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Alien abduction is a reality

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posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 04:53 AM

It seems, from what I've read and watched, that there isn't the same stigma attached to UFO sightings/abductions in Australia as there is in the US. The whole attitude towards the concept is different.

Ishari, you may find that peoples attitudes towards the UFO phenomenon are all very different and interesting indeed. Look at Brazil & India!

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 05:10 AM
thats because we have the most interactions and "leaks"

what is brazils views on ufos ?

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 07:42 AM
Abductee_193, Thank you for expressing your experence.. You did very well, without any reservations. That in itself speaks of truth.
Your/our attempts to explain it will go on forever until a day comes, that it will make sense. Until then, I as well as others that find this of a interest will ask questions as to why it was you, and some others, and not me?
In some of my thought, which comes to only my take on it this Starts with you again, What make you different then me? If you wish you can answer my next questions if you feel you want to...

What type of a lifestyle do live by... by choice?
Your diet, how do feed your body?
Are there any other intake that you consume rather it be a drug/meds/ or some other form of inhancement that provides good health? How do you handle stress?
How do you approch fear when you know its there?
How do you express Love, passion for life?
Are you or ever have been part of a religion?
Are you like others in life as you see it, or know in someways, I'm really different then most... ie: Way of life! And to what degree might that be?
How about your Husband, of the same as you for the most part, or different?
Allot of question here for you, answer if you wish, I'd like to ask the same of those that have gone through what you have... What is the relationship here.??? If I were to look at it as a experentment. As we even do here on earth, I would be looking first for a Pure-body to work with... I might get allot of slack or not on this opinion, But I'm still guessing to some extent, until the answers come to light. Just a wondering kind of man I am!

Thanks again!

[edit on 15-1-2005 by jessemole]

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 03:57 PM
abductee's are not special, not PICKED, thats like a deer that got caught ,tagged, then released. should the deer feel SPECIAL?
should other deer want it to happen to them.
do deer attribute being drugged and tagged to be some kind of religous experience...

I am a one time deer and do wish another session !
or a ride in their fancy helicopter !

i hope this gave you a better perspective.

learn like you will live forever , live like you will die tommorow....

[edit on 15-1-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 05:12 PM
hello again
When I said the aliens travel in 5 dimensions this is something that I couldn't visualise before my experience. Before my experience I could only think of things in our 3d world which is why it is so difficult for me to explain. I don't beleive the aliens define time as a 4th dimension because travel thru time is one way, only the speed of taveling thru time changes. To the aliens a dimension is a plane which can be traversed in 2 directions.
The other peice of information that stuck in my mind was the alien's use of energy. They are capable of transforming matter to energy and energy to matter. They are able to transform energy into any element that is needed but they can't just create complex materials in this way.
I don't know if they will return or if I will ever be abducted, since it has been so long since my experience I don't think it's likely that I will have another experience anytime soon. To the best of my knowledge there was no experimentation done on me.
blackSt33L I beleive that the aliens have a genetic structure which has similarities to our own which is why our planet was chosen.
For those of you who are interested in the reason why certain people are abducted I would sugest it may not be possible to create a profile of a typical abductee as there are different groups abducting people for different reasons. The greys who abduct people to conduct experiments and obtain genetic materials would likely chose somone with a particular genetic trait which would likely vary from experiment to experiment. As I was abducted by greys who don't aprove of exploiting mankind it is likely that my genetic structure didn't factor into their decision. I doubt there is anything anybody can do to influence weather or not they will be abducted. For a living I'm a software engineer, at the time of abduction I didn't have a steady job. The aliens who abducted me may look to make contact with people who have a logical outlook on the world. It's likely that to get to the level of technology that they are at would require a very logical mind and they may feel better able to comunicate with people who think in a logical way, thats just my theory though.

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 10:32 PM
I will have to politly disagree with you sir time is and has been proven even now to go both ways.

austrian scientists released 4 years ago the first faster than light transmission !

and quantum teleportaion is an off shoot of what einstein called "spooky action at a distance"
the ability to flip photons and now atoms with no delay:
no matter what distance
no matter what TIME
no broadcast
faster than light sub atomic action.

There was even a plane event where they had 2 atomic clocks in sync and the one on ground was faster the one in the air going with the direction of earth at roughly 8000 mph aged less!!!!!

1. either you didnt get it.
2. or never happened to you and you are disinfo which harms real abductees.

I hope its the first sir
what did the ship look like inside and out
howd it fly
what stood out most to you
what did you see that isnt mainstream?

repectfully i ask?

[edit on 15-1-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 10:33 PM
IF I got reasonable questions, then why are they not answered?

I would understand if your are just the "messenger" but I have to say that a few things about your explanation does not ring true to me. If you yourself are convinced that your experience is real then I would hope that you would remain open to the thought that you have been manipulated.

I want to make contack myself, so do not think that I simply do not want to accept this reality that we have visitors.

My questions have not been answered, you have told me that they are valid, but you have not answered them. Perhaps you cannot, and if you cannot, it does not automatically mean that what you are saying is not true.

Answerering them will help you look truthful tho'



posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 11:43 PM
I am only here to share my experience and relay my understanding of what was explained to me.

[QUOTE]There was even a plane event where they had 2 atomic clocks in sync and the one on ground was faster the one in the air going with the direction of earth at roughly 8000 mph aged less!!!!![/QUOTE]
Yes because the one with a greater velocity was moving thru time slower. As I said my understanding is that time can be traveled thru foreward at variable speed but never in the oposite direction (it is not possible to go back in time)
travel at the speed of light from what I understood allows for no time to have passed from the traveler's point of view becasue objects with greater speed travel thru time slower. lizzardsamok the evidence you've suplied proves what I said that passage thru time can be slowed and even suspended but dosen't IMHO prove time travel in reverse. What you refer to is entanglement this isn't information taveling at any velocity it is (from what I understand) a link thru another dimension.
Before my experience I was in at home and didn't see any ship howerver serveral instances earlier I saw lights in the sky. They would stay in the same possition for serveral moments then move across the sky to a new location. When I was with the alien beings I do not know weather I was on this planet, a craft of some kind or on another planet. The room we were in was circular, maybe about 50 feet across. It was lit with a circular flat light in the center of the cealing, the walls, floor and cealing were all a silver metal.
Cade I was simply given information that I have posted here. You ask why they can't just modify their own genes instead of doing things the way they have, I wasn't given a direct reason for this but I would sugest that if the reporductive genes were lost then they would need to replace these genes with equivilant genes from a compatible species.
You ask me to keep an open mind to me being manipulated, as I said in an earlier post I am unable to verify any of the information that I received. The only thing which I can personally verify is my experience.
I encourage all critisisms of the information I have relayed here.

[edit on 15-1-2005 by Abductee_193]

[edit on 15-1-2005 by Abductee_193]

[edit on 15-1-2005 by Abductee_193]

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 11:47 PM
The world has long been aware of alien abductions, they are a fact of life for millions. What bothers me is that people tend to think of aliens generally as benevolant, and I don't think they are.

We hear of various impressions of the abduction themselves, but does anybody really stop to think that the abductee has no choice in the matter? When they do take people, and do their experiments, they are holding you captive. You had no say in the matter. Whether they choose to be nice or not makes no difference to the fact that you had no choice in being there in the first place.

I would consider myself lucky if I had a good experience with an abduction. However, even at that, I would be very concerned that aliens can do this without first getting my permission. We are not allowed the liberty of making this decision, they make it for us. You cannot say no and that bothers me.

Should abductions come at the loss of our personal freedom of choice? How do we stop these abductions if we don't want to go. Is anybody else afraid of the power they have over us in this regard?



posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 12:50 AM
Any technical info they gave you would be helpful to me. They should have taken me, unless the tech aspect was just a FYI thing they told you as filler

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 01:57 AM
Is it just me or is Abductee getting a lot of unfair follow-up questions? It's one thing to verify information by checking up on facts... it's another thing to take a guy down because what he is saying doesn't fit with a limited understanding of science or history.

So far what the author of this thread has said fits in with what other abductees have written for many years: The 'greys' are here because they need humanity for reproductive reasons. Now... as in all ATS threads lately... this simple statement has drawn out the usual commentary about shooting bug-eyed lizard men on one extreme and semi-scientific discrediting on the other. That's unfortunate... because it just reaffirms all the reasons why full disclosure won't happen.

Anyways... here's my take on all of this:
1)If you think about the long-term affects of various artificial reproduction methods humans currently use, it is not beyond belief that humanity, as a population, will lose its ability to naturally reproduce in the future.
2)talk of "reptilians coring out anuses" is not germane to this thread. Anyone who has studued the UFO topic in detail knows that the 'reptilian' stuff on the internet is just nonsense designed to distract people from the real ET issues.
3)Abductee never claimed to be special. In fact, he made a point of saying that the aliens have been working with the whole of humanity in general. People who want to take him down based on criticizing him for thinking that he is 'special' have obviously not reda what he has written.
4)Though many on ATS may dislike me because of my personal politics... or for personal reasons... I can say without a hint of doubt that the initial abduction experience that Abductee went through was extremely similar to the experience I talked about on ATS years ago. The man is, in my opinion, legitimate. Though I do not agree with some of his interpretations as to what happened, his description of the initial abduction experience IS DEAD ON... down to how he described the room filled with a fake water of sorts. I hope that people who dislike me will not see this as yet another excuse to reject Abductee.

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 02:19 AM

Originally posted by Abductee_193
I am only here to share my experience and relay my understanding of what was explained to me.

[QUOTE]There was even a plane event where they had 2 atomic clocks in sync and the one on ground was faster the one in the air going with the direction of earth at roughly 8000 mph aged less!!!!![/QUOTE]

Yes because the one with a greater velocity was moving thru time slower. As I said my understanding is that time can be traveled thru foreward at variable speed but never in the oposite direction (it is not possible to go back in time)
travel at the speed of light from what I understood allows for no time to have passed from the traveler's point of view becasue objects with greater speed travel thru time slower.
lizzardsamok the evidence you've suplied proves what I said that passage thru time can be slowed and even suspended but dosen't IMHO prove time travel in reverse. What you refer to is entanglement this isn't information taveling at any velocity it is (from what I understand) a link thru another dimension.

you are clearly claiming this theory is yours and you cant go back in time so let me show you how you are wrong as you did not understand the info i gave you.

1. you didnt invent the theory -- Einstein did in 1930's and called it "theory of relativity"

2. the experiment i refferenced was an effort to prove that same "theory of relativity" .The math worked out to the milisecond as einstein predicted.
proving the rest which says

as you approach light speed time gets slower- you age less
as you are travelling at light speed time stops for you
as you go faster than light time reverses
this has all been proven long ago

and quantum entanglement is no other dimmension lol its electrons,photons, or quarks.
sorry your uneducated and wrong on this aspect....

[edit on 16-1-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 02:36 AM
1. I didn't claim to discover the theory of relativity.
2. "as you approach light speed time gets slower- you age less
as you are travelling at light speed time stops for you "
I agree
"as you go faster than light time reverses"
I don't beleive it is possible to have a velocity faster then light.

"and quantum entanglement is no other dimmension lol its electrons,photons, or quarks.
sorry your uneducated and wrong on this aspect...."
You can prove this?
granted I can't prove the information I was given either but the research I've done recently shows that our science isn't able to prove why quantum entanglment works either.
As I think I may have previousy mentioned when information travels via quantum entanglement it dosen't travel at the speed of light at all. From the information I was given I beleive it is able to travel across our space instantly because the quantum systems are linked via another dimension.

[edit on 16-1-2005 by Abductee_193]


posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 04:45 AM
I hope my question didn't seem unfair, all I'm asking is if they told you anything, could it be used by some one who understands the science but not the device?
For instance, did they tell you how to use electricity to do some fancy stuff?

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 05:02 AM
hello XL5

I wasn't given any step by step instructions on how to create anything usefull, that to me would have seamed a far more sensible way to do things.
As I do my own research on the net and the local library into physics I start to know the names for terms that untill now I could only visualise.
If you are of a physics background maybe you have some thoughs on the posibility of dimensions outside our 3d space?
Assuming the information I've been given is correct I know their is more to our universe then we are able to perceive. There are things ocupying the same space at the same time but somehow completely seperate from each other.
I'm going to keep up the research and hopefully when my understanding of this knowledge has improved I'll be able to provide something that will benifit mankind.

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 06:05 PM
well im sorry faster than light speed has been proven already in experimants that are of public record !

you can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink.

I am a real abductee and my hoax radar is going off, sorry.

what did the ship look like outside?

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 06:30 PM

I ask you to read what I have written more carefully. I said it is not possible to have velocity greater then the speed of light (which has never been disproven). What you are talking about is quantum teleportation which is a result of quantum entanglement. This allows for instant transfer of information from one location to another which would obviosly be faster then it would take light to travel that distance however this dose not involve a velocity that is greater then light.
Infact instant transfer of information disproves your theory that traveling faster then light results in going back thru time. assuming that you were correct and that information sent via quantum teleportation was traveling faster then the velocity of light and was traveling back thru time, it wouldn't arive instantly it would infact arive before it was sent.
I think you are deliberatly disseminating disinformation. Anyone reading this thread can look up the theory of relativity and see that Einstein has predicted that a velocity faster then light is not possible.
You have again asked my what 'the ship' looked like on the outside. As I have explained I was indoors when this incident ocured. I infact havn't speculated that I was on a ship at all allthough that would fit with other abductee stories I've researched.

[edit on 16-1-2005 by Abductee_193]

[edit on 16-1-2005 by Abductee_193]

[edit on 16-1-2005 by Abductee_193]

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 07:27 PM
Questions about The green water:
Did it fill the entire room or was it confined?
Was it luminous or was it "the impression of green"?
Were there "patches" or "sparks" in the water or was it uniform?

Questions about the interview with the beings:
Was the appearance into the circular room sudden or gradual?
Do you remember seeing any part of your own body?
You say you were given information telepathically. In what form? As images? As words? As concepts?

General questions about the state of mind:
From your account it seems like there is a certain dreamlike vagueness to the texture of events. What makes you sure that the abduction occurred physically?

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 07:44 PM
Hey onlyinmydreams,

I am new here on ATS and would like to see your earlier experinces given on this site. A past thread link would be great. You can U2U me if you like or perhaps other newbees would like to know more as well.

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 07:52 PM
hello StarBreather
This green substance I experienced covered all of the floor of the room but it seamed to have spread out as it decended in a cone shape. It was a flurecent green of varying intensity at different places. There were various shapes of lighter green moving throught it.
When I became concious the beings were allready in the room. The first thing I did was to look around at my suroundings, I did see my own body which for me makes me think this ocured physically. Since these aliens beings are telepathic it is also possible that the event didn't ocur physically and the memory was just placed into my mind however once i was fully awake it seamed completely real. The telepathy I would describe as purely concepts no imagary or words wha so ever. This is what has made it so difficult to relay this information to others because I have to put the information into my own words.

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