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Why do covert racists ignore the facts? when does it stop?

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posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 02:50 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: theySeeme

It doesn't exactly work that way though.

You are making the assumption that everyone who thinks the black community has a problem is only doing so because we're racist.

That's not true. Most of us know plenty of black people in our daily lives, but that's the key - we know them. We work with them, or live across the street with them, some of us might be married to them or have them in our families somehow, our kids have them as classmates, I competed with them as teammates and taught them as a teacher. We could not function in normal life very well as bigots or as vicious racists.

However, we also know the stats and we see the results every night. If you live in a city, everyone knows where not to go. If your city has an outdoor entertainment district, it's not unusual for it to be overrun by unsupervised teens who cause mayhem on summer nights once or twice a year which prompts a curfew. If you see the inside of an inner city school (which I taught, you know what kind of hell the good kids go through trying to learn in a warzone created by the majority of students who disdain learning and education). Everyone sees the gang tags and knows who they belong to.

And it doesn't tend to make us very sympathetic when we either get blamed for those problems or called racists for pointing them out.

And what would you prefer to have happen? I suppose we could just tell the cops not to patrol certain areas at all.

Well said! But I get the impression it won't sink in.

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 02:52 PM
It isn't legal closed wins and F##K you.

THAT must be torn down to a trial by PEERS in plain language......I WANNA step on the BIGGEST toes.

a reply to: MystikMushroom

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 02:52 PM
a reply to: theySeeme

You can't be racists against Muslims LMAO Muslim is NOT A RACE.

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 02:53 PM
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE

Where were the white community to stop George Bush’s war based on lies?

The problem with your “blacks and Muslims should clean up their own community”

Is that these groups ARE NOT MONOLITHIC?

Their citizens of countries that have laws. No one group has such power to affect a whole community like you suggest

Turn around your proposition:

Who’s cleaning up the problem from the “white community”?

Nuclear bombs, starting wars all over the place (Bush administration)
Not fighting world starvation (even though they have practically all the money and resources)

Clean up pollution


Crooked bankers and how they destroyed the economy. I could go on and on but the point is these are all social ailments that we all need to deal with and no one group can as you say “clean up their problems all by themselves

If blacks and Muslim communities have issues it’s because of the cause and affect of their historical experience: slavery and colonialism has resulted in social and political issues. No social or political evils come out of a vacuum.

For instance, there were no terroristic Muslims before the invasion of Iraq and 911.

The invasion of Iraq and 911 is the original sin in terms of the creation of this world wide jihadi terrorism

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: BLee8127

There were quite a few things he mentioned that would be impossible. I was trying to be nice and ignore them. You...apparently aren't as nice

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 03:02 PM

originally posted by: Willtell
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE

Where were the white community to stop George Bush’s war based on lies?

The problem with your “blacks and Muslims should clean up their own community”

Is that these groups ARE NOT MONOLITHIC?

Their citizens of countries that have laws. No one group has such power to affect a whole community like you suggest

Turn around your proposition:

Who’s cleaning up the problem from the “white community”?

Nuclear bombs, starting wars all over the place (Bush administration)
Not fighting world starvation (even though they have practically all the money and resources)

Clean up pollution


Crooked bankers and how they destroyed the economy. I could go on and on but the point is these are all social ailments that we all need to deal with and no one group can as you say “clean up their problems all by themselves

If blacks and Muslim communities have issues it’s because of the cause and affect of their historical experience: slavery and colonialism has resulted in social and political issues. No social or political evils come out of a vacuum.

For instance, there were no terroristic Muslims before the invasion of Iraq and 911.

The invasion of Iraq and 911 is the original sin in terms of the creation of this world wide jihadi terrorism

You are referring to things we have no direct control over. No single white citizen starts a war, etc. In this thread, we are talking about things the INDIVIDUAL has control over. The simple control of NOT DOING IT. Yes...the Bush administration started an illegal war. The wall street people screwed us over.

I as a single citizen can not stop any of the things you mentioned. I can stop myself from committing a crime...I can heavily influence my children to grow up to be good people and I can (and often do) influence my friends when their views are pro-evil...for lack of a better term.

I'm not asking for any black individual to end a war that they didn't start, I'm asking them to not riot. And if they all do so, it will stop. And by the way...I do everything I can to stop everything you mentioned. If I were God, our entire government would vanish and be replaced with a government of the people and for the people. The problem is...if I were that God and did just people would likely still riot. They have been made to believe they are victims. THAT as much as anything else, is part of the problem and those forcing them to believe that are their peers.

No one can fix that but them. If you have a better solution...please enlighten me.

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 03:03 PM
This thread should be under jokes and puns.

States laws vary on welfare, however, there are numerous exceptions to the work requirements.

The author of this thread failed to mention those exceptions, thus making their assertions patently false.

It should also be noted, every single claim the author has made, is not backed by any credible source.

edit on 14-7-2016 by GodEmperor because: sp

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 03:11 PM

originally posted by: Willtell
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE
If blacks and Muslim communities have issues it’s because of the cause and affect of their historical experience: slavery and colonialism has resulted in social and political issues. No social or political evils come out of a vacuum.

The only comment I can make about this. The Jewish community and the world over have been a target of hate forever by so many different groups I couldn't begin to count them. Nazi, Muslim, skinheads and quite a few right here on ATS that would wipe them out in a heartbeat if they could. They have been gassed, murdered and blown up from hundreds of years ago right up until today.

But they don't riot, commit violent crimes, not Father their children, etc. In fact, most Jewish people I know are very upstanding citizens with a strong family unit.

If the Jews could bear all that...and still do...why can't the black community get over something that none of those who are alive even experienced?

It is a weak argument...or excuse.

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 03:14 PM
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE

Wait a minute. You keep saying the black community should clean up this or that.

I turn it around on you and then you give me my own answer back to you!

Your making my point.

I agree black people and politicians need to concentrate more on black inner city crime

But that's a hard problem to solve. They need to attack it from many angles:
Stop poverty...get rid of the expose the kids to more ethical based teachings.

That, btw should apply to all communities

edit on 14-7-2016 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 03:17 PM

originally posted by: BLee8127
a reply to: theySeeme

You can't be racists against Muslims LMAO Muslim is NOT A RACE.

Which is why I put the word in quotes, pay attention.

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 03:17 PM

originally posted by: GodEmperor
This thread should be under jokes and puns.

States laws vary on welfare, however, there are numerous exceptions to the work requirements.

The author of this thread failed to mention those exceptions, thus making their assertions patently false.

It should also be noted, every single claim the author has made, is not backed by any credible source.

Every single claim is not backed by credible sources? Please explain.

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 03:21 PM
a reply to: Willtell

Yup...but every other community has avoided those problems. We as a country have done billions of dollars worth of work and investment to correct these problems in one community and one community only. If we have done our part, and if the government has done its part, and the problem still only one community...where does the problem exist? Who is not doing their part?

Poverty doesn't lead to gangs. I've been poor...I've never joined a gang. I've never been a drug addict, a dealer, a criminal and I've never rioted. White, Jewish, Amish, Asian, Muslim (with the terrorist exception) only find these things in black and Latino communities.

Again...what else can any external force do that wouldn't be horribly racist like arresting their "leaders" (who we know is a big part of the problem) and literally forcing the people to act like they should? NOTE...I'M NOT SUGGESTING THAT...I'm saying...what haven't we already done?

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 03:30 PM
WHITE people have bombed them twice now can we ALL get on that soon?
Hillary won't cut it or Trump either.
NO candidate can effect that great a change passed the lies and hostility on each side,but when shooting starts, the clarity of nasty answers to such challenges become obvious.
Protesting isn't going to work ...explaining why I never do it.
I KNOW what works,I just won't harm anyone without personal peril ,BEYOND MY SKILLS or number to handle.
I WOULD never kill for heritage over country THAT is suicide to challenge America over skin,WAY to epicly lose and die, the narrative will paint you a villain EVERYTIME.

a reply to: Willtell

edit on 14-7-2016 by cavtrooper7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: cavtrooper7

Dude...I read your last post, looked at your avatar and then read your signature. Then I read your location...Colorado Springs and nearly pissed myself laughing! No offence...just caught me off guard.

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 03:40 PM
Target #1 in America,5 military basesin the same town,I'M 2nd gen....YEAH.a reply to: WeAreAWAKE

edit on 14-7-2016 by cavtrooper7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 03:45 PM
a reply to: cavtrooper7

Yeah...but Colorado Springs? That is like Satan coming to enslave all of mankind, rising from the Dollywood

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 03:45 PM
a reply to: theySeeme

A growing percentage of felons killed by police are white, and a declining percentage are black. Race of felons killed 1978 50% White 49% Black 1988 59% White 39% Black 1998 62% White 35% Black

Your first lie has been exposed.

The second point you claimed, is misleading at best. The first problem is, you make a blanket statement, the majority of any race do not protest; so your blanket statement is patently false. Using anecdotal evidence, to support a blanket statement will not cut it.

Your third point, which is another propaganda talking point, is also another lie.

The fact is, Blacks see a higher unemployment rate; I would not assume it is due to choice. It is pure propaganda what you are claiming to be an idea people on ATS share; which is ignorant and bigoted.

Next is another lie, 'hands up don't shoot'; there is no evidence. Making a claim that this is a myth, is a lie because YOU cannot prove otherwise.

The rest of your points are pure ignorance. Only a small minority of people actually believe the points you are making; and I have yet to see any ATS member support any of those claims.

Now, I would like to ask you; WHERE IS YOUR EVIDENCE. Show me some posts of ATS members making these claims.

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 03:52 PM

originally posted by: GodEmperor
a reply to: theySeeme

A growing percentage of felons killed by police are white, and a declining percentage are black. Race of felons killed 1978 50% White 49% Black 1988 59% White 39% Black 1998 62% White 35% Black

How dense. The data you are showing is is from 1978 to 1998. Secondly, this data is incomplete as admitted by Director of the FBI and the Attorney general, they admit (as have several police chiefs) that there is no requirement for departments to report civilian casualties to anyone, so much of the data is missing.

Here is the Attorney General quoting the Director of the FBI (James Comey). If you are calling these two liars, perhaps you need to make a topic on this HUGE conspiracy that they are lying about this - it would overthrow the government.

But hey, you can ignore facts when they are right in your face if you want, it has no baring on me, you are the one missing out.

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: theySeeme

While your post was logical and informative...both Comey and Lynch are now proven liars and part of the government conspiracy. So...grain of salt.

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 03:56 PM

originally posted by: WeAreAWAKE
a reply to: theySeeme

While your post was logical and informative...both Comey and Lynch are now proven liars and part of the government conspiracy. So...grain of salt.

Ok, so if they are lying by saying no one keeps statistics -- can you tell me what government/federal agency is counting bodies dropped by police? FBI says there is none, AG says there is none, the entire Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations have all said there is none. so what is it?

I'll bet if these two liars said police ARE keeping track, you'd say they were telling the truth - but since it doesn't fit the narrative, they must be lying.

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