posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 04:52 PM
Syx,Loved the story entries from my mighty winged one!
I always love the latest dragon avatar that you are sporting of course! And your pics of dragons always take my breath away!
Rider,So glad that you enjoyed our story entries. I usually get to focus when the shed is asleep or very slow.I put on my
headphones, open the youtube page and get some mood music going and the words seem to flow. Otherwise, I sit here looking at the screen thinking
um...should I write this or that?
Quantum,Thank you for the lovely poem, very nice! Have you showed Corbin Syx's dragon pic thread?
thenightisours,I just loved your eloquent poem! I hope you decide to write more for us in the future and visit more often!
seagull,So glad that you enjoyed the story entries! We had to ask special permission to have this kind of thread that is a
combination of chit chat and story telling. This all began as a Valentine thread by member Angelchemuel where some amazing people came together and
became friends. We were still chatting long after Valentine's Day so we got shut down for being off topic. LOL! It was Jaceygirl who began the shed
tale and then everyone joined in. It has evolved since then.
Skid,I'm melting over here too. As long as I stay sitting here in my kitchen or hanging out in the parlor I'm fine, but the rest
of the house is hot as hell. Our AC is in the parlor and I have a fan from the edge of the parlor that blows into the kitchen.
Kaelci! Hello there! As always looking forward to your next installment and sitting here with chills up my spine knowing there
is a giant spider loose in the shedlands. LOL
edit on 24-7-2016 by Night Star because: (no reason given)