a reply to:
Hey Kaelci. Gosh, I told Night Star I was going to bed. What the...
Yes, I agree. Sometimes it's good to clean the mind and let it all out. I find if I do that that there is nothing left to cycle inside my skull, going
"bump, bump, bump" constantly.
Having caught a few Oprah episodes in my time, and reading what successful people do, I have come to the conclusion that if one has a passion then you
must, absolutely must, follow that drive. It is who you are. And no one can judge your work because it is a piece of you that you have created.
So if I may, write and write and write. Write as it feels natural. Just put it all down, even if the grammar and punctuation is bad. You can go back
and fix it after. But write as it feels natural to you - that's when the passion, the magic shows. It can all be fixed up after. Hey if you don't want
to become famous... well, worry about that later. I have read famous author feedbacks and they all say it was way beyond what they expected in terms
of having to persevere with editing, and sometimes not going with what your original work was meant to be. The author of Harry Potter said that
recently to Stephen King I believe. She was referring to her editor. She said to King, "They just don't get it do they?" Meaning the editor wanted a
format/change things up but to Rowlings, this was her passion, her creation. How dare someone change her creation? I completely get that. It'd be like
having to remove your arm and try on several pair that just aren't right but you'll have to put up with it.
So I guess what I'm saying is if writing is what makes you feel alive then go for it. Deal with the consequences as they happen. But get there first.
My thought is if I were to become a famous author I'd stash away my $$$ and then quit. And then live off what I figure to be acceptable and THEN
continue writing what makes me feel fulfilled and alive. Too many authors are a hit and miss. And so don't not fulfill who you are based on a "maybe".
Or else no one would have made it in writing or anything for that matter. Just like learning to write your a, b, c's and then making words and then
writing stories - it's all a process and you adapt and learn as you go. So if you were to come a famous author I'd say WELL DONE and be so, so, so
proud of you but mainly because you did what your inside is begging you do and you followed through. And of course secondly I'd be proud of you for
having shown people that you could do it. Thirdly: way to go for achieving what humans call status. So there you go: you can put your worries of
becoming a recognized author in its correct place, which is a place of which you do or don't give power to.
And good for you for following up on the stones and meditating. Stones are very grounding. And I don't think it's just cause they are made of the
ground, ha ha. They are solid and little bits of the earth. They are like tiny replicas of this earth that we are sitting like a tiny speck on. I
think they are the most basic and simplest forms of this earth and yet so ancient and such forces of nature made it. A simple rock but such power went
into making it.
You can grow anything you decide to. A little bit of light, soil, water, love and you have life coming out of this storage cell. Al plants want to
live. So unless you've missed out on one of the basics then you're going to do fine. And probably quite fine because I think you have a lot of
thinking that will be turned onto your plants and they feed off it like energy.
I know what you mean about life. In fact I'm tired of it. I mean I love it and love my family and friends but is this it? I don't need people to burst
into song as I pass by, I don't need flowers to bow to me when I gaze upon them, but is this it? I think we are all yearning for what we all inside
know life should be: peace, comfort, love, time for contemplation and sharing and giving. The world is moving too fast, and it's on edge and people
are flipping out. My prescription for you is to go out into the woods. I have a park nearby that I take my dog to and it's amazing what even half an
hour of walking in nature will do. It is soul soothing and rejuvenating and sometimes puts things into perspective. We have lost touch with the
natural world. Unfortunately, when I get home I lose that sense of peace. So I think what I should do is move there and then come visit my house and
reality for half an hour each day - turn it around you know?