a reply to:
Lots of children drink poison and don't die people are bit by poisonous snakes and don't die...
But really that was saying more that you would be protected from evil being done to you purposefully...
But I don't expect you to be able to understand or interpret this properly...
Also Noah and the Ark I'm sure there is somewhat of a tall tale but I believe that this was done to ensure survival...
Nor do I assume that only those on the Ark survived for other scriptures say things like there where giants on the earth in those days before Noah
and after...
So clearly not everything else was wiped out...
I don't recall a year passing by either...
A lot of insects can survive in water...
I'm sure many crevices would have been ideal for insects even...
But than again there are also the watchers that are mentioned those who had abilities beyond man...
It is possible the Ark was a dna bank or that the watchers took part in insuring life was saved...
Nor do I have to believe that the entire earth flooded only the land that contained the tainted bloodline need be destroyed...
This bloodline could have been contained in the area Noah lived in...
Remember it's all about perspective...
if the entire land mass they lived on was flooded then all of the earth was flooded on that land mass...
I'm sure some confusion is involved here on the part of many involved in the passing on of an ancient story...
The flood itself and the animals are not what interests me... What is important to me is the tainted bloodline and why it had to be destroyed...
edit on 12-5-2016 by 5StarOracle because: Word