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Why do covert racists ignore the facts? when does it stop?

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posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 02:07 PM

originally posted by: theySeeme

originally posted by: WeAreAWAKE

You see...I don't hate anyone for how they look, the color of their skin, their religion, their sexual preference, etc. BUT! When a large enough percentage of any group does things I do hate like rioting, robbing, killing, etc...I hate those people for those acts. It isn't MY fault if that highest percentage of these people I hate BECAUSE OF THEIR ACTIONS belong to a particular group.

Geeeez! Again!!!!

If that's the case, according to your logic, people should hate white people for

  • Disgustingly high percentages of child molestations, rapes, kidnappings and murders
  • Disturbingly high amount of disregard for civilian casualties during policing and military operations, the most extreme being the atomic bombs in Japan
  • For having the highest percentage of serial killers
  • For having the highest percentage of cannibals
  • and so on..
  • null

Would it be right for someone to say that? Then why are you?

People do. Where have you been?

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 02:09 PM

originally posted by: theySeeme

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: theySeeme

Look up Sam Ukweachu and get back to me on that one. Mr. Ukweachu also got a slap on the wrist for rape. In both cases, the two were known college athletes which also likely played a part in their slaps.

I'm not saying it NEVER happens at all, not sure why people think things are so black or white (no pun intended), I'm talking about majority of the time.

It's one thing to try to debate with me, but to tell me that's not purple, that's violet - that's a bit over the top.

Uh-uh, that's not how it works. You gave an example and pulled the classic "if this was a black guy it would never have happened ..." line, so I gave you a black guy it happened to and explained why both of them wound up that way.

Turns out neither one was decided on race but on their social status which was independent of ethnicity.
edit on 14-7-2016 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 02:10 PM
So to sum it people are PERCEIVED to commit a higher percentage of:

Crime/Violent Crime
Abandoning Children
Being on Welfare

That came from somewhere, most likely some facts. Maybe those facts are old facts...maybe not. So the truth is, when a police officer pulls someone over and approaches the car, they have every reason to believe that they are in more danger today if the person is black than if the person is white. They are also in more danger if the driver is male instead of female. And probably a hundred other things. to fix this? Black people have to go above and beyond to shake that perception by not doing those things more than every other group. Period.
edit on 7/14/2016 by WeAreAWAKE because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 02:15 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko

originally posted by: theySeeme

originally posted by: WeAreAWAKE

You see...I don't hate anyone for how they look, the color of their skin, their religion, their sexual preference, etc. BUT! When a large enough percentage of any group does things I do hate like rioting, robbing, killing, etc...I hate those people for those acts. It isn't MY fault if that highest percentage of these people I hate BECAUSE OF THEIR ACTIONS belong to a particular group.

Geeeez! Again!!!!

If that's the case, according to your logic, people should hate white people for

  • Disgustingly high percentages of child molestations, rapes, kidnappings and murders
  • Disturbingly high amount of disregard for civilian casualties during policing and military operations, the most extreme being the atomic bombs in Japan
  • For having the highest percentage of serial killers
  • For having the highest percentage of cannibals
  • and so on..
  • null

Would it be right for someone to say that? Then why are you?

People do. Where have you been?

Lets play a game. Name an action or a situation and then draw the person in your mind. If you want to consider only white and black that is fine. THAT will tell you who wears what badge.

Example: Someone was shot by a cop and the news is talking about it. White male was shot.

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 02:16 PM

originally posted by: WeAreAWAKE

originally posted by: theySeeme

originally posted by: WeAreAWAKE

You see...I don't hate anyone for how they look, the color of their skin, their religion, their sexual preference, etc. BUT! When a large enough percentage of any group does things I do hate like rioting, robbing, killing, etc...I hate those people for those acts. It isn't MY fault if that highest percentage of these people I hate BECAUSE OF THEIR ACTIONS belong to a particular group.

Geeeez! Again!!!!

If that's the case, according to your logic, people should hate white people for

  • Disgustingly high percentages of child molestations, rapes, kidnappings and murders
  • Disturbingly high amount of disregard for civilian casualties during policing and military operations, the most extreme being the atomic bombs in Japan
  • For having the highest percentage of serial killers
  • For having the highest percentage of cannibals
  • and so on..
  • null

Would it be right for someone to say that? Then why are you?

Because white people aren't categorized as any of those. That doesn't mean it is wrong, just that we don't wear that badge.

Example: There is a riot...guess the race? Most people (if they are honest) will guess black.
Example: There is a drunk driving accident...guess the race? Most people wouldn't have a guess because it isn't labeled upon a particular group.

Example: A terrorist set off a bomb in the USA. Muslim
Example: A person killed an abortion doctor. Catholic/religious
Example: Someone was raped. A woman

But I will agree with one of those. If you told me to draw a serial killer...I would draw a white man.

It's funny how you can apply your logic to one group, as long as it's not the group you identify with.

According to the FBI , 71% of cops killed in 2016 were white, this is actual fact. Should we hate white people for being cop killers?

According to the FBI, majority of mass shootings and serial killings in America are done by white males, no one is hating white people for it though. Even though, according to your logic, people should.

White people riot, burn cars, flip busses over because their sports team lost. They block traffic during these times as well, you don't see people lumping up all white people into that group though? Yet its ok to do it when it's minorities?

You see, you can't say you hate black people for the actions of a few, otherwise you should be read to do the same to all groups, not just blacks. Why be biased about it?

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 02:17 PM
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE

But remember, we established early on in the thread that the OP is adherent of critical race theory, so all those problems are because of white people and their racist constructs in society. So it isn't really their fault.

With people like this, I really wish we could find a sort of land of milk and honey type place with plenty of natural resources that we could offer to types like these and say, "There it is ... paradise. Go. We'll stay here. You take your chips and go set up your perfect, white-free utopia." And let those who are so dissatisfied go if they wish with the clear expectation that any who stay do their best to stop blaming everyone else and fit in with society.

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 02:17 PM

originally posted by: WeAreAWAKE
So to sum it people are PERCEIVED to commit a higher percentage of:

Crime/Violent Crime
Abandoning Children
Being on Welfare

That came from somewhere, most likely some facts. Maybe those facts are old facts...maybe not. So the truth is, when a police officer pulls someone over and approaches the car, they have every reason to believe that they are in more danger today if the person is black than if the person is white. They are also in more danger if the driver is male instead of female. And probably a hundred other things. to fix this? Black people have to go above and beyond to shake that perception by not doing those things more than every other group. Period.

But if cops are wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more likely to be killed by white men (71% of cops killed this year so far were killed by white males), why are wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more blacks being killed for it?

(post by theySeeme removed for a manners violation)

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 02:19 PM

originally posted by: WeAreAWAKE

originally posted by: ketsuko

originally posted by: theySeeme

originally posted by: WeAreAWAKE

You see...I don't hate anyone for how they look, the color of their skin, their religion, their sexual preference, etc. BUT! When a large enough percentage of any group does things I do hate like rioting, robbing, killing, etc...I hate those people for those acts. It isn't MY fault if that highest percentage of these people I hate BECAUSE OF THEIR ACTIONS belong to a particular group.

Geeeez! Again!!!!

If that's the case, according to your logic, people should hate white people for

  • Disgustingly high percentages of child molestations, rapes, kidnappings and murders
  • Disturbingly high amount of disregard for civilian casualties during policing and military operations, the most extreme being the atomic bombs in Japan
  • For having the highest percentage of serial killers
  • For having the highest percentage of cannibals
  • and so on..
  • null

Would it be right for someone to say that? Then why are you?

People do. Where have you been?

Lets play a game. Name an action or a situation and then draw the person in your mind. If you want to consider only white and black that is fine. THAT will tell you who wears what badge.

Example: Someone was shot by a cop and the news is talking about it. White male was shot.

My point is that there are plenty of people who hate on white people already. If the OP can't see it, then the OP is being willfully blind.

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: theySeeme

I did, but then in your exchanges, you also said that it's impossible to clean those issues up because of hatred, racism and bias in the power structures which is critical race theory.

So you more or less buy the idea that the community can't fix itself to any degree because of the problems others have outside it.

Somehow, the racism of others in your mind causes teen pregnancy rates and single motherhood and makes people disdain the education that could get them out of poverty and away from crime as the only answer they perceive, the same crime that makes them perceived by society at large as so much more likely to be trouble than other ethnic groups.

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 02:27 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: theySeeme

I did, but then in your exchanges, you also said that it's impossible to clean those issues up because of hatred, racism and bias in the power structures which is critical race theory.

So you more or less buy the idea that the community can't fix itself to any degree because of the problems others have outside it.

Somehow, the racism of others in your mind causes teen pregnancy rates and single motherhood and makes people disdain the education that could get them out of poverty and away from crime as the only answer they perceive, the same crime that makes them perceived by society at large as so much more likely to be trouble than other ethnic groups.

No, I never said I agree with the theory, what I said was that I know people's biased leaks into their field of work, which is part of the problems we are seeing today. Never did I say it can't be fixed, though it certainly looks like it can't be fixed because even on the internet, on an obscure internet forum people cannot admit when they are wrong.

How can we bring about change when some people who contribute to the problem are not willing to admit they are problem creators?

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 02:29 PM
@theySeeme...I say this with respect and honesty. The black community has a huge image problem. They for whatever reason have decided not to fix this problem. They basically seem to be saying that they should be accepted and treated equally even with these problems they refuse to fix. White people have fought for black rights for a long time only to be disappointed that they won't fight for their own. IT WON'T END UNLESS ACTION IS TAKEN BY THE BLACK COMMUNITY!

If you are black and you ignore these simple, obvious and proven are no better than the "leaders" of the black community (or their representatives) such as Jackson, Sharpton and Farrakhan. These people are trying to keep black people down and as victims because it makes them money and keeps them in a leadership role.

Their worst enemies are these "leaders" and themselves. I'm sorry for this comparison but...if I have one of those pitbulls I mentioned earlier and I train them, give them every chance, a happy warm and safe home, and no matter what...that dog keeps biting people. That isn't my fault for being a human. It isn't the fault of who they bite for being a human. I, as a human can not accept this dog continuing to is wrong and must stop. It is stupid to think I will accept the biting. The only blame is on that dog for being a pitbull. And so the perception continues.

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 02:31 PM
The OP is a excellent one; it’s NOT a rant. Makes a lot of good points

The fact of the matter is people are always making things mutually exclusive.

One can fight police brutality based on race and crime in the inner city at the same time

Also, one group can concentrate on police brutality(BLM) if they choose and consider it “state power killings”

Its true though that the inner city crime is neglected by everybody even though as the OP points out there are groups fighting to stop it.

We need a national discourse on crime and police brutality

Also on the possibility that the state wants to fill the jails up because the prison industry is now big business

Of course this wont happen because somebody wants this division to play out

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 02:32 PM
PS: The irony of fixing this image problem is that they don't have to do anything...they don't have to put in an effort. In fact...the opposite. Don't riot, don't steal, don't commit crimes, etc. That would be all it would take. That and a few decades probably.

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 02:35 PM
WE have tracked it to the white house but it will surpass the Admiralty legal system to get him ,right now.
BUT the source is EVEN now cutting his own throat while the disciples rant.
The hue and cry when he is FINALLY ousted will be great...

a reply to: Willtell

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: Willtell

I don't disagree with what you have said. But we are not livestock. We don't need a farmer to herd us into fenced in areas. We are fully capable of controlling ourselves. Unless you truly believe there are white police officers, likely with family, a good paying job, a pension that literally say to themselves "I don't like black people, I'm going to give everything up and shoot one". Black people (as with any people) get shot based upon where they are, what they are doing and their disposition. If those are the right place, doing nothing wrong and say "yes sir officer"...they don't get shot. But as we know...that is never the case.

We don't have a race or racism problem. At least not on the white person side. We have a problem in the black community not cleaning themselves up and being pleasant, law abiding citizens. We also have a problem with Muslims not cleaning up their community...they have terrorists in their group and haven't fixed that problem. Until they isn't that we are prejudice against Muslims, it is that Muslims may be a threat and that won't change unless they fix it. We can't.

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 02:40 PM

originally posted by: WeAreAWAKE
@theySeeme...I say this with respect and honesty. The black community has a huge image problem. They for whatever reason have decided not to fix this problem. They basically seem to be saying that they should be accepted and treated equally even with these problems they refuse to fix. White people have fought for black rights for a long time only to be disappointed that they won't fight for their own. IT WON'T END UNLESS ACTION IS TAKEN BY THE BLACK COMMUNITY!

If you are black and you ignore these simple, obvious and proven are no better than the "leaders" of the black community (or their representatives) such as Jackson, Sharpton and Farrakhan. These people are trying to keep black people down and as victims because it makes them money and keeps them in a leadership role.

Their worst enemies are these "leaders" and themselves. I'm sorry for this comparison but...if I have one of those pitbulls I mentioned earlier and I train them, give them every chance, a happy warm and safe home, and no matter what...that dog keeps biting people. That isn't my fault for being a human. It isn't the fault of who they bite for being a human. I, as a human can not accept this dog continuing to is wrong and must stop. It is stupid to think I will accept the biting. The only blame is on that dog for being a pitbull. And so the perception continues.

How is the black community refusing to fix these issues? There are black organizations established that

  • Protest against black on black violence, especially gang violence
  • Bring employment and health awareness to minorities who are not as easily reachable with this information
  • null

Thousands of them actually, so how can you again, with your bigotry, say that the entire black community is doing nothing? Are you ignoring the hundreds of peace walks and marches held by "the black community" every year? Are these for nothing as well? You've revealed a lot in your last 5 posts, I think it's clear for everyone to see.

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: theySeeme

It doesn't exactly work that way though.

You are making the assumption that everyone who thinks the black community has a problem is only doing so because we're racist.

That's not true. Most of us know plenty of black people in our daily lives, but that's the key - we know them. We work with them, or live across the street with them, some of us might be married to them or have them in our families somehow, our kids have them as classmates, I competed with them as teammates and taught them as a teacher. We could not function in normal life very well as bigots or as vicious racists.

However, we also know the stats and we see the results every night. If you live in a city, everyone knows where not to go. If your city has an outdoor entertainment district, it's not unusual for it to be overrun by unsupervised teens who cause mayhem on summer nights once or twice a year which prompts a curfew. If you see the inside of an inner city school (which I taught, you know what kind of hell the good kids go through trying to learn in a warzone created by the majority of students who disdain learning and education). Everyone sees the gang tags and knows who they belong to.

And it doesn't tend to make us very sympathetic when we either get blamed for those problems or called racists for pointing them out.

And what would you prefer to have happen? I suppose we could just tell the cops not to patrol certain areas at all.

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 02:45 PM

originally posted by: cavtrooper7
WE have tracked it to the white house but it will surpass the Admiralty legal system to get him ,right now.
BUT the source is EVEN now cutting his own throat while the disciples rant.
The hue and cry when he is FINALLY ousted will be great...

a reply to: Willtell

Dude, Admiralty law? Try using that in a real court room and see how well its received. If you're lucky, you won't be held in contempt of court.

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 02:49 PM
I'm only telling you the truth. If you don't want to hear it and therefore ignore the problems, that is entirely your choice and history says that is exactly what you will do.

Marching doesn't fix anything. These groups don't fix anything. It is the people...every one of them that has to change their mentality. And...and to be honest I should tear into you for suggesting otherwise...I am well aware it is not the ENTIRE black community. I know and work with many people who are black and the majority of them are fine, upstanding citizens. But it doesn't take a majority to pollute the group. Again...terrorists and Muslims as an example.

But fine...bury your head in the sand and get all pissy that someone is actually telling you the truth that many white people believe. And I'll spell it out one more time. We have all spent billions to help black people. We have given black people preference in the past (affirmative action) even over ourselves. We have accepted black people as 100% equal to white people. But the black people haven't successfully lifted a finger to fix anything. Until you do...look in the mirror. And if you can't do have already sentenced yourselves to repeat what you have said you WANT CHANGED...not want TO change.

What more do you want from us? What haven't we done?

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