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Social Engineering: Proof That Media Exposure Can Warp Gender Identity In Adult Men

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posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 05:25 PM
a reply to: Majic

Fine. But as an outsider to Bronyism I can look right at it and see the blatent problems arising from it, how it pertains to the bigger picture, etc.

If you have an socio-emotional bond with it you're effectively incapable of seeing such. Conversely, where you should see something wrong, instead your subconscious mind denies it to your conscious, and then your dopamine centers light up thus rewarding you not unlike when a dope fiend gets a fix:

The neuroimaging results, however, revealed that the part of the brain most associated with reasoning--the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex--was quiescent. Most active were the orbital frontal cortex, which is involved in the processing of emotions; the anterior cingulate, which is associated with conflict resolution; the posterior cingulate, which is concerned with making judgments about moral accountability; and--once subjects had arrived at a conclusion that made them emotionally comfortable--the ventral striatum, which is related to reward and pleasure.

"We did not see any increased activation of the parts of the brain normally engaged during reasoning," Westen is quoted as saying in an Emory University press release. "What we saw instead was a network of emotion circuits lighting up, including circuits hypothesized to be involved in regulating emotion, and circuits known to be involved in resolving conflicts." Interestingly, neural circuits engaged in rewarding selective behaviors were activated. "Essentially, it appears as if partisans twirl the cognitive kaleidoscope until they get the conclusions they want, and then they get massively reinforced for it, with the elimination of negative emotional states and activation of positive ones," Westen said.

Here's the full study:
Motivated political reasoning An fMRI study of partisan motivated reasoning
Till my dying day I will urge every human to ever live to read that REAL well if they want to have any hope of ever understanding how their brains work, if they ever want to take any semblance of control of it. It's the basis of my 'Pure Agnostic" philosophical world view (where the truth is always in the middle, and grand scale (leader driven) social groups are always mind controlling).

Now note that the study was particular to politically biased people. But all that is saying is people whom adhere to a large social group with group leaders. Bronyism is a social group, its "politicians' are the cartoon characters AND the makers, therefore this study should be entirely relevant here.
edit on 13-6-2016 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 05:25 PM
this is the funniest #ed up # ive ever seen. These clowns could make big pharma rich....taking every med for mental issues trying to find the right one...cause its obvious they have many issues in their porridge bowl of a head.

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 05:36 PM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

Oh the irony. But as I indicated earlier, to the extent this becomes a circular exercise, which it most certainly is, I hope to disappoint.

May The Horse Be With You.

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 05:43 PM
a reply to: Majic

That's just pure insulting now; while you are a self-professed bronyite.

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss
That's the stupidest 'ethnic' comeback ever:
'If you're uncomfortable having gay culture shoved down your / your childrens throats its because you MUST be a closet gay yourself.'

Would be like saying to a Christian:
'If you're uncomfortable having Buddhism shoved down your / your childrens throats its because you MUST be closet Buddhist yourself.'

Or to a Communist:
'If you're uncomfortable having Capitalism shoved down your / your childrens throats its because you MUST be closet Capitalist yourself.'

Or to an Amish:
'If you're uncomfortable having Technology shoved down your / your childrens throats its because you MUST be closet Technologist yourself.'

Therefore, if you think pulling that tired old fallacious line makes you look intelligent, guess again.

You clearly didn't read the study at the top of this page. Disappointing.

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 07:21 PM
Me and my neighbor friend here were discussing this further. I'm disturbed, she's upset.

Two Liberal Feminazi Hipsters right here, W side of (US Communist Capital) Chicago and everything!

And friend is a JEW!

And we both look "butch" I'm sure - because it's HOT here. We're both straight. We just don't care about looks or "gender norms" either.

Could you imagine someone striking out at you, if you are (or ID as) female, just because you "look butch"?


What the F? I don't see men washing their cars in tuxedos.

We are, and all friends like us, very educated, not "traditional women", we are the "career women" (not all is a cheesy corporate stereotype either), in all fields, and some of us are just flat out slackers and make no bones of it. Whatever our reasons, for most of us, we know we're not cut out for that. And several all across this demographic may also cite health reasons for a reason for not reproducing.

And this is bad, why?

We do you wrong, how?

As far as I can see, the only people who care about Manly Men and Motherly Women are the ones treating you like animals to be bred so they can make $ off your back.

edit on 13-6-2016 by FalseMove because: Typos

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 07:36 PM

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

That's just pure insulting now; while you are a self-professed bronyite.

I am not a "self-professed bronyite", just a fan of the show. I actually go out of my way not to label myself as a "brony", a policy I have adhered to for over five years.

That false assumption is yet another of many departures from reality upon which this thread is based, and emblematic of the problems which result when you substitute imagination for facts and attempt to make the discussion about other people instead of the topic itself.

To the extent my earlier posts led you to believe I wanted you to speculate about me and weave it into the false narrative you have developed here, my mistake.

I have referred twice to psychological projection, which can be construed as an insult, but it's not intended that way, just an observation about what seems to be driving the frenzy. People who aren't fixated on a subject don't tend to go off on it like this, and that fixation comes from somewhere.

The stridency, urgent tone and nature of this thread's premise coupled with the need to define outgroups to denigrate convincingly drive the "projection" hypothesis, though admittedly that's just how it looks, and no one can really know another -- let alone ourselves -- in the context of an Internet discussion board.

Indeed, going even just a little down the ad hominem road inevitably leads nowhere, as I have seen it do thousands of times over the years, and as it inevitably will here. I grew weary of such games long ago, hence my lack of interest in dancing that tango any further.

If you really believe what you are saying, you only work against it by burying it under hyperbole, misdirection and attacks against those who question your beliefs.

You have stated your opinions and I have stated mine. All the hand-waving, sniping and badgering beyond that is unconvincing, tedious and pointless. If my unwillingness to play along with your transparent attempts to discredit me for daring to disagree disappoints you, please remember that I did express the desire to do just that, which gives your "disappointment" a certain poignance.

As always, irony abounds.

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 08:00 PM

originally posted by: Majic
That false assumption is yet another of many departures from reality upon which this thread is based, and emblematic of the problems which result when you substitute imagination for facts and attempt to make the discussion about other people instead of the topic itself.

Yet you represent by sporting the logo. You're in here in defense of the group. You've shown nothing but admiration for the creators. You the wise one (I'll give you that) did turn this into an ad hominem showdown.

Note I did make up a softer "bronyite" term for you, to be reasonable.

I have referred twice to psychological projection, which can be construed as an insult, but it's not intended that way, just an observation about what seems to be driving the frenzy. People who aren't fixated on a subject don't tend to go off on it like this, and that fixation comes from somewhere.

Projection = "homophobe card" (which is insinuating someone is whatever it is they are criticizing), which I've delt with here exceedingly (did quite well impromtu as have never actually had that thrown at me before).

The stridency, urgent tone and nature of this thread's premise coupled with the need to define outgroups to denigrate convincingly drive the "projection" hypothesis, though admittedly that's just how it looks, and no one can really know another -- let alone ourselves -- in the context of an Internet discussion board.

It IS an urgent matter (targeting kids with a education+news media+governmental+social media quadra-punch approach to socially engineering kids into 'whatever'), and Ive already spent too much time on it so am trying to get thru it quickly while hopefully bringing new insights to the arena. I seriously never even had time for my "spit on soldiers" thread, but then took note of this major ordeal going on in the process and got sucked into it.

Note that before a couple weeks ago I never knew about "SJW", so had no cause against them as a group. I was aware of the "SJ" concept, and as a staunch libertarian (note the lower case "l") I've never had cause to weigh in on anything to do with LGTB. Dont ram it down my throat, dont hurt others or their property (with anything I'm getting at here), and I dont care what people do.

You see while everybody else around here has been thru its incremental evolution the past few years, this stuff is all of the sudden hitting me all at once (in light of all the stuff I knew/know from my massive work of years past).

Likewise, the LGTBQRS world is purely all "Moral Emotional Wedge Issue" material, the type of stuff I disdain mucking up national politics / diverting us from tyranny that affects US all / etc. Anyone familiar with my years of work would recall it's always been one of my big things to openly lament in how we get dividing and conquered.

I'm not against liberals or conservatives, can appreciate what appeals to folks from both viewpoints (although via that brain scan study I do advocate breaking away from the group think party mentality that comes with all self-adhering to grand scale groups). I AM against the Republican & Democrat political parties as a result.

So spare me the ad hominem angling.

I'm only in this moral emotional wedge issue because they're uncompromisingly & unapologetically targeting little children (right on down to kindergarten).


I have no social group think adherence driving me to all of this.

I have a disdain for the harming of kids, social engineering in general, one sided uncompromising (appeal to emotions) bigotry (which is what I'm witnessing by the SJW now that I've taken note of it)... INJUSTICE (where SJW tries to ram their agenda by appealing to group rights, I the ultimate posterchild of individuality am against this as all humans should have their rights as individuals not because of what group they are in). I'm the guy who when a minivan flips over upside down in the middle of an stretched out sort of intersection, and 50+ cars full of people all sit there and gawk (instead of get out there and help), it's me they're all so busy watching sprint 60' and go in and pull out the heavyset elderly lady.

The irony of my "posterchild of individuality" claim is that a poster of me wouldn't much reveal it, but an hour hanging out with me in my world 'of my own creation' where I live and work, nobody could doubt I'm truly one of a kind. I prove everyday you dont have to dress up in costumes or costume'esque clothes to be an individual (on the contrary, rarely does such not ensure you into a group; group being the opposite of individual). By not truly being a PART of any specific group is at the core of said individuality. I could go on for hours like this, but will wrap it up with one of my favorite personal sayings: "When you're me, everybody is YOU PEOPLE" (yet I still have my own people).

So good luck dismissing me folks.
edit on 13-6-2016 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 09:17 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss
a reply to: Annee

I asked your lot again and again and never got a coherent explanation.

Complete BS.

You refuse to listen. You keep the blinders on.

You're one of those that states "this is what it is" - - - and if you don't get the answer you want - - you state its because poster refuses to answer it.

You refuse to accept answers given.

Is that not what you are continually doing ??

Conditioning, programming, circumstance ARE a huge part of the makeup of every person, but you would deny it exists entirely in the sexual realm!!!

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 10:03 PM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

Dude youre being a tool of divide and conquer can you not see that? Youre thinking other people are living the lives they wanna live as some grand conspiracy of programming... instead of self acceptance tired of not being accepted for who they are as we are guarunteed that in... life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The people wanting to steal life, freedom, and others right to pursue happy is who youre being a tool for.

It isnt for attention its people just saying forget the fake plastic facade of being people expect you to be and just being themselves, of course people wanting cogs all alike for a machine is what youre actually arguing for...

If you cant see that then thats cognitive dissonance youve drank your own poison and have found a group and nonsense to back it up. How about finding some studies about what youre actually promoting and look that up. Its fascism incase you cant see it clearly cause your heads too far up other peoples backsides to see whats going on with you... thats not meant to be an insult, but as another poster pointed out, youre fixated and hyperfocused on something and reaching for some reality that isnt there... this is individuality people that have said im gonna be myself because living by what other people expect or want as a person doesnt bring me any happiness at all.

Yeah sounds selfish... but not everyone wants to play pretend of the same flavor which is really selfish to expect... and thats the thing, people are expecting people to live how they want them to be... can you live up to all your own expectations? Seriously have you achieved all your self expectations? Its likely not as thats damned near impossible, now try living up to everyones expectations on top of that or being expected to drop all of yours in servitude of another without consent. Thats slavery there no life, liberty, or freedom to pursue happiness in that, unless dictated by anyone except you. Thats why its fascist totalitarianism...

Take the reigns man and drop the reich.

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 10:31 PM

originally posted by: ParasuvO

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss
a reply to: Annee

I asked your lot again and again and never got a coherent explanation.

Complete BS.

You refuse to listen. You keep the blinders on.

You're one of those that states "this is what it is" - - - and if you don't get the answer you want - - you state its because poster refuses to answer it.

You refuse to accept answers given.

Is that not what you are continually doing ??

Conditioning, programming, circumstance ARE a huge part of the makeup of every person, but you would deny it exists entirely in the sexual realm!!!

Where'd that come from?

My response to IB covers multiple threads. And he knows it.

Are humans (ALL humans) susceptible to suggestion, environment, media, etc. Of course.

Give me a serious, realistic thread and we can discuss it.

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 11:14 PM
a reply to: Annee

I think it was you who insisted on me explaining my "Pure Agnosticism" reference. Well here it is:
"Socio Agnosticism": My Own Unique Worldview + (un)Religion [true anti-bias]

Good to see you finally concede to any possibility whatsoever to any thing I have brought up in these few threads now. I'll take that as progress!
edit on 13-6-2016 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2016 @ 12:40 AM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: awareness10
a reply to: peppycat

Probably not, but that's how subliminals work, you don't have to think you just watch.

Just wait till the transgender, cis gender, planet gender and what other gender benders people can dream up cartoons come out.

I liked Garfield.

I don't watch Garfield anymore, i grew out of it.

I never got Garfield.

I think he reminds me of Donald Trump.

Couldn't resist

posted on Jun, 14 2016 @ 01:05 AM

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss
a reply to: Annee

I think it was you who insisted on me explaining my "Pure Agnosticism" reference. Well here it is:
"Socio Agnosticism": My Own Unique Worldview + (un)Religion [true anti-bias]

Good to see you finally concede to any possibility whatsoever to any thing I have brought up in these few threads now. I'll take that as progress!

You do understand Atheist means only Lack of Belief in a God. It is not anti-God. No true atheist would declare there is no God.

Agnostic - - real meaning is: "God can not be proven or disproven".

I read your link. A lot of rambling that really didn't make any sense.


Agnosticism, in fact, is not a creed, but a method, the essence of which lies in the rigorous application of a single principle. That principle is of great antiquity; it is as old as Socrates; as old as the writer who said, 'Try all things, hold fast by that which is good'; it is the foundation of the Reformation, which simply illustrated the axiom that every man should be able to give a reason for the faith that is in him, it is the great principle of Descartes; it is the fundamental axiom of modern science. Positively the principle may be expressed: In matters of the intellect, follow your reason as far as it will take you, without regard to any other consideration. And negatively: In matters of the intellect, do not pretend that conclusions are certain which are not demonstrated or demonstrable. That I take to be the agnostic faith, which if a man keep whole and undefiled, he shall not be ashamed to look the universe in the face, whatever the future may have in store for him.

edit on 14-6-2016 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2016 @ 01:07 AM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Bluesma
It sounds like transexuals and crossdressing is such a big topic in the US right now.... but it hasn't been here! I'm in a very rural part of south france! Nobody knows Caitlyn Jenner, nor worries about who uses which bathroom.

Just please understand Crossdressers and Transgenders are not even close to the same thing.

There are men who like to dress in women's clothing.

A transgenders brain (as do ours) tells them what Gender they are. But, their physical body is opposite.

I think its becoming more visible because homosexual have "broken down the doors", so to speak. People are feeling more free, and don't need to hide.

My grandpa was a crossdresser (in secret). He was hetero. I am aware of the difference. But in just seeing men I do not know intimately dressed as women, I cannot judge what their things is- hence my using both terms as possibilities.

There is the possibility that people are feeling more free in general... but that is why I mentioned no women seem to be feeling more free to cross dress. I am the probably the only woman in this town I have seen step out at the store wearing my jeans, button down shirt, roper boots, and occasionally, spurs- all filthy because I've been working with the horses.
That tends to shock people and I have been openly laughed at.

According to Freud, there should be a lot of women with penis envy out there, just dying to feel free enough....

Again, this is South France! The country still does not allow gay marriage, gay adoption of children, or surrogate mothers. I haven't seen any big changes in attitude in the last 24 years- and certainly not out back in this rural area!

posted on Jun, 14 2016 @ 01:16 AM

originally posted by: Bluesma
Again, this is South France! The country still does not allow gay marriage, gay adoption of children, or surrogate mothers. I haven't seen any big changes in attitude in the last 24 years- and certainly not out back in this rural area!

I think I'd have a problem.

I was raised with an open mind and about zero rules.

posted on Jun, 14 2016 @ 01:19 AM
a reply to: Annee

listen here ANNEE you will not be making me watch "my little pony" AKA "my little Satan" ever!

posted on Jun, 14 2016 @ 01:27 AM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Bluesma
Again, this is South France! The country still does not allow gay marriage, gay adoption of children, or surrogate mothers. I haven't seen any big changes in attitude in the last 24 years- and certainly not out back in this rural area!

I think I'd have a problem.

I was raised with an open mind and about zero rules.

So was I. I was not allowed to go to any church, not allowed to pledge allegence to the flag, my parents had an open marriage, were a threesome for a while, had lovers of both sexes. Sex, drugs and rock and roll didn't have any limits from what I grew up around.

But then, compared with that, even other parts of the US seemed very closed minded, so this doesn't seem that worse off than what I observed in Montana, for example.

I have a problem, in that I do not have a proper social conduct conditioning, so no matter where I am, I have to analyze and try to figure out what is acceptable there and what isn't, which causes cognitive overload. I'd like to just sort of automatically fit in without having to think so much.

But that's getting off subject.

Anyway, I told my husband if he feels the urge to cross , I want to help him with his make up. It would be great fun.

posted on Jun, 14 2016 @ 01:30 AM

originally posted by: TechniXcality
a reply to: Annee

listen here ANNEE you will not be making me watch "my little pony" AKA "my little Satan" ever!


Here, try the Deviant Art Version of Pinkie Pie.

posted on Jun, 14 2016 @ 01:35 AM

originally posted by: Bluesma
I have a problem, in that I do not have a proper social conduct conditioning, so no matter where I am, I have to analyze and try to figure out what is acceptable there and what isn't, which causes cognitive overload. I'd like to just sort of automatically fit in without having to think so much.

But that's getting off subject.

Anyway, I told my husband if he feels the urge to cross , I want to help him with his make up. It would be great fun.

LOL, You win

I have/had kinda the same problem. There should be a limit to just how much freedom and exposure a kid gets.

It sucks to be a kid and try to figure out your own limits and which rules to follow.

That's not a kids job. That's the parents job.

I did go to church, ALL of them. My mom believed in Many Paths. You have to have exposure to figure out which is the right one for you.

edit on 14-6-2016 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2016 @ 01:36 AM
a reply to: Annee

hey that's actually some good work.. Oh # im screwed now..

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