posted on Jul, 25 2016 @ 05:55 AM
Good morning and welcome to The Shed! What amazing writing!!! I look forward to reading much more from you!
There are no words that can explain how amazing your opening post was!!!!! I cannot wait to read more of what your amazing imagination has to come up
Good morning Shedigans!!!! I am running behind and playing catch up!! I missed everyone terribly this weekend. Looks like everyone was very
Night / Kaelci /Syx – I will swing back around and read the great entries that are waiting on me, WOOHOO!!
Night Star Good morning sweetest Night. How are you? Any plans today?
visitedbythem I hope the heat gets better. Be safe!
kaelci Your poem to the missing members was amazing. I hope that they see it and it draws them in!!!
WalkInSilence Honey I have every single thing that I can cross crossed for you!!!! I really do believe that things work for a
reason….I do hope that you are able to make it back “home”. And no worries, I will never tell you a job is a job [[[HUGS]]]
Quantum12 Wow, what a weekend you have had!!!! Edie is back? Well you guys were happy so as long as she is sure… was
the weekend with Corbin? Other than NOT long enough….
Skid Mark Hey skid how are you holding up? It is supposed to get into the high 80s with thunderstorms. WVVA said to plan on
90s most of August….urg
OK guys I know there are a thousand people that I am missing [[[HUGS]]] I’m so sorry. But this has already turned into a bit of a novel. I hope
everyone survives Monday!!!!
edit on 7/25/2016 by Martin75 because: Need a picture
edit on 7/25/2016 by Martin75 because: TONS of typos