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Did Jesus Ever Really Intend For "Christianity"?

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posted on May, 13 2016 @ 04:59 PM
a reply to: solongandgoodnight

This certainly provokes many questions?

Did Jesus Ever Really Intend For "Christianity?

If we assume that Jesus did not exist in form, only a creation of humanities delusion of self to create the division of a superior force ABOVE humanity a controlling influence to separate beliefs that would divide our species eternally as long as humans exist?

So our barbaric nature to battle alternative beliefs, would then formulate an endless power struggle of belief within the beliefs of all humanity for infinity? A sobering thought.

But then why would an initial belief of the bringing together of all our diverse being to a place of mutual love, compassion and understanding become such an unachievable goal in our brief to date existence?

Then also why would we have such an ideal in the first place deeply embedded within our emotional make up that could and possibly has been manipulated for our eventual downfall, as our common links and non-verbalised forms of communication are rapidly losing the balance to advances that consistently divide our co-existence on a planetary level that few even acknowledge as a source of concern, as our blind consent is bewildering as a species that initially and still has a chance of building, a planetary, to start with, equality and diversity of profound levels of existence/being!!!!

It then poses a question to us all as a collective intelligence, as to why this is not enabled and consented to.

It is the time, today, now, to ask why we adhere and consent to ignorance rather than being the truth unfolding, to realise finally, for the sake of all Humanity, who and what and where and why?

Jesus or not? Christianity or not? are the initial questions, but consent or not is possibly the ultimate reality.

posted on May, 13 2016 @ 05:24 PM
a reply to: solongandgoodnight

I'm not religious for the record...

No Jesus did not wan't anything to do with any type of religion. He had his own beliefs. Christianity didn't come out until 250 years after Jesus' death. Jesus couldn't even write or read, he was illiterate. He didn't want to know how to write or read, he was a very spiritual person and didn't want anything to do with the status quo.
edit on 13-5-2016 by BLee8127 because: (no reason given)

Sorry I kinda misunderstood, No I believe Jesus would be ashamed if he was alive today of all the religions in the world because they are all wrong.
edit on 13-5-2016 by BLee8127 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2016 @ 09:05 PM
First the Christian story was not "new" to the people of the 1st and 2nd century. Savior gods who die and rise again for human sins, born of a virgin, even the Carpenter God motif was popular then.

Second the first bishops in Christianity were the ones pushing for church and a power structure. The Dead Sea Scrolls show that Bishop Iraeneous was constantly feuding with various sects of Gnostic Christians who were against the church structure, and wanted equal power for everyone. This is around 150AD. So there were dozens and dozens of different sects, some who were far more spiritual and were against the literal readings of the Bishops. They knew the resurrection was a metaphor and were against the church making it into a supernatural spectacle that they could exploit for power.

All of this was wiped clean when the Bishops got the power they wanted and any other view was destroyed and made illegal. Simply calling other sects heretics allowed the church to execute any competitors.

There is no info outside the gospels of the reality of Jesus but if he was a real man he was not looking to build that version of Christianity.

posted on May, 13 2016 @ 10:44 PM
a reply to: solongandgoodnight

Let me tell you this, at first flat out confusion, then disgust, then appalled, and then fully realized that the Anti-Christ IS "Jesus" and they are doing everything they can to tell the masses that because he is not going to "turn the other cheek" this time, that it must be some "devil".

Jesus will annihilate Christianity and every other religion from the pages of time, and write a NEW chapter, wherein everything is balanced completely, and limitlessly.

And for those who stand in the way, professing from the dark damaged states.........the repairs being done even now are quite scathing, are they not ??

posted on May, 13 2016 @ 11:44 PM
Jesus was a simple man. Much of his story has been embellished. He was far from perfect, he made many mistakes. When the higher consciousness Christed him, he did the best he could to manifest the message of love and understanding. He dealt with the same feelings we all deal with in our lives. Doubt, pain, anxiety and fear were common themes in his daily existence. He found his courage by living in the moment. His was an instinctual existence after being tapped. By living in the now he found his courage. So many of you miss his simple but profound message, which was love. He had no desire for war. No desire for dogma. No desire for control. He simply wanted us all to understand that we were a reflection of the consciousness and in that we are a way for it to know itself.

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 02:02 AM
It is important to notice that the disciples of Jesus believed they will be part of the worldly kingdom where Jesus will be the King. There are records showing that the disciples argued among themselves who will be the highest position when Jesus's kingdom comes.

And then Pope Francis says Jesus failed. Because he died before he could successfully build his worldly kingdom of heaven.

This is the philosophy of the New World Order.

Jesus had worldly desire to build his own kingdom or at least conveyed such an idea to his disciples however whimsical it may have been.

When he realized it was not a viable solution he resorted to the next life.

The Vatican Catholics picked up the worldly desire of Jesus from the record of the Bible. And they believe that they will build the world where Jesus (or his reincarnated figure) will be the King. They are working on it right now very hard.

You have to realize how a minute desire of the authority figure can be magnified to such a great evil when it was transformed into a religion. On the other hand, Buddha in Buddhism will never allow such a world dominating religion following his teachings by any means.

So the seed of evil was there.

The ones who have eyes to see and ears to listen will understand what this message means.

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 11:06 AM
a reply to: solongandgoodnight

I'm not a Christian solongandgoodnight - but that doesn't mean that I don't come away from Christianity with something

A new way of looking at our humanity, of how we treat each other...there have been plenty of people that have come and gone trying to make us see that we can be better

If Jesus was never real at all what does it matter?

If he was real? His message was still corrupted or ignored by some. It was embraced and fully realized by others

It's what we intend that matters - in the here and now

edit on 5/14/2016 by Spiramirabilis because: double negatives! Doubly :-)

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 11:26 AM
IN a way, the very last true Christians were the Anchorites, who died off, about at the dawn of the Fifth Century. These clowns sat upon pillars, so that they would be the first one's to be raptured up into the heavens, when Christ returned. Along about this time, a four Lama legation from Tibet, traveled to Rome, shared their teachings, and demanded that the Pope stop teaching his debased version of their Buddhism. But the Pope was comfortable and blew them off.

Much later, when the Sistine Chapel was under construction, the then Pope, gave a leather folder with a bunch of old predictions to the artists who did the twelve side panels, as a progression to the end of the world. The ceiling is only a distraction here. How much if any of those Lamas' teachings are now on those walls, is anyone's guess.

but what we do know, is that every time they elect a new Pope, the College of Cardinals meets here and contemplates these twelve side panels, as they take their votes. So IMO, there's been at least a flavor of Tibetan Buddhism, in every Papal Conclave, in there. These Tibetans didn't have any Dark Ages, as they have always endured freezing weather, up in their mountains. How much has the Christian Church adjusted Biblical Prophecies to mesh with the older and purer Tibetan ones. So when Jesus taught about a second coming, was he speaking of himself,or as the Spirit of Maitreya. And to really see those twelve Sistine side panels, you still have to look at them through the eyes of the Renaissance artists who were handed those old prophecies, and then converted them into Visuals.

I have an old work mate who took photos of these in Rome, before he was run off. I'll try and get over and get some copies.made. The Church is very serious about not having these photographed, by the tourists. He didn't know this, and was using an early ambient light camera, so they didn't see what he was doing, quick enough.

So for the last 5000 years or so, there's been a vision of a Golden Age coming around a new Millennium. The Indians have the most descriptive, in their Kali Yuga Prophecies of a Golden Age, arriving in another few hundred years. But you won't have any "Golden Ages" with over ten Billion Souls, living on this Planet. So we all have to be put through a very large 'wringer', before then.

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 05:09 PM
Humanity Murdered Jesus, Wrote a Book about it, and In return they think A God that they killed will save them..

You Mother F*ckers are stupid!! Hail Satan!!

edit on 14-5-2016 by TheLordOfFlies23 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 10:11 AM

originally posted by: Rapha
He was intended to be the way back to Heaven. Only through Him can a person gain access to the paradise that is available in Heaven.
Otherwise, everyone who turns away from Him wants hell. Many people say that this world is hell. Hence reincarnation proves that they are correct.

A sinner who has turned away from Jesus is damned to be reborn in this hell, surrounded by the 4 Riders of the Apocalypse doing overtime everyday.

There is a time limit though while His door is open. When it is closed every person that dies will be reborn as a zombie.

And, here is my problem with that :

Are you going to tell me that a tribal member in say...the remote Amazon, never having contact with outsiders, never knowing of Jesus and his teachings. Never knowing that the "only" way to heaven is through Christ, you're telling me that this person is going to Hell?

Seriously. What if they lived the best life, by anyone's standards. Never hurt anyone, never murdered, never committed adultery...yadda yadda yadda.... They're going to Hell?

Look, I'm a believer, but I'm also a realist.

I do not believe that Christ ever intended for his words to be twisted into a controlling organized religion. He wanted people to have freedom of choice, but follow God's word because they WANT to. Not through coercion. Telling someone that they MUST attend a Church, is akin to coercing them. Telling them that they MUST believe in Christ is the same thing.

Not arguing that the Bible says that believing in Jesus will get you before the Father. BUT it never says that is they ONLY way. It says in John :

John 3:36

Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.

To me, that means that if you believe you have eternal life, but it does not follow with another "believe" it says OBEY.

Also to me, that means the word of Christ is more important, and even more importantly still would be the practice of those words. And that, can be done without ever hearing them. Most of what Jesus said was "Be a decent human being" I think deep down we all know right from wrong, and it's the willingness to stay on the right path, and not the wrong one that means everything.

I do not think that God would send Atheist.... to Hell when they lived a completely admirable life other than not believing.

I simply do not believe that.

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 11:04 AM

originally posted by: poncho1982
And, here is my problem with that :

Are you going to tell me that a tribal member in say...the remote Amazon, never having contact with outsiders, never knowing of Jesus and his teachings. Never knowing that the "only" way to heaven is through Christ, you're telling me that this person is going to Hell?

I do not think that God would send Atheist.... to Hell when they lived a completely admirable life other than not believing.

I simply do not believe that.

Who said anything about the guy in the Amazon actually being human ?

Seriously, if a demon has had enough with Christians, then they will probably want to be born into a host body that lives in the Amazon away from religious dogma in a tax-payer hell-hole city.

However, there will come a day where every spirit and angel will be judged. Now that spirit, in the amazon will be judged as a good spirit. However, if it committed any sin during its existence, then it will not have the ultimate lawyer standing by their side, that being Jesus Christ. They are then pretty much screwed.

Same goes for atheists. They might know every man-made law. However, those man-made laws are worthless when put up against the ultimate immortal Judge of the Universe. Oh know it sounds so cheezy.

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 11:35 AM
The entire Biblical story is designed to make you to obey unconditionally to whoever wrote the story and advertising the story to the world. It succeeded pretty good. The priests are the ones doing the job and they listen to your sin confessions and be the controllers of your life. There is no hell. There is no heaven. Read the book "Alien Interview" edited by Lawrence Spencer. Unless you create one by yourself, there is no hell. But humans are designed to create drama and like to be "sincere and devoted" player of it otherwise there is not much thing to do with their lives. They use that tendency of humans for the bait of spiritual slavery. But the truth is that your soul reincarnates if you wish to do so. As long as you are obsessed with and have desires for sexual intimacy, you will be reborn. Your sexual desire is your ticket for new life. So the bible script writers who knew everything about your soul used that as a precept for proclaiming original sin and control. But sexual desire is not a sin. Without it, there will be no human race exist in the world. So you know it is a deception.
So Buddha says once you are completely free from all kinds of worldly desires like love, hate, possession, power etc, you will be free and you will reach nirvana and don't have to come back for another life.

But then of course Buddha defines "life" as equal to "pain". So if you want another life, it is all yours.

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 11:39 AM
Don't think anyone would intend for a massive death cult to persist for thousands of years after they croak.

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 09:09 PM
For the love of Jesus how long will this thread go on

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 10:51 PM
a reply to: Rapha

It there will come a day when you die and thatts the end of it all. Unfortunately when the athiets are right we won't be able to say I told you so.

posted on May, 16 2016 @ 06:11 AM

originally posted by: Rapha

originally posted by: poncho1982
And, here is my problem with that :

Are you going to tell me that a tribal member in say...the remote Amazon, never having contact with outsiders, never knowing of Jesus and his teachings. Never knowing that the "only" way to heaven is through Christ, you're telling me that this person is going to Hell?

I do not think that God would send Atheist.... to Hell when they lived a completely admirable life other than not believing.

I simply do not believe that.

Who said anything about the guy in the Amazon actually being human ?

Seriously, if a demon has had enough with Christians, then they will probably want to be born into a host body that lives in the Amazon away from religious dogma in a tax-payer hell-hole city.

However, there will come a day where every spirit and angel will be judged. Now that spirit, in the amazon will be judged as a good spirit. However, if it committed any sin during its existence, then it will not have the ultimate lawyer standing by their side, that being Jesus Christ. They are then pretty much screwed.

Same goes for atheists. They might know every man-made law. However, those man-made laws are worthless when put up against the ultimate immortal Judge of the Universe. Oh know it sounds so cheezy.

I love how you left out the key part of my post that negates everything you just said.

John 3:36

Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.

To me, that means that if you believe you have eternal life, but it does not follow with another "believe" it says OBEY.

No, I do not think that Jesus would abandon those who had never heard his words.

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 02:43 PM
Good Lord, what a wacky thread! I regret that I am unable to do more than skim this f-a-s-c-I-n-a-t-I-n-g discussion.

The best evidence as to who Jesus thought he was and what he was intending to accomplish are the New Testament documents written in the immediate aftermath of his death (some of Paul's letters are the earliest documents) and the organization of the Christian community in the immediate aftermath of his death. I will grant that First Century Christianity bears little resemblance to what "Christianity" had become just a few hundred years later and virtually no resemblance to what "Christianity" has become today. There are many who believe that Constantine's official endorsement of Christianity in 313 A.D. is what set the religion off on a path entirely different from what Jesus had intended, culminating in the sad state of affairs that is "Christianity" today. But the core doctrines were all there in the immediate aftermath of Jesus' death, and even characters like his brother James, who had not believed in him at all, became devout followers and were willing to die gruesome deaths rather than renounce their beliefs. The best scholarship has established that the divinity of Jesus was one of the earliest Christian doctrines and that a conviction in the reality of the Resurrection is really the only thing that will account for what took place in the immediate aftermath of his death. I don't think there can be any reasonable doubt that Jesus believed he was the messiah and intended a worldwide transformation in Jews' and gentiles' attitudes toward God. He may not have viewed himself as "divine" in the same way the doctrine of the Trinity does nor intended to establish a formal new religion, and he surely didn't envision anything like the "Christianity" of today, but I believe First Century Christianity does provide strong clues as to what he did intend. It may be trendy to jump on the latest lunatic fringe bandwagon, but serious scholarship has pretty well established what Jesus and First Century Christianity were all about.

posted on May, 24 2016 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: solongandgoodnight

In my opinion I think not. I often find it amusing to see the very noticeable similarities between typically Catholic/orthodox church and the pharisees that Jesus so adamantly opposed. His basic message was the rituals and observances performed are not what make you a good person/saved but being a good person makes you a good person/saved.

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