DBCowboy

posted on Aug, 5 2016 @ 02:52 PM
a reply to: Wardaddy454

Well, what do you propose? Let population be naturally reduced through war, famine, poor sanitation, more factory farming, and economic downfall?

It's better we take the small blow now (1 child method), than eventually face the above^.

But, I'm just being idealistic. There is an extremly low chance that the people could band together and have a rational discussion of this importance.

It's either going to be the "elites" forcefully implementing population reduction, or humanity outgrowing and wiping itself out.

posted on Aug, 5 2016 @ 03:00 PM
a reply to: neutronflux

I don't think all extraterrestrials are peaceful. I'm saying that the only chance we have of communicating with peaceful ones who are aware of us, or yet to be aware of us is by evolving our species.

The violent extraterrestrials are irrelevant. They will do what they wish to us.. Just like we would do to animals.

Personally, I believe there is a good chance that higher intelligences from other dimensions and/or galaxies (far far away
are visiting or aware of us.

Why would they ever communicate with such a race like ours?

posted on Aug, 5 2016 @ 03:20 PM

originally posted by: blueman12
Now comes the choice, do we allow the masses to remain ignorantly compliant in their self-destruction, or do we take control and make the decisions for them.

That is a question i'm sure the "elites" started with.

The self-perceived "elites" and Stalin and Mao and..........................................

posted on Aug, 5 2016 @ 03:27 PM

originally posted by: blueman12
Well, what do you propose? Let population be naturally reduced through war, famine, poor sanitation, more factory farming, and economic downfall?

What downfall?

Food? Fewer people starving today than yesterday. Way fewer than a decade ago. Seems that we are getting better.

Sanitation? Also vastly improved to just 10 years ago...globally.

Factory Farming? Still has a long ways to go, but is at least aware and making changes.

Economics? Fewer people in abject poverty than ever.

War? If you think we are bloodthirsty today...eek, you may not want to check our history.

The only one being irrational about this topic would appear to be you. Humanity has made massive amounts of progress, in every metric, and continue to improve at an ever increasing rate. If anything, we are going to benefit from the increases in population, health, and well-being, as it is just going to cause our human capital to push progression as fast as our technology.

posted on Aug, 5 2016 @ 03:34 PM
United Nations Delegates Dining Room Menu

Seared Beef Filet
Onion soup boule, asparagus, béarnaise sauce

Grilled Beef Sirloin
Potato gratin, braised leeks, porcini

Seared Beef Filet
Green pea puree, sheppard’s pie, baby carrots

Seared Rib Eye Steak
Stilton mac and cheese, broccolini, fried shallots


Am bassador Grill and Lounge Menu

First Course
Pork Goulash Soup
Trio of Pierogi
beef, potato & onion and wild mushroom

Main Course
Stuffed Cabbage
with beef & rice
Kielbasa Sausage
potato pancake or sauerkraut

posted on Aug, 5 2016 @ 03:40 PM

originally posted by: blueman12
a reply to: Wardaddy454

It's better we take the small blow now (1 child method), than eventually face the above^.

No that is not better. overpopulation is being hyped up. This planet can support at least 20 billion more people before it gets that serious. By the time it even gets that high, some of that population will already be living on mars, the moon, Mars's moons, and space stations. We are literally only a century away from full colonization of the stars, just relax.

You see how fast the automobile brought us to our current achievements?? It is going to happen just as quickly with space.

In any case, did you consider my proposal of reaching the masses through marketing?? Due to the way we are educated, emotion will always sell better than logic. So we have to trick them by disguising logic as an enjoyable emotional stimulus. That is going to be the key IMO until we can reform the education system in the West.

If I were a self conscious college freshman, and tv kept showing me commercials of hot chicks getting with the guys that eat well and maintain sustainable habits, well I just may decide it is in my benefit to adopt a more sustainable diet. Hit them with a short term gain to encourage the long term behavior. Its how they got us all to eat junk. If people and organizations shift their money into this type of marketing, it will work magnitudes better than shock videos and testimony of tortured animals.

Also, vegan and vegetarian org.'s would do better to start covering the budgets of big blockbuster movies as sponsors who would simply ask to put scenes, lines, or products that encourage this change as well.

In an age of mind control, we have to stoop to mind control to get positive advantages without infringing on liverty.

Also, that one child policy just is not going to happen, lets take that off the table for now as a non-starter. if we see some positive results from the marketing (and I know we easily could), we can revisit it in another 30 years.

posted on Aug, 5 2016 @ 04:08 PM
a reply to: AmericanRealist

Lets only hope that humanity moves in positive direction and that the population indirectly solves its future population problem.

The main reason why I started replying to this thread was the issue of factory farming. The practice of condemning animals to live in torturous conditions to compete with the increase in demand for meat products.

Less people = less demand and more land for free-range farming.

Unfortunately, like in real life, most people could care less about the suffering of a non-human.

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