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originally posted by: burgerbuddy
originally posted by: theySeeme
originally posted by: hounddoghowlie
a reply to: theySeeme
i posted this in another thread,
do you realize how many people are arrested a year in the U.S..
if you look at by population, yes the numbers do seem high for blacks, but if you go by arrests, or by deaths by cop the numbers are way different. see that's what they do they use population to make it seem disproportionate, you got to remember there are way more white people than black people or other races, so if you use population you get a higher number of deaths for the lower number of population. but if you use Arrests, or just deaths by cops the numbers change.
plus if you look at the number of arrests the numbers
below i'm going to count the White and Black deaths seeing how so many think it is some outrageous disproportion.
this is from the FBI arrests
Police made an estimated 11,205,833 arrests during 2014—498,666 for violent crimes, and 1,553,980 for property crimes. More than 73 percent of those arrested during 2014 were male. Crime in the Uniterd States 2014
now this from the Guardian's The Counted. look at many white faces you see compared to the others. you will also see that if you click the filters they include accidental deaths by cops. which wouldn't be crime related except where the officer was at fault. like in car accidents.
The Counted
from the wiki, but if you use the data from the guardian
These lists are incomplete. Although Congress instructed the Attorney General in 1994 to compile and publish annual statistics on police use of excessive force, this was never carried out, and the FBI does not collect these data either.[1] The annual average number of justifiable homicides alone was previously estimated to be near 400.[2] Updated estimates from the Bureau of Justice Statistics released in 2015 estimate the number to be around 930 per year, or 1240 if assuming that nonreporting local agencies kill people at the same rate as reporting agencies.[3] The Washington Post has tracked shootings (only) since 2015, reporting 990 shootings in that year,[4] and more than 250 by the end of March 2016.
[5] Deaths by age group in 2015, according to The Counted The Guardian newspaper runs its own database,The Counted, which tracked US killings by police and other law enforcement agencies in 2015, and counted 1140 killed, with rates per million of 2.92 for "white" people, 7.2 for "black", and 3.5 for "hispanic/latino", 1.34 for "Asian/Pacific Islander", and 3.4 for "Native American". The database can be viewed by state, gender (1086 male, 53 female, 1 nonconforming) , race/ethnicity, age, classification (e.g., "gunshot"), and whether the person killed was armed (853 armed, 224 unarmed).[6] The database has continued to add new cases into 2016.
List of killings by law enforcement officers in the United States
just for comparisons sake, if we take the total number of arrests in 2014 ( the most complete year the FBI has released) and look at the total number of deaths from the guardian,
Total arrests 11,205,833
Total Deaths by Police 1146
Percent of Deaths 0.010226816694484024
now lets do this
Total Deaths by Police 1146
Total White Deaths by Police 581
Percent White Deaths by Police 50.698080279232116
Total Deaths by Police 1146
Total Black Deaths by Police 306
Percent Black Deaths by Police 26.701570680628272
see the difference, when you look at the numbers of Arrests / number of Deaths, which is the true count, because when you count it by population or any thing else your not looking at the true numbers.
or we could do it this way, again i'm going to have to use 2015 Graudian chart, 2015 Population by race( est as of July 1 2015 ) from U.S. Census Bureau
Total White Population 247 813 910 which if my math is correct is 77.1% according Census Bureau ( est as of July 1 2015 )
Total White Deaths 581
Percent Of White Deaths 0.00018076103944380108
Total Black Population 42,748,703 which if my math is correct is 13.3% according Census Bureau ( est as of July 1 2015 )
Total Black Deaths 306
Percent of Black Deaths 0.000715811191%
but if we use the same number for population for white deaths as the black population.
White Population 42,748,703
Deaths by Police 581
Percent Deaths by Police 0.00135910556%
so it seems to me a much clearer picture Deaths Per Arrests than any other way.
what is really needed is a way to track total number of deaths to calls that would really shed a better light.
but if we use just arrests it is plain to see that cops don't kill nearly as many people as is made out to be. it's just how you word the way it is said.
The problem with this type of statistic is that most people killed by the police are not classified as arrested, they are classified as killed in pursuit, so it's still invalid to go by. Secondly, as admitted by the director of the FBI and the attorney general of the U.S, and as I've posted over 5 times now, there is no record of how many civilians are shot by police, absolutely none.
Do you know that everytime a cop or leo fires their weapon, there are papers to fill out?
Imagine the paperwork if they kill someone.
Which leads me to believe something is lost in your translation that no one keeps track of how many people cops shoot and kill.
Surprising New Evidence Shows Bias in Police Use of Force but Not in Shootings
A new study confirms that black men and women are treated differently in the hands of law enforcement. They are more likely to be touched, handcuffed, pushed to the ground or pepper-sprayed by a police officer, even after accounting for how, where and when they encounter the police.
But when it comes to the most lethal form of force — police shootings — the study finds no racial bias. “It is the most surprising result of my career,” said Roland G. Fryer Jr., the author of the study and a professor of economics at Harvard. The study examined more than 1,000 shootings in 10 major police departments, in Texas, Florida and California.
This guy got stats from somewhere, right?
Statistics kept by the FBI have never counted more than 460 police shootings in a single year. However, The Post's database chronicled 990 fatal police shootings in 2015, and 494 of those people were white.
originally posted by: theySeeme
originally posted by: iTruthSeeker
originally posted by: theySeeme
originally posted by: iTruthSeeker
a reply to: theySeeme
Comparing the actions of Trump supporters compared to Blm supporters is no comparison in the bigger picture. You yourself posted the website and told me to show where they advocate violence. Of course they are not going to "officially".
Quote me. Show me where I said that.
The man you show in the video is not an official of the BLM movement. You can view a list of BLM officials on
I guess, you still haven't provided any proof or source that the BLM Organization (an officially established organization with representatives and officials) advocates violence.
Gee, you sure are some piece of work. So as you can see in the part that you quoted of me, I told you to check the website for a list of officially named BLM representatives, and tell me one name that advocates violence. There is none, therefor we can conclude BLM does NOT advocate violence!
In 2015, The Post documented more than twice as many fatal shootings by police as had been recorded by the FBI. Last year, the FBI announced plans to overhaul how it tracks fatal police encounters.
originally posted by: matafuchs comes the shaming. I should feel ashamed. For what? Answering a question. Or maybe it should be because I am white.
You should also read the post article you had in your FIRST question. It states...
Statistics kept by the FBI have never counted more than 460 police shootings in a single year. However, The Post's database chronicled 990 fatal police shootings in 2015, and 494 of those people were white.
Looks like statistics of people killed by cops. In an FBI database. Uneducated?
originally posted by: hounddoghowlie
a reply to: theySeeme
your the one playing dumb, they are actively searching out deaths by police, from any and all sources they can find which their data has shown.
In 2015, The Post documented more than twice as many fatal shootings by police as had been recorded by the FBI. Last year, the FBI announced plans to overhaul how it tracks fatal police encounters.
and even then the number of white vs black are still higher. what do you think that police agencies all over the U.S. are concealing the facts, now with social media on every bodys phone tablet or what have you they can't do that. there are reports every day that The Post and The Guardian are gathering.
you can lead the ignorant to facts, but you can't make then take them in.
but you know for a fact more white people are killed? Secondly, there are more white people in america, so obviously more white people would be killed.
originally posted by: iTruthSeeker
a reply to: theySeeme
but you know for a fact more white people are killed? Secondly, there are more white people in america, so obviously more white people would be killed.
So you are saying it is not a fact that more white people are killed, followed by yes there are more killed because there are more of them. Did I read that right, or am I misunderstanding?
originally posted by: theySeeme
originally posted by: iTruthSeeker
a reply to: theySeeme
but you know for a fact more white people are killed? Secondly, there are more white people in america, so obviously more white people would be killed.
So you are saying it is not a fact that more white people are killed, followed by yes there are more killed because there are more of them. Did I read that right, or am I misunderstanding?
You are misunderstanding again. Like when you said BLM killed a police horse, only to admit you made that story up.
EDIT: How can I debate a known liar?
originally posted by: iTruthSeeker
originally posted by: theySeeme
originally posted by: iTruthSeeker
a reply to: theySeeme
but you know for a fact more white people are killed? Secondly, there are more white people in america, so obviously more white people would be killed.
So you are saying it is not a fact that more white people are killed, followed by yes there are more killed because there are more of them. Did I read that right, or am I misunderstanding?
You are misunderstanding again. Like when you said BLM killed a police horse, only to admit you made that story up.
EDIT: How can I debate a known liar?
Oh wow I made it up... I thought it was blm but it was at a trump rally and I corrected that. A simple error in memory.
originally posted by: matafuchs
a reply to: theySeeme
They did not kill the horse. They injured it and the rider.
So, to make it clear, are you calling me a racist? Have some balls and say it if that is how you feel. It's ok, it is an easy way to simply remove yourself from the conversation.
BLM is a hate group. Plain and Simple. At one time it was not but it was given a new life with a new cause. Kind of like the Blakc Panthers however THEY stood up and told the violent factions to step away. Now you have the New Black Panther Party.
So, maybe there should be a NBLM? To separate the violence from the ones who are trying to create a better environment? Because right now....they are nothing but hate.
originally posted by: matafuchs
a reply to: theySeeme
Explain this video....
Tell me where there is no violence. Do not try to say it is a Infowars post. It is fact. It is video. Tell me where the peace and love is?
originally posted by: theySeeme
originally posted by: iTruthSeeker
originally posted by: theySeeme
originally posted by: iTruthSeeker
a reply to: theySeeme
but you know for a fact more white people are killed? Secondly, there are more white people in america, so obviously more white people would be killed.
So you are saying it is not a fact that more white people are killed, followed by yes there are more killed because there are more of them. Did I read that right, or am I misunderstanding?
You are misunderstanding again. Like when you said BLM killed a police horse, only to admit you made that story up.
EDIT: How can I debate a known liar?
Oh wow I made it up... I thought it was blm but it was at a trump rally and I corrected that. A simple error in memory.
Can you give us the source that shows a police horse was killed at a trump rally?
EDIT: Care to tell us why you originally accused BLM? Did you assume BLM was responsible simply because it happened at a Trump rally? Be honest with yourself.
Further more, you stated that BLM makes you fear for your life because they killed a police horse, now that you know that's not true, do you still stand by your fear? Even though it was built on lies?
originally posted by: iTruthSeeker
originally posted by: theySeeme
originally posted by: iTruthSeeker
originally posted by: theySeeme
originally posted by: iTruthSeeker
a reply to: theySeeme
but you know for a fact more white people are killed? Secondly, there are more white people in america, so obviously more white people would be killed.
So you are saying it is not a fact that more white people are killed, followed by yes there are more killed because there are more of them. Did I read that right, or am I misunderstanding?
You are misunderstanding again. Like when you said BLM killed a police horse, only to admit you made that story up.
EDIT: How can I debate a known liar?
Oh wow I made it up... I thought it was blm but it was at a trump rally and I corrected that. A simple error in memory.
Can you give us the source that shows a police horse was killed at a trump rally?
EDIT: Care to tell us why you originally accused BLM? Did you assume BLM was responsible simply because it happened at a Trump rally? Be honest with yourself.
Further more, you stated that BLM makes you fear for your life because they killed a police horse, now that you know that's not true, do you still stand by your fear? Even though it was built on lies?
Your right I just checked, the updated story says the horse did not die. That is what was said at first. I was wrong there. I didn't lie and make it up, I was ill informed on the aftermath. Anti-trump supporters and Blm share the same general mentality so I tend to view them as pretty similar.