posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 01:51 PM
(Continued from above)
Just before Tilla and Drom showed up at the pyramid, there was commotion back at the small fire pit, outside The Shed.
From the edge of the woods came a flurry of dust being kicked up from the ground. The cause of the dust could barely be seen. If One looked close
enough, They could see dozens of tiny 'people' running around towards the fire pit! It was the three inch tall 'Fixers'! Well some of them anyway!
"Hello everyone! We are here at last! We have been on the other side of the island for many days and nights now! We were finally able to find You,
from some telepathic messages sent to other Dragons, that we intercepted! We are very good listeners, to sounds both in the hearing range spectrum,
and of the telepathic sort!" Number 107 said with a wide smile on His face.
"The rest of Our clan is still on the other side of the island. Since We found out where You were all at here, We have been debating moving closer to
You all, or just staying over there." The young Female number 66 mentioned. "There is ample food supplies there so We have been in no hurry to get
here. But We have missed you all dearly!" She said with a beautiful smile on Her small face.
"To anyone Who wants to know, the Dragons have found a huge pyramid, across the way, that They are inside of right now, talking to a Giant! It has
four arms and is blue/grey skinned!" Number 13 said with an astonished look on Her face. "You guys might want to go there to make sure there are no
problems between the Dragons and that Beast!" She added.
"I'm sure the Dragons can take care of themselves 13." CC told the little woman. "I know that for sure at least Syx can handle Himself!" She said
"I think Tilla and I will hike to that Pyramid! It is a beautiful day for a walk!!" Drom said with a smile. "Tilla? How about it? Are You ready?" He
asked His mate.
"Yes I am Hunny! Let's go!" She smiled back.
After an hour or so the two approached the Pyramid. "Those Fixers were not kidding! That is HUGE!!!" Tilla said in amazement as the two walked into
the huge structure...